Wadda dude! Short, three eyes, fat purple and he can STILL pull/blackmail/coerce/cajole/cuddle the girls. Someone for us geezers to aspire to? Possibly not – he’s also misogynistic moron.
Read moreIt’s clear that the Dark Clowns are the baddies of the series and as baddies go, they’re pretty good!
Read moreTroopers are cloned Imperial Commandos. They serve the Dark Clowns (presumably Dark Clowns are the Imperialists).
Read moreDarph is after Chode for some reason. It seems that the Imperialists Clowns either want him dead or they want to capture him. Chode wants to know who he is, where he came from and Darph wants to chop off anything connected to a pair of... Read more
As the seconds ticked away we would find ourselves gripped by a strange and unique group of characters, some wonderful voices, truly excellent animation…… but not alas, the story.
Read moreGus is a robot with a heart… no he isn’t! but he has at least got a brain… a nasty one. He/it is a cantankerous, insolent and sarcastic member of the crew.
Read moreDarph Bobo is an evil clown that would split you in half and steal your beer. Yep, meeting this geezer in the pub would definitely be bad for your health!
Read moreQuite a few fans liked this episode; I find that hard to understand. This episode sucked. Ms. Hamshanks was ok though.
Read moreAn interesting diversion I guess, but I can’t wait for the show to get back on track towards the end of the season.
Read moreAnother lame episode, nothing like the sort of episode you would expect from Lex Gigeroff and Paul Donovan….
Read moreI just get the impression that the beans are filling out the middle section of the series with pointless episodes ready for the big finale at the end.
Read moreIf I had to choose the worst LEXX episode so far, I’d have to say that this one won, in fact it completely obliterated the competition!
Read moreRubbish! I I’ve been better entertained at armature (oops. I mean amateur) dramatics events.
Read moretanley has been arrested by the ATF, Xev has just eaten the love of her life and the key has passed to a moth breeder. Not sure where the story goes from here.
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