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ParticipantAnd it just keeps getting better. Just one word on the latest episode “blink”; fantastic!
Just can’t wait for the season finale……
ParticipantShould one be thankful for small mercies? As it turned out, the penultimate episode for season three was not bad at all….much better than I was expecting at this stage. 😮
Looks like the season send off is going to be pretty good after all! 😀
ParticipantWhat can I say……at the risk of stating the obvious, she is one good looking long legged blonde 😯
ParticipantAlas, audio was bad for sadcast 15, and still is for no 16. I will now try to download it on itunes, which typically will take forever!
Strange though… previous sadcasts were just fine on google video.
ParticipantI just wanted to express my appreciation to Sadgeezer and the rest of the crew for taking the trouble to:
1 – upload a copy of the film on google video and make it available for public viewing
2 – taking the trouble to add english subtitles to this russian movie
Up to now, I had no idea that this fascinating film even existed!
Once again, many thanks.
ParticipantAny news on when Sadcast 14 ❓
ParticipantI am a little late, I know, but after finally viewing all eight sadcasts, a big thanks and congrats all around for all (but especially you sadgeezer!) for taking the trouble to produce the videocasts.
Your reviews of, for want of a better description, non mainstream sicfi productions are especially interesting and appreciated.
Keep it up!
ParticipantMy advantage in all of this, probably, is that the only hitchiker’s guide I know is this movie version, which appears to have disappointed a lot of hardcore fans 🙂
Personally, I thought it was a good, refreshingly original sci-fi movie. Perhaps the beeb could be persuaded to redo the TV version, which one would assume would be more faithful to Douglas Adams vision, once it is done with the current reincarnation of Dr. who.
Later on, auntie might even consider having another go at Red dwarf, Blake 7 etc etc …..(well no harm in dreaming)……
ParticipantThanks for the update 🙂
ParticipantWell, now that the dust has settled, it does appear that serenity was the first and last movie to be based on the shortened firefly tv series.
As a lover of all things scifi, my first reaction to this is disappointment. However, we must give credit to Joss for performing a minor miracle in persuading a major movie house to finance the serenity film project. What with the dvd sales, it does now look like they will turn a modest profit.
At least, the firefly/serenity story got a decent send off.
ParticipantWell, I think it is now clear that no one is going to finance a red dwarf movie which, in all probability, will not do well at the box office 😥 …which brings me to the next question.
What are the chances of BBC putting up the money for a season 9 Red Dwarf? I am sure most of us would want to see a continuation of the story…..perhaps along the lines of the now defunct Red Dwarf movie 😉
ParticipantGo Adama 😀 . it is definately time to kick some Admiral butt 😉
Seriously, I would like to congratulate Ron Moore and David Eick for a truly outstanding first half of second season, which if anything is even better than season one.
I must say that I found the last episode unsettling. The show just keeps getting darker and darker. I just wonder how it is all going to end 😯
ParticipantAndromeda’s final two episodes must surely rank as one of the worst endings for a Scifi show ever!
ParticipantOnce again, I feel compelled to say just how good this episode has turned out to be. BG season 2 is turning out to be a real scifi treat!
It is a pity however, that Ron Moore has not (yet?) provided a podcast for this episode. 🙁
Otherwise, these first three episodes of the second season can only be described as outstanding!
George Lucas, bless him, does not even come close to this type of story telling.
ParticipantOverall, putting aside the (typically british?) attempts of injecting humour into the series by making fat people break wind 😕 , I suppose that this first season of the new doctor who was OK.
ParticipantI just wanted to say that BG second season is off to a great start. Finally, a sci-fi show we have all been waiting for.
Thank the gods! 😀
ParticipantHo! you seem to have a pretty strong opinion on the prematurly terminated show. 😯 🙂
While I would accept that it is not Scifi’s finest hour, it was not THAT bad 😉
ParticipantWell I still think that GL should, and could have done much a much better ep lll script. All of which matters little of course to the great master as long as he rakes in the dollars 🙂
Btw, did anyone notice that indy 4 is back on track because Lucas now like the revised (wait for it) script.
Oh dear! With George’s less than brilliant abilities in this area, I shudder to think how that will turn out 😈
All of which matters little etc etc…… 🙄
ParticipantGood one frey 😆
ParticipantSeen ROTS just last evening. To be quite honest, I am somewhat disappointed, although I do not think it is completely the fault of George Lucas.
First of all, most of us entered the cimena knowing how the story will end, and that certainly does not help the cimematic experience! Sadly enough, as most reviews have pointed out, I think the main problem about episode lll is that it is all about special effects, and very little about good story telling, something which was not the case with the original trilogy.
I can think of several memorable scenes in episodes IV to VI, while I suspect episode lll will soon fade away as a blur of special effects.
Incidentally, one of the recurring themes in George Lucas interviews is that he regrets not having had, at the time of the original sequels, the special effects machinary of ILM that he has today. I now realise that that was a blessing in disguise, as the prequels have degenerated into a showcase of special effects without a decent storyline (compare that with the original sequels).
So ILM are the leaders in cinematic special effects. So what! Thank god this was the last Lucas starwars movie. Unless the storywriting improves at least to the level of episode lV, I hope never to see an episode Vll 🙁
ParticipantWell, it is true that the crusade spinoff and some of the B5 movies were not that great, but still, I always find JMS storylines interesting.
Really. it is a pity that, for whatever reason, no new B5 movie is going to be produced just yet.
Anyway, let us just hope that, as JMS himself recently said in one of his emails, it is only a matter of time (probably a few more years 🙁 ) before the next B5 movie is finally produced.
ParticipantWhen you see how Theron managed to transform herself to play the role in “Monster”, I cannot but feel confident that she will make a credible Aeon. So I must disagree with the sceptics 😉
ParticipantI think I would like to travel back to Judea, around the time of Christ, mingle with the crowds, take down a few notes of the more important events of the time… that would prove interesting!
ParticipantYou know, I think you people are right! Things do not look so dark after all….
….and who knows, we might even see a star wars TV series eventually (live not cartoon please) 😀
ParticipantAnd so it ends! Apparently it has been confirmed, more or less, that this will be the final season of Andromeda. This leaves me sad and relieved at the same time. Sad, as when you lose a friend you have grown to like. Relieved, as when a close relative who is dying from a painful illness on life support, finally succumbs to the inevitable. 🙁
Season 5 (up to now at least) just does not make sense…..unless you start to view it as a forced extension of Andromenda by a company running on a shoestring budget. Then the seefra planet/shanty town lark, to which Andromeda has degenerated makes sense. 😳
What a sad ending to such a promising story! Gene Rodenberry deserved better.
ParticipantAlas, after having seen the first few episodes of season 5, I can’t help feeling that maybe it would have been better to stop Andromeda at season 4. The first few episodes are simply terrible as far as their storylines are concerned. 😯
Andromeda is in serious need of good stories. If these are not available, then shut the franchise down until they are 🙄
ParticipantSo people, did you read the latest? According to Manny Coto, exec producer of “Enterprise” negotiations with Shatner for a possible appearance on the show are “stalled” for Monetary reasons !
Unfortunately, that is not the end of the story since Coto is hinting that Kirk will somehow make an appearence in the show 😕
So I am guessing that, as in one of the deep space 9 eps., Enterprise /Kirk will travel in time and meet up 😯
Yep, they are definately short on original ideas 😉
ParticipantSure, Depp would be great…..somehow I do not think that Paramount will want to fork out so much money 😆
If they do, I say cast the new trek series in the 29th century, with a totally new storyline, with time travel as a regular feature. (I am fascinated with the concept of time travel, even though I think that it will never go beyond the realms of Sci-fi.
ParticipantOh dear, recast the original trek series 🙁 ? Are Paramount that short of original ideas 😥 ?
What about pushing trek to the 29th centuary? You know, try the Daniels storyline, with people whizzing through time and space at their command 8) !
Now that could bring in some new ideas to the trek franchise !
ParticipantI have to say that this topic I started is getting out of hand 😆 I mean…a Kirk burger!!?? Aren’t there already enough people dying of high blood cholesterol in the 21st century 🙄
ParticipantWell, I guess lots of people where unhappy the way it ended. Contrary to the usual film dogma, humanity in this case does not overcome the machines in the end. Rather, the ‘good’ machines win against a computer program gone bad, and humanity survives, but only to keep on serving the machines!!
Hell, someone might even do a matrix 4 a few years from now. Then again, since matrix 3 did not do as well as expected…….
ParticipantHey, does anyone remember the short lived sci fi series, “the eden project”?
Frankly, it was not Sci fi’s finest hour. No wonder it did not last long……
ParticipantYipee! what a great end to the farscape series!
With a bit of luck, we might even be heading to yet another farscape TV season/spinoff……
ParticipantOk, lets start this over… of October 2004, does anyone have any (good) news about “Red Dwarf, the Movie”?
I mean, is this thing ever going to get off the ground?!
ParticipantTo all the lexx people who attended dragoncon 2004….any news? Or is the lexx never to return to film or video?
ParticipantWe can only hope in ernest that season 5 Andromeda will be much better than season 4! Let’s face it, some of them were just plain bad, while the rest were boringly average.
I hope that the new writers of the series will not make us regret that Andromeda will be on for another season.