Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI’ve put up the transcript for Miss Galaxy 5000.
The closed captions recorder really did a number on this one. I think I got most of the errors… 🙄 I might as well have just typed the thing by hand. 🙄
Participant[quote=”lexxrobotech”]just out of interest, is the rift stuff the main bandwidth hogger of the downloads?[/quote]
The TTR section of the site acounts for over 75% of the traffic of the site; raw hits, pageviews, downloads, etc. Just not sadboard posts.
In December before TTR became popular the site was using about 0.6 GB/day. Now its up to 1.5 GB without downloads and up to 3 GB with the downloads.
Participantthey wanted to look at naked pictures of Six. When the downloads were down, all that would appear was a square with a red X, indicating that the picture did not load. They felt that as annonymous visitors it was their god given right to view these photos immediatly! And that we’re idiots for not providing it for them.
ParticipantIt wasn’t the forums, it was the comments that can be made of the downloads in the downloads section. It’s similar to the comments made in the news articles.
ParticipantNot all of the thumbnails are coming up properly. Also its becoming a major pain in the ass to upload stuff now. If it works, it takes a very long time.
ParticipantI found a bunch of nasty comments, demands and other wise unpleasentires in the downloads section. I’ve already deleted them. Did any of these shitheads ever email us to find out what was going on. No they just write “where r the fuckin pics”
I’m fuckin pissed! I cleaned out about 50 of them from the download section! Almost all of them from the Six section. I didn’t write down then names, as I know that if I did, I’d be holding a grude for a while against them. But it was over 20 users.
Participant[quote=”SadGeezer”][i]I now have 65Gb bandwidth for one month starting today which is why I didn’t buy the extra chunk earlier in thge month.[/i][/quote]
So does this mean that your limit is calculated at a certain day in teh middle of the month and not at the end of the month.I was really starting to get nervous there, as we were down to just a few gigs left. Yesterday was the only day this month that bandwidth was under a gig! And that’s only because THE SEVER NEGLECTED TO COUNT IT DURING A REALLY BUSY TIME. It does that [b]every day[/b] for about 6 hours, just normally in the middle of the nite when only the Hawiians are awake to visit the site. I think we would’ve already surpassed the limit, had the server been keeping track of the badnwidth 24/7.
ParticipantNo problem with that at all. I agree.
I noticed the thumbs when accessing it by FTP. (I had to the pictures for the review online somehow.) This’ll save a lot of bandwidth.
Personally I don’t think we need to add anymore commercials or videos. Scifi.com is finally doing a good job at that themselves. Although the promotion agency (which represents Film Roman) would like to see some more clips up (which they will provide). I don’t see the need though, especially with the bandwidth situation. She said that she’ll look into having her company’s server host the clips. I’m not sure where this is going(?)
ParticipantIn the ORIGINAL original short film, Six was voice by Patricia Beckman. A year or so later, Terry Farrel was tapped to do the voice of Six in Episode 2, and also to revoice Six in the pilot. The second version of the pilot featured a changed line from Six. Both lines are shown in the [url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/Reviews+index-req-showcontent-id-556.html]transcipt[/url] here at the site. The second version is the one avalible for downlaod at sadgeezer.net. Likewise I think its the only version currently availble for downloads at any site.
Really both actresses can be credited for the character. It really depends on which version one is viewing. Personally I prefer the “original” becuase the changed line in the “remake” is just a fart joke. The original is also the one I first saw, so there’s a small sentimental value to it.
ParticipantLooks like someone else came home today to an inbox full of “[url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=phpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=4286&sid=c4348e00954aea78505bdc86596ff668]where are the downloads[/url]?”
Did people actually DEMAND that the downloads be brought back? All I got was some requests that were passive-aggressive at worst.
I’d love to see the downloads brought back just as much as anyone. I’ve got some really sweet screengrabs from last nite’s episode. But I agree with the decision.
p.s. does the non-acceptance of donations from mods also apply to admins? 😉
ParticipantWhip is quickly becoming a favourite. Mostly because of his great one liners. And I know a lot of people who are like him too.
Chode will always be up there. He’s such an asshole! But he’s still great. I was watching the original short a few days ago, and I was amazed at much better he’s animated in the TV series. His new asscheeks are a great touch.
ParticipantI know, wasn’t it great!
I personally think it more like HHG has a threesome with Penthouse who’s to married with Family Guy. But that’s just me. 😉
Participant[quote=”SadGeezer”] I rather hoped that Trippin would get away with lots more ‘gratuitous’ because it is a cartoon [/quote]
Oh it does. I’m surprised that they got away with what they did, in the last episode. When they censored things, it was blatent stuff. But there was a lot of implied stuff, that was left intact. For instance the pimp going down on an alien, the cheerleaders kissing, Malak’s severed penis, his intact testicles…
Participantthanks, for saving me the trouble of examining every frame.
Although I did discover a lot of new background jokes last night when I did it for a little bit,
One of the billboard in the pilot episode features that stewardess alien (does she or her species have a name?) topless and bouncing around. I don’t know if it’s an ad for some sort of “alien girls gone wild” video or if its a board game. But I did notice a black bar which traveled with her chest. Was that the work of the scifi channel of the source animation? It seemed way too small and subtle for the network, which usually likes to put a big blur spot over everything.
[img]http://www.sadgeezer.com/tripping/images/topless-stewardess.jpg[/img] I know its blurry, but I’m using a blown up recorded source.
Participant[quote=”Denkster”]Intriguing isn’t it? here’s a hint… in how many languages can you say “SIX” ?[/quote]
Eight, but none of them are from east asia.
I’m working on getting a good screengrab up from the upcoming episode.
Participant[quote=”LexxLurker”]I like the homage to HhGttG though with ’42’ hehe[/quote]
I hadn’t noticed the 42 nod yet. Kinda cool.
I also haven’t heard any of the crew call the ship Jupiter 42, or even Free Enterprise yet. The only place I heard Jupiter 42 is from scifi.com, and they were wrong about Six being an andriod, she’s really a cyborg (this is gonna make me have to correct a few reviews). So until the show tells me the ship is called Jupiter 42, I’m going to keep referring to it as the Free Enterprise in my future reviews.
Participantafter clicking newws in the pending ocntent box, it will take you to a page listing all the articles awaitng authorization.
Click ok, next to the article you wish to authorize (post). There will be a drag down menu next to it with the defualt setting to “preview article” or something like that.
After clicking okay, this will take you to another page. Since you wrote the artcile. just skip to the bottom where there will be another drag down menu and “ok” button. On that menu select “post article” or something like that, then choose okay.I posted your article already. It seems weird that it wouldn’t come up. But appoving news articles is one of the more cumbersome things on this site. It’d be easier if why mods post a news story it is automatically approved and posted like with the reviews, but I don’t think that is possible.
Participant[quote=”Fatguy”]You guys really make me laugh. Habib gets paid 4,000 dollars (not 35,000) for your 50,000 – 80,000 dollar tech position. I got worse news for you – he is probably better at it too…..[/quote]
I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume that this is a generalized statement about American engineering quality, and NOT a personal attack. One shouldn’t make such generous assumptions like that.[quote]Such a smug attitude many Westerners have that they are the most intelligent and thus the most highly paid…..welcome to equal opportunity…..
As a Black Man – I spent 20 years in school only to find out North America would not employ me for anything but menial work; so I now laugh as you find out your “dream” job finally goes to someone with dark skin….. [/quote
Again with wild assumptions. You imply that I (and/or other posters) resent that jobs are going to minorities, based on some sort of underlying racism. Which is inexcusible since I doubt you know much of anything about any of our backgrounds (both ethnicity and experiences).[quote=”ME –>Headgehog”]I have no problem with importing people…
…Our country is built on hard working immigrants looking for a better life, and working hard to achieve it![/quote]My argument is that the labor is being sent abroad, and that the long term effects will reduce the education levels here in my HOME country. Like most people, I don’t want harm to come to my home. When someone comes here to work, they bring their experiences and knowledge with them to this country, adding to the collective knowledge and culture. America is the “melting pot of the world” because of the so many diverse cultures that [b]immigrated and live[/b] here contributing their ways to the overall society.
[quote=”Fatguy”] I drive a truck for a living…..safe for the next 20 years….. 😆 [/quote]
I heard that the typesetters said something like that back in the 50s. 😉Headgehog
ParticipantI’ve now added the character reviews for:
[url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/Reviews+index-req-showcontent-id-573.html]Commander Adam[/url]
ParticipantPost realization about my post. I’m not trying to sound like an arrogant American, full of nationalist pride. I just like my home the way it is (or was pre Bush).
[quote=”FrostGeezer”]Having been recently unemployed in Ohio thanks to layoffs, I found W’s visit especially galling. (Fortunately, I clawed my way back into the graphic design biz again). Everything he said was the usual campaign nonsense, but it still raised my hackles.[/quote]
I’ll do you one better. In the 2000 election, Cheney was campaigning in Sante Fe (I was in nearby Albuquerque at the time
). His stop there was to promote how the republican’s are pro military and he pointed out all the military bases that were closed in the Clinton/Gore years. Which is really fucking stupid. It was that bastard (then secretary of war (defense)) and then current pres Bush, who ordered closed most of those facilities. Had he been elected to a second term, the facilities would have closed during their rein! Clinton/Gore inherited the already scheduled closings. One of those facilities was the Phila Naval Ship Yard. Of which my father was one of the 2500 employees they cut. He found a job elsewhere shortly before it closed. Many of the other workers didn’t. I couldn’t believe Cheney pulled that shit. If you’re gonna lay of ten of thousands of people, at least have the chutzpah to claim responsibility![quote]I’ve been less than thrilled with his administration, and it just keeps getting worse. My nephew is in his tenth month of night patrols in Baghdad. I hope his luck holds out. What a mess! I apologize for America, everyone. Not all of us want to “fix” the rest of the world.[/quote]
When I was in London a couple months ago, I found myself apologizing a few times. Trying to explain that half of us really don’t like where things are going![quote]Doesn’t the Bush Dynasty count as one of those tyrannies W is always rambling on about eradicating? When will the hypocrisy end?[/quote]
I need to correct you a little there. This is actually the Reagan Dynasty. Dubya is Emperor Bush II of the Reagan Dynasty.Headgehog
ParticipantThis is a touchy subject, that I’m all too passionate about. As an engineering student, outsourcing of technical jobs is a major concern of mine. I’m not going to school for 7 years, just so my job can be outsourced to Habib, before I can pay off my student loans. Luckily (for me) my discipline isn’t very popular in India (or out of the US for that matter) so I don’t have too much to worry about in that regard. But still, American capitalists scare me! I really do want to remain an engineer in 10 years, and would rather not be teaching high school physics!
I don’t have too much a problem with outsourcing unskilled labor. Yes its costing American jobs, but there’s plenty of unskilled jobs already available. Just most Americans are too damn lazy to take them. I have a friend whose been unemployed for months, not because she’s can’t find a job, but because she can’t find anything she’s willing to do. She really needs to get over it. Being a cashier at department store is no different from being a clerk at a corner store.
Its outsourcing skilled/technical labor that scares me. Its more then just saving money. Its the destruction of our society. If the western world is going to start sending all of its technical work to other countries, its NOT going to remain at the top very long. I enjoy living in the world superpower thank-you. I have no desire to live in some desolate eastern European, post cold war nation.
Seriously, I wouldn’t have gone into engineering if I thought I wasn’t guaranteed a good job when I graduated. I’m not like all those liberal arts majors. 😉 [i]Its also why I stayed away from physics and mathematics[/i] Without motivation to suffer through the pain of engineering school, very few (EVEN LESS) people are going to choose thse feilds.
This whole mess started a decade ago when there wasn’t enough programmers here, so they imported some from India. I have no problem with importing people because we don’t have an adequate supply. (Too many people majoring in pysch instead of Comp Sci). Our country is built on hard working immigrants looking for a better life, and working hard to achieve it! Then some pencil neck realized they could outsource the programming for an fifth of the cost of a domestic programmer. Now its spread into other feilds like engineering as well as grunt unskilled (white collar) labor.
This is more then economics. [i]We all know that when companies save money on production, they still increase the price of the product anyway, so it really can’t be justified[/i] Companies are sacrificing long term planning (and the education of the country) for short term gains!
[i]Not my best writing, but I’m too sensitive about this to write clearly[/i]
Participant[quote=”Logan”]Perhaps you could scale down all the banners (don’t really know how necessary they are anyway). [/quote]
They advertise other sections of the site, and B5 DVD’s. But the clickthroughs vary somewhere between .75% and 1%. The B5 banner is around .33%
[quote]I’d prefer the site graphics and layout simplified… It’s difficult for people to navigate since there’s just so much stuff and so many links around the page. Looks cluttered, I think. Another reason to simplify aside from bandwidth concerns is too make the pages load faster. MAny npeople have complained that they don’t post because it loads too slow and is too complicated. [/quote]
I switched the other day to the sg lite theme. Its more text based, less pretty, but ultimately more functional. And easier on the bandwidth and load times.
[quote]HAs anyone considered revising the webpages so there’s less redundancy? One doesn’t need so much info, or graphics and banners repeated on every page. One could have the banners on the homepage and major links as well as news menus etc., without repeating it on the SadBoard (just have some simple easy to find links to the various sections).
Sorry, I’ve been getting into suggestions for major alterations — a different forum organisation might be good too — been thinking about this because the board is quite slow. Some easier way to find the sci-fi show one is interested in (some places just do it alphabetically, but I don’t like that, some new type of classification) HArd since there are so many forums for newbies who have to scroll down. Wonder why the board is so slow considering the huge number of people who visit this site? Most are going to the Guides and Downloads… but…[/quote]
Whoa huge topic change. But a good one. I’ve already spoken my piece about consolidating many of the forums together and moving around the placement of forums. We should return to this later, after we make it through this crisis. I will fight tooth and nail to keep the guide icons on the left side of the page. It was seeing all the various guides that hooked me onto the site when I first arrived, I think the 20k/page it uses is worth it. Although the news on the left side I see as expendable. I’ve minimized it myself. But that is text based anyway so how long could it possibly take to load, and how much bandwidth could it use?I changed the level of access for the TTR vid files to administrative. So now only admins can “see” the files in the downloads section. However if someone knows the url, then they can still access the files. I removed all of those obvious links. Some still exist, but if someone finds them, then they deserve to watch a commercial or short clip. I’m going to hold off on uploading further vid files. The sites done all it can to promote the show.
I set the permission to admin so that the files can be made public again quite easily. That is if/when our bandwidth problem has been taken care of.
Participant[quote=”LexxLurker”]The strangest thing is my post in this thread reverted to the original post =( I edited that puppy like 5 times compiling a list of banner sizes and average page hits lol[/quote]
Oops, sorry that was me. Last night I meant to quote your post, but I hit edit by accident. Damn moderator access! When I realized what i did (like 4 hours later 🙂 ) I changed it back to the post that was emailed to me.
[quote]Actually Headge when I looked up all the banners TTR was not nearly the biggest.
I noticed that the default banners were all 3-5k, like Sadhoo and such whereas the Andromeda, Buffy, and such were upwards of 25k+ and accounting for almost 50% or more of the total bandwidth for each page.
The LEXX Interview banners is huge as well because it’s one of those multi-moving GIFs[/quote]
Which TTR banner did you look up? There’s currently 3 of them. Down from 6! The ugly animated sunset one is a whooping 38k.
Interviews comes in next at 37k
Andromeda 24
HHG 21
Buffy 15.5
Aeon 15.4
Red Dwarf 13.9
B5 12.6
Lexx 2 12.1
TTR Chode 11.7
cat 11.7
farscape 11.4
LExx 1 11.2
ttr six 11
frey 10.6
sadhoo 5.3I’m going to retire the ugly animated TTR banner, and start work on a newer one. Or beg Barrabas to do one for me 😉
I never thought I type this, but luckily hits seems to be down today. We’re only on track for 13k/day today. WTF? We’ve always wanted stats like this, and now its become a problem. It was soo much easier last September when 90% of those hits were bogus, and bandwidth wasn’t an issue. Damn success!
Participant[quote=”LexxLurker”]I noticed an average page is about 50-60k on this site and the 2 banners at top and side are a total of about 30k, which is roughly half or more of the bandwidth for each given page.
I’d *HATE* to suggest it cause I think they stand out and are fantastic, but maybe remove them for a bit? [/quote]
I’ve taken down 2 ttr banners, and the skyscraper on teh side of the page. Removing the skuscraper will save about 260 meg/day*.
I’ll prolly retire the older sadgeezer TTR banner soon. It was ugly anyway. That’s a big banner.*based on 14.5k views/day
I’ve also removed some redundant pics from the TTR downloads. I’ll prolly go through there later tonight and remove some more redundant images and movies.
[quote=”Cat”]What sort of difference would it make to have sg lite as the default theme?[/quote]
Switching the default theme will save about 348 meg/day*. I’d rather not switch the theme to something boring if we can avoid it.We could also take down some of the graphics that are exclusive to the old sadgeezer.com . If we remove those, we can neglect save some bandwidth that is basically wasted on the old site. (Or we coudl just redirect in cpanel the main olderpages to the newer menu pages, and take down all of the old site stuff.
After everything is said and done, I think I’ll haev to take down most of the TTR vids.
Participant[quote=”CLR”][Crap – they pulled it out (was wondering why there was no comments about that). It was simply Jesus running to catch his flight (dragging a crucafix on wheels with a bunch of location stickers like “I LUV Jerusalem” on it).[/quote]
Might have had something to do with [i]The Passion…[/i] being released only a week earlier. Bad timing and such. Someone on scifi.com/tripping actually claimed that they (your studio) produced the whole episode in a few days to counter the religious fervor of the movie. HA!
There’s lots of background jokes , that I loved. Some of which I’m only seeing after the 6th viewing. Most of my faves are on the time plane. The two aliens nodding to each other in agreement, implying that they think that the stewardess is hot. Then the next scene with those two aliens (and another one!) joining the mile high club with her!
Another one is after the plane first starts experiencing turbulence, one of the bug aliens accross from chode starts shaking his booze bottle to try to get the remaining alcohol. Works great with the liquor joke!
The two headed alien wearing Jesus fish and Darwin fish necklaces were hilarious.
Finally having the winning baseball player look like a Chicago Cub, really drove home the apocalypse joke.Headgehog
Participant[quote=”CLR”]I’m surprised nobody mentioned Jesus and his crucafix yet… that background gag was put back in at the last minute.[/quote]
I’ve been over the episode with a fine pick and comb, and I can’t find Jesus. No pun intended. Where is it exactly is he?
[quote]There weren’t as many deleted scenes as pacing changes and added shots. Those I mention were never officially rendered and probably don’t have any sound f/x (if they still exist). I might have some previews but I’m sure I’d get into lots of trouble showing those. [/quote] I was thinking more about DVD bonus material. I definatly don’t want to get anyone in trouble.
Thanks for all the info.
Participant[quote=”CLR”]-there were approximately 150 characters created for the show. Without counting the reuses (that is the same character dressed up differently or made up differently). This is unheard of (at least to my knowledge) in 3d animation for broadcast. [/quote]
I was really impressed by all the various aliens, and how well they were all animated. I especially liked that one alien that walks in a vertical circle by having one leg circle over the either. It’s also the one that digests little amoeba aliens quite quickly.
[quote]This included a scene where Adam tries to find Six’s reset button with his middle finger- need I say more (funny that some people think its too crude – it was toned down alot). [/quote]
Any chance of any deleted scenes being released? 😉[quote]-the opening was NOT created by Cinegroupe. I think Roman film opened a small studio and they took care of the opening (personally it doesn’t match the quality of the shows done in Montreal – then again I’m biased 🙂 [/quote]
You are right, the opening does look very different from the rest of the episode. The actual episode seems less choppy, the characters move more smoothly etc…[quote] I’m certainly proud of my contribution to the show [/quote] We all certainly appreciate your hard work.
[quote] taking into account all of the delays [/quote]
I’ve noticed the show has been delayed more then a few times. What were the causes?Headgehog
Participant[quote=”SadGeezer”]I’m sure (if the files aren’t too big) that we can put them up on http://www.sadgeezer.net
How big are the files?[/quote]
Check your private messages. I’ve already uploaded the images to the downloads section. But they are large between 1-4 megs, so I’ll proilly be reducing their quality a little later tonight to save on bandwidth.
{edit: I’ve made the conversions, and reduced the size of the files by about 75% with almost no quality loss. However people have already downloaded the files so the larger files should still be floating around.}
ParticipantGive me an email at headgehog@sadgeezer.com
There are a few different things we can do.
[i]I’ll probably give you an email when I get home later, running late right now[/i]
ParticipantI’ve added another three commercials. You can find them at the same place as all the other [url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/index.php?module=My_eGallery&do=showgall&gid=101&p=]commercials[/url].
The three include a [url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/index.php?module=My_eGallery&do=showpic&pid=2843&orderby=titleA]long[/url] and [url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/index.php?module=My_eGallery&do=showpic&pid=2844&orderby=titleA]short[/url] version for Sci Fi’s Thursday lineup. Only the TTR part of the ad was included.
The [url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/index.php?module=My_eGallery&do=showpic&pid=2845&orderby=titleA]last ad [/url]is a long one with lots of great action footage never before seen.
ParticipantWhadda great episode. The only thing that went “wrong”, was that I didn’t start recording it until about half way through! After that evil muppet meeting where they were discussing their plans to steal all the kiddie souls, I knew I had to start recording.
The fight scenes were great! The one with Spike was cool. Apparently Angel is so strong (Spike weak) that he can whoop his ass as a puppet. The finally one was terrific.
Another great moment was when Wesley, Charles and Fred walk proudly out of Angel’s office ready to kick some Sesame Street butt, then the shot pans down to include a similar proud muppet Angel carrying a huge sword!
And who can forget the line “It’s time to kick you [puppet] ass all the way back to hell. I wish I recorded the part wher ethe evil puput talks about how all the snotty nose innocent kid souls will fetch a good price in Hell.
ParticipantCool quotes! I’ve added a bunch to the random quote generator on the main page.
[quote=”Logan”]“I’m just a sweet transvestite from Transsexual Transylvania” (Frank N. Furter, The Rocky Horror Picture Show).
[/quote]A lot of people could and will argue with you that Frank isn’t a villian. 😉 😛
Participant[quote=”Tod”]Is Tripping the Rift coming to the UK?[/quote]
I haven’t heard any news about TTR being aired in other countires yet.
I’ve also updated many of the Character bios. Including [url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/Reviews+index-req-showcontent-id-148.html]Six[/url], [url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/Reviews+index-req-showcontent-id-280.html]Whip[/url], [url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/Reviews+index-req-showcontent-id-279.html]T’Nuk[/url], and [url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/Reviews+index-req-showcontent-id-278.html]Bob[/url]. There’s new pics, information and jokes.
ParticipantI’ve also added a bunch of new pics and desktops to the downloads section. New hi quality shots of Six!
ParticipantMy ship of choice would easily be the Valkyrie from Titan AE.
Come on, how can anyone NOT love this sexy spaceship! It’s fast, maneuverable, can pack a punch. A perfect size for a cruiser type vessel, with curves in all the right places.
But I’d also have to give a nod to the Excalibur from Crusade, the Lexx and few of the ships from 2001. I have a few others but their names escape me at the moment.
Participant[quote=”LexxLurker”]When that movie was produced (83) Herbert had not yet written the final books, I think he was only up to God-Emperor at that point and God-Emperor was to be the final book. Then out of the blue in 83’ish he announced that the series would conclude and oh btw come see my movie! Heretics came out in 84 and Chapterhouse in 86.
So he began to build upon ideas that came to him from the Encylopaedia as well as the movie.(I’m assuming, but it seems odd that he had a new thirst for the “Dune” series after it’s release) [/quote]
The seriees was to conclude with GEoD.The publisher showed up to his house with a dumptruck full of money and told him to write more Dune novels. BTW he had to seperate himself from much of the Encyclopedia’s ideas for legal reasons. (independent authors’ intellectual copyrights). Much in the same way that the encyclopedia differs ever so slightly from the novels.
[quote]The other MAJOR MAJOR hint that we got in Herberts narration of Lynchs Dune [/quote]
Cool I didn’t know that was his voice![quote]“Some of mankind turned their machines against the rest of mankind and enslaved them.”
Why would Herbert contradict himself when the books clearly state that it was machines not humans that enslaved mankind?
In the prequels we learn that it was in fact Humans that enslaved manking. They realized mankind had become so lazy and reliant upon machines (non-thinking ones) that this small group of Humans later known as the Titans used that technology to enslave their own race and take over.
It was later when the Humans faced a mortal death that they themselves became machines, forever immortal.
[/quote]The titans ruled for a thousand years. But they were lazy too and created a program to manage the machines for them, this program evolved into Omnius. Omnius took control of the Titans and humanity, so the machines were in fact slave masters of humanity.
Leto’s goal was to make sure that humanity always kept growing an expanding. Except for a boom in growth and exploration immediately after the Jihad, humanity remained mostly dormant for 14,500 years. Leto forced a need for humans to expand subconsciously into humanity. He also destroyed any system that would have held all of humanity together, ex: Spacing Guild, Fish Speakers, Ixians, Tleilaxu, Bene Gesserit, Lansraad. This way is a catastrophe occurs to one part of humanity, it wouldn’t destroy the rest of us.
As for Siona, hiding humans from prescience was a way to keep a mysterious force from tracking down all of humanity one at a time.
Participant[quote=”DuLt”]tha tprobably IS the end of the babylon5, no REAL primary charachters will be there, the series will go on but not bab5 =_________([/quote]
If you think of it that way, then yes it is the end of Babylon 5 as a series. It won’t ever return to its former form. Kinda sad when you think about it for the first time.
If you haven’t seen Sleeping in Light yet, you’re in for a real treat. I wished I never saw it, just so I could watch it again for the first time.
ParticipantCool. But I live in Philly and I can’t find anything about it. Can you ask him what time/day its on, or when it was on. My brother tells me that MTV2 aired cartoons this last weekend. Personally I wouldn’t know, I stopped watching MTV after Daria.
ParticipantSorta, the last filmed episode was [url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=Reviews&file=index&req=showcontent&id=339]Objects at Rest[/url]. But the intended last episode and epilogue/finale was [url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=Reviews&file=index&req=showcontent&id=340]Sleeping in Light[/url].[color=darkred][/color][color=red][/color][color=orange][/color]
ParticipantI added a new category to the downloads section. It contains about 88 hi-res images from the [url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/index.php?module=My_eGallery&do=showgall&gid=102&p=]Pilot episode[/url].
I’ve now added the [url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/index.php?module=My_eGallery&do=showpic&pid=2705&orderby=titleA]extended version[/url] of the second ad. Its twice as long, with more Six seduction action!Headgehog
ParticipantWe had a great time, we’ve been talking about it non-stop with our friends back here. Yep, we arrived safe and sound to -10 C Philly with little incident. Thanks again.
I sent an email to your work email as soon as I got back, I’m still having trouble with the tony@fawl.net address.
ParticipantI feel the same as you sgtdraino. I was very excited about the show when I first heard about it. I even serioulsy considered doing a sadguide, before it aired. But the show sucks… a lot. I kept watching for train wrec purposes. To those is Britain: “Stop Now!”. I watched it to see how much worse it would get. It gets far worse. It hit bedrock, then kept on going down until it broken through on the other side of the planet. This show barely even has potential to be watched MST3K sytle.
Participant[quote=”Fatguy”]I believe that most people in the States live in denial about just how much their privacy and rights have been infringed. It is only when outsiders like myself balk at these new procedures and how they infringe on pleasant activities like Dragon Con…..that the unpleasantness rears it’s head.
Even Britain your ally in Iraq…..has less stringent policies regarding tourism and such…..except when the British travel to the U.S.A.. What follows is a quote from a friend who read this thread:
“Anyone in the UK renewing their passport after Oct 2004 will have to pay an extra £65 for a biometric coded passport to travel to US this only applies to travelling to the US an not any other country also it will mean having to go to the American Embassy for a visa . At the present time to enter the US involves being fingerprinted and having your photo taken at immigration. Also we are being forced because of US policy to have armed Sky Marshals on planes that are going to the US a plane destined for Washingtopn was cancelled on 4 days running while the passenger lists were being checked by US authorities who also want to know about payment details of the tickets bought for this flight . And we are supposed to be the USs closest ally . “[/quote]
Most people in my generation that I know of are well aware of how stringent security is becoming around us. At times it seems like the government is reverting to Nazi Germany in terms of security checks and other bombastic procedures. They ask to see our papers (ID) on the train, bus…
Speaking of the UK, which I just returned from about 13 hours ago, I did notice a huge difference with paperwork upon entering the UK and the US. The UK paper was just a simple: Name, home address, country of origin. I’ve had more trouble getting from Pennsylvania to New Jersey than I did getting into the UK. Returning home was much different. I had a much longer form to fill out, that asked a bunch of questions in addition to name, address etc. These include, are you carrying any food, plants, soil etc. And another question about how much (in $) stuff you’re bringing into the country. The food questions are for ecological/agricultural security. We do want to limit foreign lifeforms from entering the local enivronment and screwing it up even more. The money question, is for tax purposes. Seeing as how I only bought post cards, “I love London” tshirts, magnets and other tourist crap, it’s no big deal and customs could care less. They however don’t want me bringing major commercial items into the economy, eg designer clothes, electronics, alchoal, tobacco. Since I could resell these items here at a lower price, and have a small impact on the local economy. (Keep in mind that if one person does it, no biggie, but if 500 people do it, it is a major problem, I’m not going to discuss freshman economics here)
Any foreign national (I explicitly asked about this) entering the country has a few other forms to fill out. These are where are you staying, for how long, purpose of visit. The concern here is for immigration purposes.
I’m not defending the system per se, I do prefer the british system, but many of these controls do have a valid reason.
As for your friends comments:
1) fingerprinting et al, applies only to visitors with a visa. Citizens of the UK and most western European countries do NOT have to apply for a visa to travel to the states. Canada (aka the Suburbs)sure as hell doesn’t have to. In fact Canadians are treated as US citizens for customs paperwork purposes!
2) I’m not sure about this new encoded passport thing. US passports don’t have it so why should we require only England to have it?I must commend your friend on being turned away at the Canadian-US border. That is a real accomplishment! You have to TRY to get turned away at the Canadian border. Seriously, it the longest unguarded border in history. Much of it is serperated only by a small stone pillar every 50 ft in the woods. Some places it’s literally as easy as crossing a street.
And to add some more cynicism, Micheal Moore (a hero of yours?) had a show on TV ~10 years ago, where he proved how simple it was to get into/out of Canada. He had people crossing wearing “traditional Canadian outfits” like hockey uniforms with gear, Mountie uniforms, and even a two-man Canadian Moose costume.Headgehog
ParticipantI’ve put up some pics on fawl.net in the forums. …I know its cutting it a bit late.
Participanthehe, yeah I didn’t tell you, I wanted to keep it a surpirse. Been planing this for over three months! I meant to upload everything at once by New Years, but something bad rl happened, (everything’s cool now) and couldn’t find the energy to take care of the rest. I’ll be setting up everything else by the end of the night.
See you soon.
ParticipantYeah, a million is a lot, but that’s not even half of it. The SADStats at the bottom selectively ignores a lot types of hits (page views), and doesn’t count any of the pageviews on the “old” html site. If we include those, the real number is somewhere around 7-8 million. (I’ve really got to work on the redirects from the old site to the new one!). Here’s to another great year!
Participant[quote=”bambooshoot”]”To the many questions that have arisen here of late…yes, as I mentioned
before, there is the possibility of something Babylon 5 related on the horizon,
but again I don’t want anyone getting excited until we know if either one of
these two projects is going to actually come to fruition. We should know where
this lands in the next few weeks. The only thing I will say is that they’re
not print projects, so if you were to assume it’s for TV or film you wouldn’t
be too far off…but that neither of them are series. And that’s all I’m going
to say about them for now.”http://www.jmsnews.com – message 17017[/quote]
Cool, thank-you. Althoug I guess this means we won’t see a continuation of Crusade, or another weekly fix of B5. 🙁
ParticipantI don’t mean to be critical of anyones’ posts here, but I think we’re doing that speculation thing that he asked us not to do. I’m not sure where it says that its a pure B5 thing, or even what kinds of media it isn’t. Maybe someone can help me out with that. Personally, I’m just going to sit patiently till the end of January. But I would like to see the TP War movie or a continuation of Crusade. 😀 8)
[quote=”snooklepie”]would such a story deal with what ultimately happens to … Bester?[/quote]
In what would have been episode 14 of Crusade, we learn that Bester is a war criminal on the run. He takes refuge on a tiny colony, and basically screws with the locals’ heads to keep himself safe and unfound. Until the Excalibur gets there at least….[quote]though how such a story would work without the obvious major involement of the human race i don’t know. [/quote]
Mainstream audiences typically reject stories where humans are not in control, or are not the main characters. Titan AE, and Battlefield Earth are two examples. While many people claim that BE wasn’t that good, most audiences didn’t want to see a future where man was relegated to pack animal duties, or in Titan AE’s case, the earth blew up in the first two minutes. -