Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI saw The Incredibles with the Little One on Wednesday, and I have to say I’m glad she didn’t want to wait for it to come out on DVD. It’s definitely one of those movies that’s worth the overpriced popcorn in order to have the big screen experience. It’s not just CGI candy; there is a strong story to keep you engaged after the ‘whoa!’ response to the visuals wears off.
Participant[quote] is the one I could swear was a background.[/quote]
I recognise that one from Holosapien’s site, though I don’t know who created it. One of them is a background I think was on T’Avri’s site, but that site’s gone so I can’t be sure. Some of the others were on the Spacecast website.
ParticipantFandamntastic! 😀 Keep up the good work!
Xenia: Er, Brian, I think you could put an eye out with that thing…
*Brian stuffs a ten pound Russett into his Smith and Wesson oil potato gun*
BD: I don’t care…This is absolutely the last time he’s gonna keep the whole cast and crew waiting while he sleeps off a 12 martini lunch in the studio basement!
Participant[quote]Sci fi has recently been taken over by corporate parent NBC Universal and their spokesperson says, “This marketing strategy is not consistent with our policy at NBC, we would never intend to offend the public or the press and value our relationship with both.”
[/quote]Whatever could have made Bonnie Hammer think NBC would approve of intentionally deceiving the public and abusing its trust? Hmmmm…could it have been that Dateline NBC’s use of model rockets to make the crash tests of pre-87 GM trucks more visually dramatic set a precedent for her to follow? Seems to me her behaviour is very consistent with NBC’s.
I see no change forthcoming in Sci-Fi channel’s treatment of its viewship as a result of NBC Universal’s takeover. They can fire Hammer in an attempt to save face, but it’ll make little difference to me. I expect things to remain business as usual at Sci-Fi.
ParticipantAs far as more recent sci-fi goes, I am quite fond of that big, dumb Manhattan sized bug ship. I’ve also always loved the Moths. The Shadow ships in Babylon 5 were impressive to me.
For old school sci-fi, I’d go with the Millennium Falcon and the original Enterprise. I had the opportunity to see the model used on the TV show in the National Air and Space Museum gift shop. It was like a trip to Mecca for a sci-fi geek such as myself.
Here’s the Smithsonian’s page on it. 😀
ParticipantHow ’bout pretty please with sugar and a fiver on top?
I thought your reviews were absolutely hilarious, and I’d love to hear what you have to say about the remaining ones. I know how painful some of them are to watch, but as the Frey said, we could watch them with you. I’m even willing to make the supreme sacrifice of watching Apocalexx Now again.
*shudders* (Where’s a gagging emoticon when you need it? 😉 )streudel
ParticipantI’m going to borrow LexxLurker’s disclaimer, if I may. 😀
[quote] Keep in mind how much I love LEXX. Just being objective 😀 [/quote]
S1: Eating Pattern.
I’m not really sure why, it just didn’t grab me. Maybe it’s that it’s a jarring interruption to the Divine Order storyline, I don’t know.
S2: The Web/Net.
I have one of them on DVD, but I’ll be damned if I can remember which one. I never could be bothered to see the flip side of this boring coin. Maybe one day I’ll get around to seeing the other, just to be able to say I’ve seen all of Lexx, but really, if you’ve seen one episode, you know the other isn’t worth watching.
S3: Girltown.
Ellen Dubin was wasted in this episode. Yeah, I understand how poetic it is to have a cannibal lacking a body in Hell, or Mantrid not having arms, but both characters were so subdued compared to their S2 counterparts, so removed from who they are, I dunno, it wasn’t fun seeing them rendered to lesser villians in the big scheme of things.
I think I would’ve written them as having seats of real power in Prince’s dominion. Why would Prince employ idiots like Priest when he could have sadistic souls like Mantrid and Giggerota torturing the Lexx crew? If he was really that keen on eliminating Water, he might have thought to employ someone who destroyed a Universe. Having Giggerota devour the souls of the wicked like the Egyptian Goddess Ammut would have been fitting, especially given Stanley’s experiences with Giggy in the Narcolounger.
Just a thought. 😀
S4: Oh god, hold me back! O.K., deep breaths…just ONE episode. *tosses about 18 episodes into the hat and picks one*
Moss. Pointless filler that moved the season long story arc absolutely nowhere. Another waste of a recurring guest star. Pretty much the same thing I could say about a great many of S4’s episodes.
I’m not sure Moss is the worst S4 had to offer, but it’s a little hard to pick the cream of the crap given the stiff competition.
[b]LexxLurker wrote:[/b]
[quote]I’ve heard rumors that the Vlad-Divine Executioner stuff was slated originally for Series 2[/quote]
I was unaware of this, but now that I think about it, it makes perfect sense that it was conceived in S2. I am glad it wound up being put off until S4, though. The Vlad story arc accounted for most of the good S4 eps.
ParticipantQuite frankly, I didn’t accept the idea that Stan would sacrifice millions for the love of May, either. It just doesn’t seem consistent with his character. I have to believe that the Stan I know would’ve had a change of heart even without Xev’s intervention. But that’s just my take on it. Seems the Beans had other ideas.
ParticipantSeason 1-Gigashadow is my favourite. I love every moment of it. I’ll never forget how I rolled the first time I heard the Divine Predecessors sing ” We live to kiss his ass! “. And call me a mushy ol’ lop of Squishy drooler, but I love Kai’s interraction with Squish. Supernova is a superclose second.
Season 2- I don’t think I could pick an absolute favourite. Wake the Dead or Brigadoom possibly. After that there’s Twilight, Mantrid, and End Of The Universe. I feel remiss in leaving so many out; it’s such a excellent season.
Season 3-
[b]the frey wrote:[/b]
[quote]Battle This is the episode that got me watching the series.[/quote]Me too. 😀 And my husband’s explanation of the series had me equally baffled at first.
Gondola was fantastic…mmmm…PrinceKai. So much delicious bad boy wrapped into one little blue package. The devil wearing the face of an angel. *sigh* 😈 Oh, and the story was really good, too. 😀
The Beach/Heaven and Hell rocked, too, but I’d have to disagree with Prince’s assessment of Stan’s culpability. 👿 Yeah, I know Stanley judged himself, but Prince pulled quite the Johnny Cochrane on him.
Season 4- As much as I don’t care for this season as a whole, it has some of my favourite eps of the series. The Rock, Walpurgis Night, Vlad, Magic Baby, what an awesome story arc! I could’ve been very happy to have Vlad as a full time villian in the S4 story arc, chasing Kai until the end.
Other standouts were The Game ( can’t decide between this one and The Rock for my favourite S4 ep ) Fluffdaddy, Trip, and Yo Way Yo *sniffle* 😥
ParticipantIt seems to me there were a multitude of reasons why S4 didn’t work, but I think this is the main one:
[b]Bonnee wrote:[/b]
[quote]…in my view, the series internal logic (cycle of time motif, eternal recurrence theme, etc) was completely abandoned in favor of the possibility of a redundant and illogical spin off (ie, without the character that effectively brings the lexx universe full circle again). I felt that the show had betrayed its own avowals and characters. That’s what I mean by ‘disappeared up its own narrative arc’ .[/quote]
I think you put your finger right on it, Bonnee.
I’ve seen the budget figures per episode for S4. They were working on a shoestring. Obviously time was in short supply if they were completing episodes as late as 10 days before airing. However, it has been shown time and time again in sci-fi that a good story can overcome budgetary and time constraints. A lack of FX or spectacular on location footage could’ve been forgiven, abandoning what makes Lexx Lexx couldn’t. It seems the whole story arc was ill-conceived, in my opinion. Maybe with a little more time and money, they could’ve added a little polish to it, but ultimately, the story they were trying to tell wasn’t that good.
I have to wonder if they had it all to do again, if they would’ve made S4. Some of my favourite eps are in S4, but undoubtedly it turned a great many people off to Lexx.
ParticipantI wish I could believe the Lexx movie isn’t just a dream, not so much for me, but for some of my friends in this fandom. I’ve said this before, so I won’t beat a dead horse, but I believe the creativity of Lexx is spent, as evidenced by S4, and Lexx should be left to rest in peace, standing on the poignant ending with Kai completing his journey. That being said, I would still be thrilled to bits for you and others who want to see this happen if it actually came to pass. Most especially if MM made an appearance. 😉
However, Ms.Seeburg has been claiming things are in motion for a Lexx movie since the series ended. Not too long ago she stated in a magazine interview that she expected filming for the Lexx movie to begin in spring 2004. Perhaps it’s just that she has high hopes herself, I don’t know. But I’m not taking it too seriously until someone from a film company comes out with a press release stating filming has been scheduled.
These things are difficult to get off the ground even with funding, all the actors being on board, and a finished script. We Red Dwarf fans are painfully aware of this reality. 🙁
12th June 2004 at 10:42 pm in reply to: New LEXX bored is up and running…everyone’s welcome :) #71972streudel
Participant*breaks out her mop and bucket and begins to clean the coconut cream off the ceiling*
Whadda guy! Where else can come to visit, have a pie fight, and still get told you’re welcome anytime! 😀
I truly hope alot of the Lexx.commers keep coming back. One of the upshots to last year’s crash for me was coming out of lurkdom here. This is not just gratuitous sucking up because I made a sticky mess, although, come to think of it, it’s not a bad idea. 😉 I believe I’ve said this on before; this is a wonderful place to be.
Variety is a good thing. I like the fact that Sad’s is different than Sometimes you feel like mushroom and pepperoni pizza, sometimes you feel like ham and pineapple. 😀 Mmmm…pizza pie… 😀
ParticipantWelcome to Sadgeezer’s, Leila. 😀
I wish I could help with your question, but I’m at a loss. Stan’s Trial is one of my favourite eps, and I am quite a fan of fan fiction, so I do hope you post your fic here when it’s finished. 😀
Participant[quote]firstly, it did’nt die a slow and agonising death, S4 was good, the writers just decided that, thats as far as the wanna take it, LEXX was never cancelled.[/quote]
Firstly, I think you’re misunderstanding Bonnee. (Sorry if maybe I’m getting the wrong end of the stick, Bonnee) I think she’s just saying it sucked in Season 4, not that it was cancelled. 🙄
Although I’m glad they made season 4 for the handful of outstanding eps like ” The Rock ” and ” The Game “, I’d have to agree that it died a slow and agonising death. When you consider how long it was ( 24 episodes ) you had to sit through an awful lot of crap to catch the occasional good episode, IMO.
[quote]And what do you mean never to be seen again?, the show is still aired on TV, and all the seasons are out on DVD.[/quote]
Once again, I think you’re taking her too literally. Lexx as we knew it had disappeared by Season 4. It had become lost in a boring, ridiculous, 18 episodes-too-long story arc. In short, LEXX took a flying leap over the shark when they turned up on Earth.
No one is saying LEXX can’t be found on TV or DVD. 🙄
[quote]And as soon as Xenia Seeburg gets the rights to LEXX, there will be a brand new LEXX movie or perhaps season, so put that in your pipe and smoke it![/quote]
*takes a hit off of Sexecutioner’s pipe dreams and holds her breath while she waits* 🙄
ParticipantBig sticky good night hugs, everybody 😀 Thanks for the slurp’n’slide. 😀
*Streudel falls into a blissful sugar coma, visions of sugarbummed assassins dancing to Billie Holliday in her head*
ParticipantCream Kai Pie fight!!! Ziti Zev’s for the guys!!!
Woohoo! Now this is what Lexxians usually look like, lunatics covered in sugary comestibles! 😀 😀 😀 😀
Hmmm…where to put the protoblood? The mind staggers with the possibilities. 😈
ParticipantGroup frisk!!!
Participant*Streudel looks back and forth between Dead and Aive Kai in confusion. Her expression is similar to Britney Spears in an astrophysics class. Suddenly, her decision is made for her. A stiff wind springs up ( probably from the bean powered pogo-stick ) and Alive Kai’s little blue dress is blown up around his ears.*
Participant*after sliding across the thread on a chocolate syrup slick, Streudel decides it’s time for something with a bit more traction on viscous terrain. She throws the tarp off of the latest in Acme Food Fight technology and the board shudders at the sight of the 50ft mechanized Holstein.
I give you The Flank Tank, complete with 100mm Cowitzer. She loads the Cowitzer with a 55 gallon drum of chocolate syrup, then proceeds to spray the thread with chocolate milk*
Anybody got any cookies?
Participant*sniffs half-naked Kai thread cautiously, then unashamedly and obnoxiously, then downright obscenely*
” Mmmm…Dead Thing Coconut Pie… ”
*looks at rock and wonders why it’s giggling, then goes back to being blissfully oblivious*
ParticipantDid someone say chocolate syrup? Oh, it’s been far too long since I’ve done this…
CHA CHUNK CLICK!!! *loads the Divine Assassinator 3000 and sets it to Baskin-Robbins a la mode*
[Elmer Fudd voice] Be vewy quiet…I’m hunting Wexxians….Heheheheheh![/Elmer Fudd voice]
ParticipantAnd sometimes Lexxians look like THIS!
*Streudel uncloaks astride a bean powered pogo-stick and fires a volley of Shepard’s pies. Targeting is somewhat hampered by the boigy-boingy motion of the pogo stick. She misses and covers Lexxicon in the flaky goodness. Ooops! With a mighty hydraulic farting noise and a guilty muahahaha, she heads for the hills! *
Participant[b]Lexxicon wrote:[/b]
[quote]The Coul One started the detour, streudel…how about we gang up on him?!
And I’m not one to shirk taking responsibility for my actions either so…
***Lexxicon dutifully bends over awaiting her punishment knowing full well it was worth every minute reminiscing about such sexy stoics ***
[/quote]Hmmm…seems like we’re all guilty parties in this one. I guess we’re all hankerin’ for a spankerin’. Unless that’s too NC-17. I’ve got an idea. You get the whipped cream and I’ll load up the 50 mm pie cannon. 😉
Participant[b]Lexxicon wrote:[/b]
[quote]Revelation! It just hit me who this reminds me of…Data on TNG. Conjur him up before your very eyes and you will see exactly what I mean…from the tilted head to the bewildered yet voraciously fascinated expression…here you have it – the consummate head tilter[/quote]
You’re quite right. Our very own Dreamboat on the River Styx has that same proclivity for head tilting and a similar expression to Data when he’s processing a thought. I’m sure Kai would say ‘The Dead Do Not Look Bemused’, and I’d hazard a guess that Kai’s alter ego would object to the comparison to Data when describing his portrayal of the Dead Man, but that’s how I see it. I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing. I happen to be quite fond of Data.
I would have to think for both Brent Spiner and Michael McManus, there is a subconscious tendency to emulate another consummate head tilter, Mr.Spock. I’m certainly not saying either of their performances were totally derivative of Spock. Both brought their own mannerisms to their roles. It’s just that it occurs to me that it would be hard not to pay homage to the original sci-fi stoic.
I’m sure years from now we’ll see someone playing an assassin doing the Kai pout. ( I seriously doubt it’ll have the THUD effect, though. 😉 )
Whoah…I wandered way O/T there… 😳 Sorry, old habits die hard. Back to the Lexxian photo album…
ParticipantHiya Plif! 😀 I trust you knocked ’em dead at the festival?! I’d love to hear all about it over some cheese nachos in The Pub. 😀
As to the Michael Moore project, I thought that it was Miramax films involved originally, or more specifically, some top CEO’s from Miramax were funding Farenheit 911. Disney, who owns Miramax, had some objection to being associated with what they considered to be a politically charged subject matter before the presidential elections. I think I had heard ( but I’m just going from memory, so I could be completely wrong ) that they might be looking for someone else to distribute the project.
I am positive that Salter Street is no more. All the employees were let go and the offices closed a few months ago. If you search the news archives here, you’ll find the article.
It may be that the Donovans or someone previously involved with Salter Street has gotten in on the project. I don’t know. But I’m bored and I’d be happy to go find out. 😀
Participant*waves to Kairin* 😀 😀 😀
Way to go, XS4Xevr, round up those lost little Lexxians! Can I put in an order for a Mr.Frasman, too? 😀
ParticipantMost people that know me know I am loathe to discuss politics, so I won’t. I can only say how sad it is for someone to lead such a remarkable life, and yet be deprived of reflecting on it in his waning years. Regardless of what anyone thinks of his politics, you have to admit he did lead an extraordinary life. No one will ever likely have the resume this guy did, good and bad spots included. I can’t tell you how sad it makes me that anyone should see the tapestry of their life unraveled, that they should be robbed of the comfort of knowing their loved ones. No one deserves that kind of suffering.
I commend Mrs.Reagan on her advocacy of stem cell research. Hopefully one day diseases such as this one that rob one of independence and quality of life will be eradicated by the results of stem cell research. It would make a fine legacy for Mr.Reagan if the publicity generated by his unfortunate suffering helped in some way to bring about a cure.
My sincerest condolences go out to his family. 😥
Kai in grumpy old man voice: I told you dadburned kids ta git off’n my lawn or there’d be trouble!
*Kai falls prey to a Grampa Simpsonesque narcoleptic episode before he can go back inside to catch the rest of Matlock*
ParticipantThanks for the update, Gela. I’m all for being co-ordinated on this thing. Let me know if there’s any way I can help. 😀
ParticipantThat is a very generous offer, El_Coul. If there’s one thing the Lexxian community knows how to do, it’s pull together. Both in the community and the pornographic sense. 😛 Makes one proud to be a Lexxian. 😀
I understand a fellow named chatham has registered the domain He’s over at
I wonder if maybe you two could get together.
If not…hmmmm…I’m thinking Or maybe 😀
ParticipantOh Fourth, you are arse-deep in work, aren’t you? I hope your load lightens up soon.
El_Coul, you perfectly expressed something I’ve been thinking ever since this all began. This is a community without borders. Home is wherever we choose to hang our hat. I happen to consider myself a Lexx fandom vagabond. has always been my first home, but I frequent a great many of the Lexx boards. I don’t take sides in fan politics and the like, so for me, this whole Lexxian community is my home.
On that note, as I was making rounds passing along Troy Strum’s e-mail to iStan ( hope you don’t mind, iStan ) I noticed the folks at the DarkZone Trading Post suggested another phpboard in the style and spirit of
Any thoughts?
Participant*huggles Fourth*
It’s been down since June 1. Various Boredmembers have been kind enough to send e-mails to TPTB, but we don’t really know anything yet. I suspect drone arms are at work.
*sets up another Narcolounger*
But this is a very comfy, cozy place to be. I’ve been here since the Bored went down for a week last year, and I love it. I miss my, but I am glad to be Sad.
EDIT: Just read iStan’s post. I’m sorry you got stuck with being the bearer of bad tidings. 😥
Stan: C’mon Kai, even the Lexx is cheaper to drive than a 72 Cadillac. At $2.10/gallon, we have to sacrifice some head room for fuel economy. What about that 87 Dodge Shadow the salesperson showed us before you killed him?
Xev: Kai, I know it’s customary on this planet for a person of your age to retire, buy a Cadillac, and move to Florida, but we still need you. Now put your teeth back in, pull your pants down from around your ears, and drop the Driving Miss Daisy routine….
ParticipantYou are quite welcome, iStan. 😀 Although the credit has to go our board philanthropist and resident master of disguise, JJ. He is a font of material. 😛 I’m sure we’ll all get many a chuckle at his expense before he wears out his welcome. 😉
ParticipantI don’t know, but I’m guessing he may have had other projects, as was the case with Ralph Brown.
If you could have guest starred in a Lexx episode, whether as an established character, one you made up, or just as yourself, which ep would it be and what role would you play?
I would love to be in The Rock as one of the musicians in Kai’s little jam session if I were to play myself. If I could be an established character, I would have loved to have been Bunny in Gametown, the reasons being glaringly obvious. As a made-up character, I would have loved to have been a reincarnation of Jihana in S4. Instead of having Stanley committed to the mental institution for stealing those porn videos in Fluffdaddy, he could’ve been tried by Jihana at the beginning of Magic Baby. 😯
Participant[b]iStan wrote:[/b]
[quote]Pessimist that I am, and having often read about Alliance Atlantis’ shift away from series production to broadcasting over the last year or so, I suspect that the disappearance of the bored and the offline status of other sites might be permanent.[/quote]
I tend to agree. I sincerely hope that I am wrong, but AA doesn’t really have anything to gain from the upkeep of sites dedicated to shows no longer in production.
That being said, I might remind Mr.Johnny T Dude Knife Sexecutioner 6676 that he has been banned from Sad’s before as well. It has happened before, it will surely happen again. 🙄
When it does this time, there may be no for you to sneak into under another…ahem…brillianly sexecuted disguise. 🙄
Laugh while you can….
ParticipantI’ve caught Trailer Park Boys a couple of times. Very funny stuff. Oddly enough, if it weren’t for the Canadian accents, I could swear Trailer Park Boys was filmed in my redneck of the woods. Makes me think I should get out my videocamera and wifebeater and head to the local trailer park. 😆
ParticipantIf I had to recommend one show to get on DVD, Red Dwarf would be it. The first thing I thought when I saw Lexx ( besides ” Hey, I didn’t know they have Elvis impersonators in the Light Zone ” ) was that the writers must be Red Dwarf fans.
Dave Lister is an anti-hero in the way Stanley Tweedle is. I personally consider Dave Lister to be a predecessor to Stanley Tweedle. The Dwarf is populated with loveable misfits just like the Lexx. A lot of the themes are similar too.
I’ll probably be strung up by my toes for saying this, but the dialogue is much sharper and witter in Red Dwarf than Lexx. The CGI isn’t really there in RD as it is in Lexx, in fact, the show looks pretty budget at times. RD also lacks the human eye candy factor when compared to Lexx. But the writing way makes up for crappy sets and the lack of droololicious love slaves and assassins.
I’ve watched Red Dwarf for 15 years, and I never tire of it. 😀
ParticipantThanks for the heads up Storm. 😀
Participant*waves to Beid and knits him a Mok to make him feel at home :D*
Here’s a cup of broth and a Bowie CD. We’ll get through this thing together. 😀
ParticipantLet me ditto what Logan said. *passes Logan the Bad Carrot* This place isn’t uptight at all. I’ve only seen two bannings here, and believe me, they were both warranted. Sadgeezers don’t like Spam, but we love our veggies. 😀
ParticipantYou are quite welcome dear. 😀 Everyone should have a Mok of their very own. 😀
[quote]“That which is blessed with a bun, is Kai”. [/quote]
That’s funny, because when I channeled the Cosmic Frankfurter, he said the exact same thing. I think he uses it as a chat-up line on all the Droolers, though. What a dog!
ParticipantAlthough I can see where he was coming from, I tend to disagree with Kai’s assessment. I think virginity is lost when you have sex, regardless of who has ” girl parts ” and who has ” boy parts “. But then again, I’m probably not qualified to answer what constitutes virginity or sex. I think I’ll leave such questions to Dr.Ruth or Bill Clinton. 😯
As for Xev’s consciousness being somewhere within Prince’s body during ” The Key “, well, maybe…but then again, maybe, perish the thought, the Beans made a continuity error in ” Garden “. 😯
It brings to mind the end of ” The Key ” where Stanley asks Kai whether he had sex with a man or a woman when he did the deed with Prince. Kai tells Stan that he himself is best placed to answer that question. I would say you yourself are best placed to decide whether that’s a continuity error or there’s an explanation for Xev’s vision. Whatever makes it work for you. Me, I think the Beans just brainfarted, but that’s just my take on it.
ParticipantThanks muchly, Frey! 😀 Being the technological ignoramus that I am, I never thought of using the computer to help me get the angles right. I think the ear could come down a smidge and the aspect could change a bit. Thanks again for the fresh perspective. 😀 I’m going to keep at it until I get it right.
Participant*brings Karuba a nice, hot cup of broth and a complimentary Sadgeezer toque* Can I get you anything, Mok? A nice, comfy throw pillow for the Narcolouger, perhaps? 😀
Thanks for the update, Karuba. 😀 Praise be to the Cosmic Pretzel! I truly worship Her Divinely Salty Goodness! 😀
ParticipantI happened to catch Fatguy’s post. It was condescending and patronising, as per usual. That in and of itself didn’t bother me. It was the fact that it was only the bizillionth time he’s hijacked a thread to start a political discussion or plug his website.
I have no problem with the fact that he obviously has no interest in discussing sci-fi. I’d have no problem with him discussing nothing but off-topic stuff if he could just confine it to the Pub. Or start a thread that says ‘O/T’. Or just not jump in the middle of established threads and refuse to let anyone discuss the subject at hand until he’s crammed his unrelated point down everyone’s throats and has gotten the requisite plug for his website in.
There was no reason why, if the notion of people discussing fictional heroes bothered him, that he couldn’t start a thread on real life heroes in the Pub. For that matter, he was given his very own thread to rant in. What more could you do to make him happy? Ultimately, the only thing you could do was either ban him or rename this board The Fortress of Freedom. 🙄
He was the message board equivelant of someone who won’t shut up and let you enjoy a movie. I, for one, am glad someone ushered him out.
ParticipantI look forward to seeing your Manley Stanley….wait a minute, that doesn’t sound right. 😳 😆
I guess I’ll drop this in this thread, too.
ParticipantI hope this isn’t too large of an inline image.
I still think the angles need work. He looks a little less cockeyed than in the last version, but something about the eyes is a little off. I don’t have any formal art training, so I wind up learning through trial and error. Any suggestions would be appreciated. 😀
Oh, and here’s a link for the original sketch.
You’ll also find our very own Pet there, who, by the way, has done some fantastic paintings of Bunny and Giggerota. You might want to explore Lubka’s site. I’ve been meaning to use one of those translation programs so I can have the full experience.
ParticipantThat is absolutely fantastic! 😀 The look of the Lexx’s innards is so detailed. You definately have the way Kai carries himself down. I would love to see more. 😀