Forum Replies Created
28th March 2012 at 11:11 pm in reply to: went to see the “I am more than just kirk show and buy my stuff” #78076
Participantit was a good show – he is a funny guy. 🙂 I think he was a little put out that so many groupon-ers were there 😉
He def has has a long go at it in the business and has many stories.
I would love to go again.
ParticipantStrangely – there is a whole bunch of Ryan Bechtel’s listed on Facebook and most of them seem science-y, although apparently he now works for the US Dep of Energy…so likley not allowed to have a FB profile 😛
If you google Ryan and add rocket scientist (lol – he would cringe) it serioulsy does bring up his presentation (US Dept of Energy) on Radioisotope Missions presented for NASA – along with many other news articles about the MARS rover mission. – very cool!
As to where he is…..?
ParticipantIt was a weird one, thats for sure.
The german clockwork seemed, to me, to be a nod to the Leviathan books that are out. I would love to see those try and come to film. 🙂
I liked all the characters. I think baby doll was shown as softer, as she had just came into her predicament whereas the other girls had time to adapt and become harder?
The fighting sceens were supposed to be what was going on in her mind when she was being raped in real life. The visuals were interesting; the director also did Watchmen, 300, Dawn of the Dead, so he seems to go for violence, death of innocence, and great visuals. All the characters are seen by us as through her mind, so if she is used to thinking of mens as creepy?
not one i would watch again.
Participant"Frying Pans..who knew?"
I had a hard time at first, because the mother figure reminds me of someone in my life…since I have pretty good Mattelish hair as well, I am a little concerned for my safety and well being, so I am seasoning my iron skillet now…
ParticipantI enjoyed it. I always seem to like movies by Simon Pegg, like Shawn of the Dead; Hot Fuzz (oh no – the Hoodies!).
It wasn’t fantastic but the odd one liners made it watchable. I laugh everytime I make bagles for brekkie.
I think if Melissa McCarthy from Bridesmaids was chosen as the girlfriend interest instead of Kristen Wigg, it could have been hilarious.
Paul himself was pretty great.
All in All – it was better than I thought it would be. 🙂
ParticipantI agree, it was too slow. I liked some of the ideas, but the aliens were easier to connect with than the main human characters.
ParticipantI think Princess Bea wore that hat to distract from her crazy eyes. cucko for coco puffs that one.
ParticipantI can’t beleive it’s made a second season!!!
even sadder geezers than us out there!
Participanthmmm…artwork is interesting..i had to look up what a Troglodyte was, lol
"You could easily drive through the village and out the other side without ever realising that there is a whole world built into the hills behind. Known as troglodytes, or cave dwellings, what were once simple cavities in the tufa rock were later carved further with flint tools" (a reference to a town in France, but it’ll do)
ParticipantAs I give you my best "Blue Steel" look, I will only partly agree with your post.
It is a stupid movie, but does have some funny in it. It’s for those of us who enjoy absurd comedy. Try again. It’s like watching Austin Powers for the 1st time. Not that funny…but watch it again…
Maybe I’ll challange you to a walk off and then you can answer the question that plagues all of us good-looking sadgeezer types…
"Have you ever wondered if there was more to life, other than being really, really, ridiculously good looking?"
6th November 2008 at 6:06 pm in reply to: Why rent or buy??? Watch the entire film “The Fifth Element” for FREE on Joost!!! #77861Hollydays
ParticipantThat would be awesome – if I didn’t already have like, 3 copies of it!
Participantdna changing warfare. Slowly change your enemies into your slobbering slaves! bwahaha! Each generation changes a bit – the parents turn to science to stop/reverse the changes. large sums of money to be made by selling "cures" from one of your "unbiased" cultures.
Participantlol..maybe it’s an additional symptom Saddy, you’ll just start typing and ur keybrd truns on u… Oh no! ACKK!
I really wish MY blue traingles would disappear!
I’ll get to working on that sci-fi loop….with some subliminal messages to be sure!
Headgehog can work on the stabilizers!
ParticipantI’m sorry to hear you are losing your apt as well 🙁 I hope that doesn’t last long.
I like reading your stories
Aquabloodstone: I really don’t think you could ever sound like an 8 year old, lol!
Participantdarn good site
Participantoh yeah – and I DID make previous comments about IRONMAN with specific comments about RDJ taking off his shirt…….
Participantnow my problem is I have kids…so I haven’t seen any movies. boo hoo, poor me, I know. but I’ll def post my opinions on here once i do go see Hancock and WALL-E. At least I can take my older kid to the later.
Then Bonnee and Aqua, hishadow, and nick-Z better respond!!! I like your thoughtful tirades – Mandara k is welcome to respond as well…I just need to get out my thesaurus first!!! (and you know, find some non-commercial sci-fi that Mandara k actually likes, lol)
Participanthmm…i think it’s just a glitch. What I kept doing was writting a big tirade hitting the preview button and then it goes to the "make sure it looks right" page, where you have to hit the button again, in which case i’d look at it and hit the forum button instead or the preview again or something. i’d swear up and down i’d done it right but i hadn’t. when i tried again it was published right away.
sometimes there is a glitch where the site "forgets" i’m logged in and i have to re-login to post…but i think that is fixed now. 🙂
ParticipantI just watched it as well…I didn’t read the book first. It was very, very, bad.
Of course I took exception to some of the precepts of the movie as well. Maybe the book puts them across in a more palatable way?
ParticipantThanks Logan! I forget to actually search the threads.
ParticipantGalaxy Quest: (Tawny Madison)
- Ducts! Why is it always ducts?
- Well, forget it! I’m not doing it! This episode was badly written!
- What is this thing? I mean, it serves no useful purpose for there to be a bunch of chompy, crushy things in the middle of a hallway!
- [of the episode featuring the chompers] Whoever wrote this episode should die!
- The Chompers??? (They turn the corner and see the Chompers)Well, SCREW THAT!!!
ParticipantI have to admit I’m not that concerned about "Right Science movies and whether or not explosions make a noise in a vaccuum. I say "BRING IT ON!" the louder and more fantastical the explosion; the better!! (looking around the corner to make sure hubby isn’t around to see me type that!)
Ok, well not completely;
I will grudgingly admit that I liked Iron Man falling through his roof because he was too heavy….is that right science?
I think that a lot of "human interest" sci-fi films would make the list of right science, because there really isn’t alot of obvious special effects for nitpickers to point to. Gattaca would make my list somewhere..
The Andromeda Strain would top it. Scary as hell because it was too close to reality.
ROLLERBALL (the original, thank you!)
Demolition Man (presented alot of "that looks possible" science)
Participantbleck; Apparently the movie has to be bloody boring to make it on their list?
I have never made it through 2001; that’s got to be the most bloody boring movie in all space time, EVER!
ESEM: I almost didn’t think of that one as really sci-fi and thought of it more like…boring
Alien: ok, this one was def NOT BORING. But I agree with Saddy on this one. What’s right science about anything that grows like that? come on! Any movie that trys to close a blantant loop hole in another movie doesn’t count. (oh, they look humanoid because they take on some of the dna of the host…well, good job they didn’t find some cows then, eh?)
Gattaca: ok, this one was pretty interesting and memorable, (but still a little boring). As a "right Science nominee" though, I’d have to say it’s not an INVALID choice.
Solaris??? Acckkk..Boring! That really why she kept trying to kill herself, you know…because he is soo bloody boring!
ParticipantI enjoyed the movie….you just can’t go wrong with a great actor like RDJ.
Especially since he does, for very probable and reasonable reasons, take off his shirt..a few times….
And lots and lots of stuff blows up, and the special effects are awesome and the dialogue is fun and a bit witty.
My greviences are:
As with all Marvel movies, you can blatantly see the clues or "tells" for miles and miles which takes away some of the fun and drama, but really kills the emotional elements. It’s like watching Original Star Trek and immediately knowing whos going to die and whos really the bad guy. That may be okay for a 60’s t.v. series, not so much for a "blockbuster" movie. These are supposed to be complicated, intellegent characters but only the main character seems to suck up all the ink in the room, leaving the rest of the characters dry and montone.
Although Gywenth Paltrow is a good actress, I really hated the Poppy Potts character (maybe snakeyes can file it under his passive female character list). It was too reminicent of her character from Sky Captain (shudder)
Lastly: Avi Arad is a great director when it comes to the action bits and the comedic bits. Avi never seems to get the romance bits right. His romance scenes always come across like a high school Romeo and Juliet play.
But that’s just my 2 cents; what do i know anyways?
I’ll watch it again on DVD…but i’ll fast foward to the blowing stuff up scenes…
Participanthmmm..I gotta say that the question smacks a bit of male chauvinism
I think women and men in Sci-Fi and Action movies behave very HUMANLY.
"Ackk, I’m being attacked by a Terminator/Alien/Bad Guy or Gal/Cylon/ or other special antagonist, what shall I do? I’ll defend myself!!"
Seems a pretty human response mirrored in daily life here on Earth, I’d say.
I don’t think that most female sci-fi characters are portrayed in a masculine fashion. What do you mean by masculine? Scratching and spitting? Your example of Ripley: She wore the same clothes as everyone else in the unit ,as soliders do, exercises like everyone else (I had to do pull ups in order to pass gym and they didn’t tell me I was being manish), and fought for her life. When it comes to gender issues its Interesting that you didn’t bring up Vasquez from the same movie:
Hudson: " Hey Vasquez, have you ever been mistaken for a man?"
Vasquez: "No, have you?"
Most women and men defend themselves when attacked. I think that the sci-fi genre often isn’t considered as commercial success "formula" and therefore has the oppourtunity to offer more well rounded characters.One movie series your question made me think of is the Pitch Black/Riddick series; which offers you a female character (Jack) that truly does use male clothes and mannerisms but wouldn’t be a character most women would identify with. The female pilot (Carolyn Fry) doesn’t wear leather or glamazon makeup or man clothes and goes through very identifiable human conflicts and triumphs over cowardice to become a hero and never even "boffs" either lead male character…flip over to Chronicles and you have a glamazon female character who instead of kicking butt physically is a political butt kicker and is still displayed as a strong, not passive character. Obviously there are passive male and female characters in all those movies (and hopefully every movie).
So anyways, enough rambling. My point is simply that Sci-Fi explores the Human spirit and condidition which may include leather cladding or gender issues in its explorations 🙂
Participantlooks darn cute! Can’t wait to buy my Wall-e doll ;P
No – seriously – I can’t wait to see it with my kid.
Looking foward to Ironman as well…but not with my little guy 🙂
18th April 2008 at 5:19 pm in reply to: Has anyone seen “He that Believeth in Me” or “Six of One” yet? #77744Hollydays
ParticipantACCK! Not seen them yet?? Poor Saddy! I Have watched both and thought they were rather good! Kept me in on the edge of the sofa, as usual.
Since some of you gits ain’t seen it yet – I won’t spoil it for you, but there are some good bits..and some stupid bits, and some naked bits!
better fire up that torrent!
Participantwell – apparently I have the attention span of a gnat…I watch it just to find – or not find- your ugly fellows…and then *pouf* I’m switching off the ep. Arrghh!
ParticipantMaybe the "surviors" aren’t ?
Maybe they are the ones that disappeared? In an alternate universe/phase…
ParticipantIt’s an interesting show. A little slow moving for my tastes but I’m still watching it, lol.
It would definately be weird to see your kids grow up and get old and die. I think that it’s neat that Amsterdam has had lived for 400 years and gained so much knowledge; but not only hasn’t aged phsyically but not really mentally/emotionally either. Omar, his kid, is not only his best freind and confidante but seems a bit like Johns mentor…when John listens of course.
Participantwell, i finally got around to watching the 10 eps that are available online for us Canadians….looks interesting, kind of a Jericho take off?
Of course i’ll have to watch more to see what happened to the people!
ParticipantSo far it is interesting, if a bit slow ,but that’s okay ’cause the guy is cute; kind of an Ewan McGregor look. about him (which the directors know and really play on). In the crime/mystery/drama area its solid. As all "hand of God" plots, I find the premise a bit of a plot hole: He saves a native girl from being killed by a sword and she in turn puts this curse/blessing on him that he will not die or age until he finds his one true love…..well, if you can do that (and perhaps other spells) then why the heck do your people have to be saved from an attack anyways? "Sir, we keep killing them and they just keep getting back up!…well, except for those happily married ones over there..They bit it"
Well enough rambling from me, anyone else 😛 ??
Those of you who were a fan of ROME will enjoy seeing Zuleikha Robinson in the upcoming eps.
Participantohhhh – GOOD TO KNOW!!!! THANKS
Participantdo you have a list of eps that they are in so we don’t re-invent the wheel in our search?
ParticipantAbsolutely fabulous!
Participantoh dear – isn’t Mike drunk already?
I’m quite sure Mike is a Bender Robot….
Participantwell okay – that time my reply worked…
Ok here goes again: ONE TREE HILL????? What’s next The OC???
I really did enjoy the Terminator movies. I think the special effects really held up well (considering how "old" they are in movie time). I don’t think Arnie would ever do another one no matter what his occupation unless it was a guest part as a non-terminator. The first movie came out in 1984 and the last in 2003. In his interview about the last movie (T3) he said it was really difficult trying to look like he did 19 years ago. I really can’t understand that because, you know, i still look like a teenager (bwahahaa, yeah right!) So anyways, I give him props for all the work that went into that 🙂
on the series side: NOW I’m wondering what side Cameron the Terminator is really working for? It was obviously the music enlightened Cameron that was Derek Reese’s inquistor in the future..however, he and his comrades were unharmed and let go…was that because she was working for John still? or are Dereks efforts in the past a deteriment to John..so she let him go? ARRGH
Participantwell darn it – I thought I had done a nice reply..and it’s not showing up. Either the computer is too smart and realized my reply was bollocks and deleted it…or it was human error once again….ermmm…bad computer!!
Participantlooks great! I must say, as a "love you long time" user..I’m still weired out by how the site looks now, lol…us old geezers don’t like change that much, i guess…
ParticipantOWOW – these are some great picks! I’ll write them down and go shopping (although I actually do own Pebble in the sky and the Ugly boy).
I love the idea of being able to read a stand alone again! Whoo hoo!
ParticipantYou are evil, you know…
ParticipantOh no! More ways to feed my addiction!
whoo hoo!
ParticipantI LOVE The Last Starfighter! Did you know they had to build their own compter to render the special effects?
I love all bad sci-fi – I own Judge Dredd, Escape from L.A., Demolition Man, Starman and Enemy Mine (both which are actually really good), The Last Starfighter, Cherry 2000, 3 copies of 5th Element, and even The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen! I could go on?
I fall in love with the Idea that the movie presents, even if it is badly rendered…
Now, I have a bone to pick with the poster who listed Logan’s Run. That is not hall of shame material, it’s a cult classic!!!
ParticipantI watched this series when it 1st aired, and kept thinking I had missed episodes..but no, there were just these big leaps in the story, I suppose to make it seem more mysterious? It just made it confusing to me.
It was a cool premise though.
ParticipantBene Gesserit Sisterhood from Dune would be who I would vote for religion/race….
I can’t say I’ve ever gotten into that much of an argument though…but then I tend to keep my mouth shut both when it comes to overconsumption of tasty beverages and Sci-Fi “points to ponder”. There is always a better, more knowledgeable geek out there than me with great points or a better right hook (although mine is pretty damn good ;-P )
ParticipantLOL! Team America! That movie ruined movies for me……I always hear in the back of my mind “Got to have a montage…to show the passage of time…”
ParticipantWell…after having to look up what jingoistic meant, lol, I would have to agree that SG-1 would certainately fall into the realm of being
“Extreme nationalism characterized especially by a belligerent foreign policy; chauvinistic patriotism.”They must have ran out of Alien baddies i guess…
The Russian episode really was one of the worst they’ve put out there. I would think the days of ruskie bashing would be over, but many shows seem dertimined to hold onto outdated stereotypes and generalisations. Piss poor writing.