
Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: New Topic – New LEXX Forum #60350

    FX, I understand your concerns and I know there were problems with certain people (not all of them from Scifi, I might add). I’ve tried repeatedly to reassure you, apparently to no avail, so let me be blunt as well. I am not the one who keeps bringing up the subject of clone fiction or the supposed threat from the people at Scifi (who are all apparently lumped together with the individuals in question). I will say it for the last time and as clearly as possible: the Scifi writers of clone fiction do not intend to post their CF here. They’re aware that there’s going to be a fanfic forum here, and they do not care. Some of them might even want to post fanfic stories here (if they’re welcome), but they would have every intention of abiding by the rules just as they do at Scifi. I can’t say it any plainer than that. As for my “condescending” tone, I believe I have been more than patient, considering the welcome I received.

    Or, since you are an administrator, say the word and I will withdraw with no argument. I was highly flattered when Sad asked me to help out, but I don’t think I can contribute much if my presence is viewed with continued suspicion.

    in reply to: New LEXX Forum – NAME #60317

    Okay, so… I’m back to my original question: is the forum just to be for Lexx, or is it to be for all of the shows, or are we just *starting off* with Lexx and adding others later, or… oh, never mind. My brain hurts now. [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img]

    in reply to: New LEXX Forum – FAQ/Rules #60279

    [b]I would think it would work the same way as feedback is left on every other board: the reply button[/b]

    I understand, Headge, but if stories are posted, say, in six installments in a single thread, and all the feedback posts are in that thread, isn’t everything going to be jumbled up together?

    in reply to: New LEXX Forum – FAQ/Rules #60276

    [b]I think I see what you mean. Has the use of other people’s characters been a frequent problem?[/b]

    Frequent, no. But it *has* happened, and when it did, it caused a lot of problems. I think if we just make it clear that it shouldn’t be done without an agreement, people will abide by that.

    If it does happen, it’s probably best if we sit back and watch to see if the creator of the character objects. If there’s no objection, then maybe they don’t care, and there’s no need for us to do anything.

    The thing to understand about these stories is that they are the author’s babies, and they are very protective of them.

    That brings up another question: what about feedback? A lot of the pleasure in writing stories (and the way writers improve) is through feedback from the readers. How will that be posted?

    [ 06-02-2002: Message edited by: dgrequeen ]

    in reply to: New LEXX Forum – NAME #60312

    If it’s to be a forum for fanfiction from all the shows, then we probably don’t want Lexx in the name (although I like Lexxlines). Maybe SadWriters? Or GeezerLines? [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

    Description: A site for aspiring writers to develop their craft.

    Forums: Screenplays; Fanfiction; Original Fiction (as an example); Art Links.

    Description of Forums: Well, the names are pretty self-explanatory, except maybe for Art Links, which I would describe as a site where artists can post links to their sites and discuss their work.

    Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Rotten tomatoes?

    [ 06-02-2002: Message edited by: dgrequeen ]

    in reply to: New Topic – New LEXX Forum #60348

    [b]because obviously all of it made such a poor and lasting impression on several people last time… [/b]

    Including me. But I prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt and make the attempt to get over past differences.

    in reply to: New LEXX Forum – FAQ/Rules #60274

    [b]okay, i am confused again, or more so than usual …if we are not doing clone fiction, than why does the character or story setting come into play? and why would someone’s nick enter into it? if the nickname is registered, no one can come in under it…and i thought you were only allowing registered participants… unless i am missing something here, which is entirely possible, it sounds like we are getting into the ‘ownership issues’ of the clone/ct stuff i thought you guys were tableing that for now?[/b]

    If you create an extraneous character for a fanfic, you don’t want someone coming along and appropriating that character for another story, unless you’ve agreed to let them do it. This could conceivably happen if we are writing stories building on a season 5 storyline or on the spinoff. Likewise, it’s possible that someone may write a satire using people’s nicks, although frey’s suggestion that we don’t allow real people to be used might take care of that. I’m sure you’ve seen MissJean write herself into the Stanley Tweedle Show. That’s fine for her, but I feel pretty certain she wouldn’t want somebody else doing it.

    I’m well aware that no one can post under someone else’s nick. That wasn’t the issue.

    [ 06-02-2002: Message edited by: dgrequeen ]

    in reply to: New Topic – New LEXX Forum #60346

    Relax, people. I already broached the subject of Sadgeezer’s new forum with the Scifi peeps back when Sad asked me to do this. Very few of them showed more than mild interest. It seems that they loom much larger in your imaginations than you do in theirs, so if we can just stop worrying about what the Scifi people are saying and thinking, and just concentrate on setting up Sad’s new forum, things will go much more smoothly.

    in reply to: New LEXX Forum – Moderation #60294

    People will be used to the way all the forums work presently. I don’t think you should make substantial changes.

    A banner would be nice, maybe someone will volunteer the artwork.

    in reply to: New LEXX Forum – NAME #60310

    I have a question: If the other forums start clamoring for a fanfic site of their own, will you set up separate forums for each one, or just make this one all-inclusive?

    in reply to: New LEXX Forum – FAQ/Rules #60271

    For rules, my suggestions are simple: no flaming, and don’t use other people’s nicks, characters, or story settings without permission. I thought Headgehog’s idea was very good.

    As for FAQs, I’ll have to defer to the more technically minded.

    in reply to: New Topic – New LEXX Forum #60339

    I repeat from my earlier post: I don’t think we should worry about clone fiction in the beginning. If other people decide later that they want to do it and ask for a clone fiction forum to be added, we can do that, but for now, we should probably just stick with the three forums I suggested (which seems to be more in keeping with Sad’s original idea), and maybe an extra one for people to discuss their artwork and post links to their sites.

    Like I said, clone fiction has a special place at Scifi and will probably just stay there.

    in reply to: New Topic – New LEXX Forum #60336

    Aha! Thanks, FX.

    Sorry about that, Flamegrape.

    in reply to: New Topic – New LEXX Forum #60334

    [b]How would an art forum work anyway? [/b]

    I assume it wouldn’t be a “forum” in the strictest sense, like the ones that are already here. If Saddy has the space, presumably single pics could be uploaded for display, but considering how much room they take up (and especially if people get into animation and comic panels), I assume people will just post links to their own sites. Of course, they’ll want to “talk” about their work, and collaborate with each other, so they need a place to do that.

    I’ve never done this before, and I’m clearly no expert on computers or websites, so I’m open to anything anybody has to say about it. Also, Flamegrape isn’t on board yet, and I’m sure she’ll have ideas of her own.

    [ 04-02-2002: Message edited by: dgrequeen ]

    in reply to: New Topic – New LEXX Forum #60332

    Um… I know I said I didn’t object to clone fiction here, but the truth is, I don’t really want to start off with it. It makes me cringe even to mention it here because of all the division. I had assumed from the beginning that this was to be a forum just for regular fanfiction, etc. Clone fiction is well established at Scifi and will probably stay there. So, if everyone agrees, maybe we don’t have to bother with a forum for it until, or unless, people start asking for it and/or posting stories.

    I agree the rules should be kept to a minimum, and presented as guidelines only, mostly concerning things like flaming, or using other people’s nicks and characters without permission, or posting things that are just too seriously sick. I defer to you all regarding where to draw that line.

    I forgot about the artwork forum, too, so that’s four forums, not three.

    [ 04-02-2002: Message edited by: dgrequeen ]

    in reply to: New Topic – New LEXX Forum #60330

    Okay, well, to start off, I suggest we set up three forums: one for regular Lexx fanfic, including stories for the nonexistent Season 5 (I suppose you could include Kai stories in that); one for stories for the Lexx spin off (which is probably going to start slowly, since we have no idea what direction that’s likely to take); and the third for screenplays where people can collaborate, or just work on their own. If people start asking for a forum for clone fiction, we could set that up later.

    Suggestions, questions, differences of opinion, anyone?

    in reply to: New Rolf Kanies Interview #59788

    Excellent interview!!

    But I’m sitting here with an extremely red face because, for the first time, I realized what I put on the name tag I made for him for UnCon 2001: Rolfe Kaines.



    in reply to: New Topic – New LEXX Forum #60327

    Okay, now I have to ask a question. Sad, I know you said that you wanted this forum to more or less put together the Season 5 we would have liked to see, or stories for the spinoff. Did you also mean to allow clone fiction here? I don’t have any objection to clone fiction being posted at this board (Lordy, everybody knows I LOVE clone fiction [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] ), but I assumed this was solely for regular fanfic. I need clarification.

    Headge, I don’t think you’ll see stories posted here quite the same way as they are at Scifi, because this board works differently. And I don’t see why there should be arguments, since the stories will be confined to a separate forum, easily ignored by those who don’t care for fanfiction.

    *Now* that’s my two cents. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    in reply to: New Topic – New LEXX Forum #60326

    **Should we set up a new CATEGORY? One which had a forum for fanfic, a forum for LEXX 5 scripts, and a forum for Fun One-Line Story posts (or indeeed, others – such as artwork etc.)**

    I think we should offer as many options as we can, so we can attract a wide range of people. Separate forums would work for that, and I do like the idea of having a place for artwork. We’ve got some talented comic writers and illustrators out there.

    **We really need to determine what the forum will do. Will it concentarate on fanfic, how will we manage the posts. What happens if we don’t agree with something that is sent in (tasteless) hehe. and what if someone posts Kaiporn? What are the rules of the forum?
    How will the forums be managed – What if TheFrey and DgreQueen have a professional dissagreement about the content of some fanfic that is posted? How will this be resolved to the satisfaction of bothe (or all) Moderators?**

    First of all, I’m not in favor of actual “porn”, Kai or otherwise. That said, I’m not particularly shockable, and I’ve seen some great writing with some sexual content in it. However, I think for the purposes of this forum, we might want to set some guidelines. Lexx itself never does more than suggest (anal humor aside [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img] ), and we might want to just stick with that. (Besides, there won’t be any Kai in S5, right?) That brings up a question about violence. A lot, some, or none? I think violence is necessary to advance some stories, but maybe we can gently suggest that bloody, gory, gratuitous slaughter is not exactly what we’re looking for?

    As for moderator disagreements, I think we’re reasonable, grownup people. We can discuss our differences in emails or chats or even in this forum, and come to mutually acceptable compromises. I don’t actually see many disagreements arising anyway, if the guidelines are clear to everybody.

    When all is said and done, the writers are understandably going to want to write their stories *their* way. If we can keep the rulemaking to an absolute minimum, we’ll be better off.

    **How (and this is probably the most difficult of all the issues) do we develop a forum/category that requires little maintenance (ie. editing of posts) and maximum discussion. – My original idea was that we could develop a story or script each part of which, would be discussed with contributors. there would be some sort of consultation procaess and a decision (probably be the moderators) before that part of the script was posted (in say a chapter section). Is this sort of approach realistic?**

    There are a couple of ways it could be handled. For screenplays or short stories offered for the S5 spin off (or books, or whatever we’re trying to persuade Salter and AA to look at), the consultation method might be a very helpful way to go for all concerned. For regular fanfics, moderators need not be involved much at all. On the scifi board when the writers want to collaborate, they email the parties in question and send their chapters to each other for approval before posting. Sometimes they post on the board itself and ask for volunteers before writing the story.

    In the “just for fun” category, though, you can come up with some screamingly funny stuff just by throwing bits and pieces out there for other people to pick up. That could be our brainstorming forum, heh heh.

    Anyhow, that’s my two cents.

    [ 04-02-2002: Message edited by: dgrequeen ]

    in reply to: UsCon Lexx Vegas Hotel Info #61246

    I may be a little offbase posting to this, since it doesn’t look like I’m going to be able to make it, but I’ve been to Vegas several times so maybe I can offer a little helpful advice.

    You are better off staying in one of the bigger hotel/casinos like the MGM Grande, or even one of the offstrip ones. They may look rich and expensive, but they actually do have some reasonable rates, especially now that tourism has fallen off so badly. There are buffets all over town where you can eat on the cheap, and there are ALL KINDS of free spectacles and shows. Some things will cost money (the virtual reality rides, for instance). They generally run around $10 or so, which isn’t so bad, and they are well worth it if you like that kind of thing.

    While you’re there, make sure you take in Caesar’s Palace Forum Shoppes and the Lost Atlantis show, the pirate show in front of Treasure Island (get there early), and the water dance in front of the Bellagio after dark. If you’ve got guts of steel, ride the roller coaster at the top of the Stratosphere (an experience not to be missed, although I did, heh heh). By all means, invade the Star Trek exhibit at the Hilton, and make sure they know you are Lexxians. Remind them several times. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    You’ll probably have to rent a car. If so, stay off the Strip as much as possible. It’s bumper to bumper from dawn to dawn. Get yourself a good street map and get around on the back streets and side streets.

    I don’t recommend staying downtown in the old part of Vegas, but definitely go down there at night. They’ve got a light show on Fremont Street (which is a canopied mall now) that’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Ignore the Asian women trying to lure you into the arcades with a free roll of quarters. [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img]

    As for gambling, I’m not attracted to it, so I have no advice other than to remember that the odds are stacked in favor of the house always. I wish you all a good time and that you come home with at least some of your money. [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]

    in reply to: New Fans! #51475

    Well, I have to say that I have mostly liked Season4 a lot. But then I also liked the movies, Season2, AND Season3 (my favorite). You might think I’m just easy to please, but I like to think that I’m a Lexx fan who’s always open to and adaptible to change. After all, that’s what Lexx has always been about. The Beans never wanted to keep turning out the same formula year after year.

    That said, there are episodes I don’t care for. I absolutely hated White Trash, but I’m willing to admit that my dislike is probably due more to my own sensitivities than to the writing or acting in that ep. I also didn’t really like Love Grows (although I thought Xev was pretty funny as a man), and I don’t like most of A Midsummer Nightmare. So what? I’d wonder about myself if I liked every single episode uncritically.

    I’ve noticed the new fans though, and that’s pretty cool. I’m willing to bet if Scifi will put Lexx into syndication the fan base will grow and grow.


    in reply to: The NEW LEXX Forum #60255

    Hello, everyone. My thanks to Sadgeezer for inviting me here. His new forum idea sounds like an exciting project, and I’m happy for the opportunity to help out if I can. I look forward to working with Thefrey and Flamegrape and Headgehog, and everybody else who will be contributing and strutting their stuff (as only creative Cult TV fans can do).

    I offered to withdraw if there was a general feeling that someone else should be a moderator, but Sad seems to think I have something to offer. I hope I don’t disappoint. I’ll do my best not to anyway.

    Frey, I like your suggestion about the “add a line” game. [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

    I’m also hoping it won’t be too much out of line to ask Brian Downey for story suggestions. When we first learned Season4 was a go, he chatted with the fans and asked for story suggestions. Maybe he’ll return the favor.

    in reply to: the dead do poo! #56941

    I agree, this was a funny ep! (sorry, Sad, I can’t help myself)

    I wish I could have been a fly on the wall when they were making this ep. I can just imagine the throwaway lines and the facial expressions (I bet we didn’t even see HALF the mugging!). I’m with LexxLurker, the best line was Kai’s “I’ll be right back.” And Prince, trying to worm his way out of being probed with the rest of them!

    The Beans are doing what they best: leaving no sacred cow unmolested!!


    in reply to: O/T: An Apology #51670

    A few weeks ago, I heard an international expert say on the radio that one of the most remarkable achievements of Western society is the capability to get people to sit down in the same room and talk with each other, even though they are armed to the teeth. I’ve been following the debate about the treatment of the prisoners at Camp X-Ray, and the bottom line is this: they are being treated humanely, despite their ongoing threats to murder their guards if they get their hands on a weapon. The military commander at Camp X-Ray has stated publicly that he is observing the Geneva Convention de facto, even though it is not the stated official policy of the U.S. Government concerning these people, and they have not been declared prisoners of war. The reason for this is simple: we DO believe in the rule of law, we ARE a civilized society (despite our flaws), and pragmatically, what goes around comes around.

    I think we in the U.S. do understand that there is some objection to our policies in other countries, but that there is support also. The essence of a free society is to be able to disagree without fear of violence.

    Personally, I think some of those detainees will be quietly sent home when things settle down (which I admit could take a while). The others may end up in prison forever, and those hard-core are the ones I’m happy to see locked up. We would like to believe that they’re mostly brave, honest, misguided men fighting for what they believed to be right, but the simple fact is, many of them are nothing more than murderous brutes who loved the killing for the sake of killing. Did we think our own society is the only one that produces such aberrants? I hardly think so, when so many of them have been taught from childhood that God approves of the killing of infidel scum and the negation of the female half of the human race.

    That said, my highest hopes are that once the shooting is over, the West will begin a different kind of campaign in the Middle East, to convince them that we and our ways are not as inherently evil as they believe.

    *stepping off the soapbox now.* [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    in reply to: Blown Away (not sci fi) #43196

    quote[quote] You and Newkate will be looking forward to the new British miniseries currently in production then Tony – apparently it intends to be more faithful to the book, given the extended treatment. We shall see. Lean’s movie is famous for making Pasternak’s novel a little too lean, and for emasculating a complex narrative in favor of spectacle and a love story. Will be interesting to compare of course. [/quote]

    I hope they eventually show that in the U.S. I saw Dr. Zhivago the movie when it first came out, and all I can remember these many decades later is some gorgeous scenery and Omar Sharif. And I love most British miniseries (miniserieses?). Bless their hearts, they do like to give you a bit of story with the cleavage and eye candy.

    in reply to: Buff Mag Stuff #43191

    Nice mag, but did anybody notice they misspelled James Marster’s name on the cover?


    in reply to: Cheapness of S4 #51425

    Whatever your opinions of the special effects, etc. on the show, it is most certainly NOT due to lack of money. SciFi funded the fourth season, giving Salter a bigger budget for Lexx than they ever had before. So far, the only stinting I’ve seen in setting is in AMSN where they did so much filming in that tent, and I think that was only because insurance glitches kept them out of the empty power station. The CGI has been as good as ever, IMO.

    I did groan when Oberon said Titania was never any good in the sack, though. [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]

    in reply to: Season 4 and its Critics #51507

    I have to weigh in here and say that I’ve really been enjoying Season 4 for the most part. I mean, we fought hard enough to get it!

    I liked Bad Carrot. There, I said it. But then, my sense of humor has always been a little skewed toward the scatalogical.

    AMSN wasn’t as good IMO (that’s Battersea Power Station in the background, btw, which is apparently closed — too bad they couldn’t film inside). But there were bits about the episode that I liked. I don’t recall ever seeing Patrick Gordon in anything before, but I think he must be a marvelous actor. In any case, my dislikes aren’t enough to keep me from watching Lexx to the end, and loving it. I’ll be terribly sad when it’s gone, but I wish the cast and crew et al well in their new, non-Lexx lives.


    in reply to: NEW! Lexx this week! #51545

    YES! New Lexx! New material! New funnies! I can’t wait!


    in reply to: Just had dinner with Brian and Ellen #52200

    This is absolutely the best news, and I bet Brian was about to bust like a little kid with a secret, wanting to talk about it!

    I think I can face the end of our present incarnation of Lexx a little better now. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    in reply to: Your hobbit name generator. #43161

    I’m alternately Lila Grubb of Little Delving, or Camelia Bumbleroot of Haysend, depending on whether I used my nick or my real name. *snort*

    in reply to: Interview with Rolf ‘President Priest’ Kanies pl #51119

    Questions for the Prez:

    Did he have fun working on Lexx, and if there had been a Season 5, would he have done it again if asked back?

    Was it a little creepy playing Hitler?

    Does he plan to stay in Canada, or seek work in the U.S., or will he return to Germany?

    What did he think of UnCon 2001 and the fans?

    in reply to: Lord of the Rings movie (some spoilers) #43146

    Took my courage in my hands and went to see LOTR over the weekend. Actually, although the place was fairly full, everyone sat through the movie quietly, even the children, for 2 hours and 58 minutes (that’s how good it was).

    I’m always gratified when they pass up big name stars in favor of lesser-known actors who actually still have a love of what they do, as well as talent and skill. Not one actor, not one scene struck a false note with me (except maybe that Frodo is just a little TOO precious). And I think I know why they opted to film all three movies simultaneously — aside from making maximum use of the sets and keeping the characters looking the same age, I think they just didn’t want to lose the creative momentum they had going. This one will be remembered for a long, long time, if only for the incredible competence and loving attention to detail in *everything* — the sets, the effects, the script, the acting, the music.

    I left the theater wishing I could go back next day to see the next movie in the trilogy. Gah! It’s a whole *year* before that one gets released! And then *another* year for the final one!

    I agree, Sad, Sean Bean was very good. They all were.

    in reply to: S Novym Godom #59762

    Brrr! Happy New Year, Sad and Newkate. Siberia, huh? Can’t wait for the stories.


    in reply to: Happy New Year, Lexxy People! #51114


    [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img]

    in reply to: Need pictures of Lexx. (Please!) #51078

    I wasn’t trying to be sarcastic at all. Yes, I’ve seen more elaborate sites, but yours certainly beats my own. And I always appreciate people who put up pics for other people to use or look at.

    in reply to: Need pictures of Lexx. (Please!) #51076

    Nice site, Flamegrape.

    in reply to: lexx downunder – episode 1, season 4 #56863

    I hope you don’t mind my jumping in here, bonnee, but I find your questions interesting.

    [b]how do you know about Jeff Pustil reappearing in the survivor takeoff?[/b]

    We in the US have already seen S4 episodes up through Magic Baby.

    [b] and if you don’t mind me asking – are you a humanities or science student? [/b]

    I count people from every background among the number with whom I chat. Many are computer techies, which is only normal since this is a computer medium after all, and most of those are female. I myself come from a personnel/humanities background (I know, odd combo), and still others are in retail or are housewives. A few have legal backgrounds. Real life functions seem to have little to do with an interest in Lexx.

    [b]do you think your background makes an difference to the genre indiscrimination?[/b]


    As to the sexuality/necrophilia question, most of the women with whom I talk refuse to accept Kai’s deadness as definitive, so I don’t think necrophilia really enters into it. The point is, he’s a very sexy, good-looking man, we all know the difference between the actor and the character, and he is competently performing his job as entertainer, as we are performing ours as spectators. I will say, however, that one reason everyone is shocked by the preponderance of females to males is that females have always been underestimated, and this is just another example. Kai is NOT the only reason to watch Lexx.

    Certainly a lot of the humor and innuendo is directed squarely at the gay/bi audience. The Beans wasted no opportunity to mine every corner of society for ratings. That’s show biz, folks.

    in reply to: LEXX Book Update #51098

    I said it before, and I’ll say it again. I believe that Lexx has the legs to become a long-lasting cult phenomenon, just like Star Trek (well, not just *like* Star Trek, but you know what I mean). If that’s the case, then there’s still hope for the book. Count me among the fans who would like nothing better than to buy and read it, Val.

    in reply to: JMS says that Rangers will extend B5 #58255

    I’ve been a close follower of JMS’s career since his days as a columnist in Writer’s Digest, among other things. I was a dedicated fan of B5, and saw every one of them (although I can’t cite specifics on any of them, that’s not my thing). I hated Crusader, but I expect that’s not JMS’s fault, especially reading what I read about it here.

    I hope for big things from Legend of the Raiders.

    in reply to: Lord of the Rings movie (some spoilers) #43143

    As I’m not fond of sticky seats and compulsive gabbers, I generally wait for things to come out on video. But every year or so, I make an exception, and I think LOTR will be it this year.

    There was a special on TV (Fox?) about The Making of LOTR. They discussed everything from choosing the cast, to costuming, to training for the fight scenes, to building the sets to look as closely as possible like Tolkien’s illustrations, the choosing of New Zealand as the location. It was a wonderful special, and from what I could see, it’s a wonderful movie.

    They risked making it a special effects extravaganza at the expense of the story, but the story itself is not so easily overpowered, and they tried to be as faithful as they could. I’m going to go see it for sure (but I WILL wait for the crowds to thin out a bit).

    Btw, good to see the site’s back, Sad. We were wondering what happened.

    in reply to: lexx downunder – episode 1, season 4 #56856

    Hi, Bonnee, USA here. I’m sorry you’re disappointed in Lexx. I really like the show myself, if only because it’s so different from the bland, prudish dreck we usually get.

    I am female, a bit older than the norm, which falls in the 18-49 range, with the biggest population in the middle. I think I read somewhere once that Paul Donovan estimated there was about a 60% ratio of females to males. Lexx, apparently, appeals to more than just teenaged boys. I think his figures are correct, if only because most of the Lexxians I talk to regularly online are female.

    We’ve been told that Lexx is building toward a final climactic denouement which will tie all of the series together. True, it’s had some weak episodes, but it’s also had some very, very good ones (and this is true of every TV show). As good as the Beans are, it would be impossible to churn out excellence every single time.

    Happy holidays, btw!


    in reply to: Adrian Paul’s TRACKER #43502

    I’m catching the episodes on rerun, and it’s an engaging show. Of course, Adrian Paul dresses up everything he’s in, and it’s different to see Geraint W-D as a villain (because I never saw him in anything else but Forever Knight).

    The only complaint I have is that the sound quality seems to be pretty bad. Does anybody else have this problem? [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img]

    in reply to: My thoughts on the Metaphysics of S3 #56827

    [b]As for Hogtown, it could be that it’s not the adjucationists’ punishment that we’re looking at, but those subject *to* the adjucation… [/b]

    Actually, since seeing that episode, I’ve had a sneaking suspicion that the adjudicators were reincarnated Brunnen-G, paying the price for their love of endless bureaucracy. My suspicion was prompted by the adjudicator who hums the Brunnen-G tune to himself when Kai steals his balloon (since that was the song they sang when they are about to die).

    [b]Now, about Water, there isn’t a God figure because the Beans may believe that a true paradise doesn’t require supervision (I mean, really, why would it?). All of the needs of the denizens are provided by people whose love is to provide those needs, and if they’re killed, they come back in paradise again with no memory of being killed.[/b]

    I have to agree with this point, that Heaven and Hell don’t correspond exactly with the Christian interpretation of those places. After all, in Christian theology, God IS the point of Heaven and Hell, but in Buddhism, for instance, the fact of the existence of God is not taken for granted. So the Beans have definitely put their own spin on it.

    And they’d probably laugh their heads off at us, if they saw this conversation.

    BTW, DT, how can you POSSIBLY look at that gigglingly obscene watering can and NOT see a penis? [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img]

    [ 18-12-2001: Message edited by: dgrequeen ]

    [ 18-12-2001: Message edited by: dgrequeen ]

    in reply to: SciFi bought by Universal #51059

    I saw that in the paper this morning. I admit my heart did a little lurch at the thought of an endless stream of commercial Star Trek-like knockoffs (this would make a good Scifi Angst subject). However, until they disappoint me once again, I will choose to take the positive view: Universal means a bigger budget, and maybe… just maybe… they’ll slip some innovative, envelope-pushing programming in among the dreck.

    in reply to: My thoughts on the Metaphysics of S3 #56819

    [b]There are just too many similarities on Fire and Water to say they are Hell and Heaven, which are supposed to be diametrically opposite. The beings on both planets die, go to a holding area, and “wake up” again. Prince has some influence on Fire, a lesser amount on Water, but he, too, is trapped in the endless cycle of death and rebirth. Prince is the “ruler” of Fire, but why don’t we see his equivalent on Water? This says to me that Fire and Water are part of the same continuum and Prince is only the caretaker of the place. This version of Purgatory is a place where you have to write 100 times (or keep waking up) “I must not misbehave in class” until the lesson sinks in and you get to move on to Heaven. I just can’t see the Devil (Prince) having that much influence in Heaven if Fire is supposed to be Hell and Water is supposed to be Heaven. [/b]

    I think Micromary struck a chord with the comment about the endless cycle of death and rebirth. This is how some eastern religions see existence, caught up in an endless cycle (the turning wheel), until enlightenment is reached and one is released from the cycle. This is more of Paul Donovan’s fascination with cycles and spirals. Fire and Water in Season 3 may have been an illustration of how the entire Lexx series is meant to be viewed. We’ll know for sure when the finale airs.

    in reply to: The Lexxian’s Guide to Fitting in in Normal Society #51029

    I hear you, Basilisk!


    in reply to: Little known facts about Lexx #51035

    I heard that a local Halifax clothing designer tried to get Paul Donovan to buy his latest hook rug creations, and Donovan said: “I wouldn’t be caught dead in that… oh, wait.” [img]images/smiles/icon_redface.gif[/img]

    in reply to: Best Villain #56915

    Prince, hands down. I always liked Mantrid (he had a cool jar), but he was just a little over the top: I never got the point behind some of his mugging. Vlad’s a great villain, I almost voted for her, but she’s got awful table manners. I liked Gigerotta’s hairdo, but her choice of wardrobe needed a bit of work, and she had problems with her language skills.

    But Prince… now he has savoir faire. Nigel Bennett just has the silkiest, most menacing voice, all the while he’s smiling at you charmingly. Yep. Gotta be Prince.

    in reply to: jeff hirschfield #51243

    I thought I responded to this, but I don’t see my post, so I’ll try again.

    Jeff Hirschfield, eh? Lemme see: what’s he got planned after Lexx? Does he see any of the other people of Lexx now? Would he work in the U.S. if he had the opportunity?

    Hmm, I’ll try and think of more.

    Good work, FX!

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