Forum Replies Created
ParticipantWell there’s just not enough Blake’s 7 quotes 😀
(City at the Edge of the World)
[b]Vila: I’ll get you for this, Tarrant. I’ll tear your arm off and beat you to death with the wet end.[/b]Vila and Kerril after having *cough* spent some time together 😳 in an airtight room in City at the edge of the world.
[b]VILA: We’re still alive. Kerril. Kerril, we’re still alive! We should be dead by now.
KERRIL: Are you bragging or complaining?
VILA: The air’s as fresh as ever. Do you know what that means?
KERRIL: We’re going to die of exhaustion.[/b](Horizon)
[b]Avon: I am not expendable. I am not stupid. And I’m not going.[/b](Shadow)
[b]VILA: So you see, Bek, this thing tapped into Orac’s channels, sucked up all his energy, so that it could come squirting out and swallow us all.
AVON: The plain man’s guide to alien invasions. [/b]nursewhen
ParticipantWell I think the ultimate has got to be that low budget B movie Dark Star which was supposed to be bad but (in my opinion) turned out to be one of the best sci films ever (And the captain in the cryochamber is SO Lexx) 😀 .
Participant[quote=”Fatguy”]I am a White Man! 😀
I’ve been away for a while so I’ve probably missed something.Colour makes no difference either way. Why are you confusing me like this 😕
ParticipantWell I’m half way through the fifth book now and I’m afraid I’m not impressed so far 🙁
For me, the humour just isn’t working, the plot is very linear and there’s too much padding.
I’m also finding a lot of visual stuff, like the memos all flying around in the lifts at the ministry. It’s as if Rowling is now writing with an eye to how it’ll look when they make it into a film.nursewhen
ParticipantThe voting isn’t on this thread. It’s on the ‘T shirt contest part 1’ and ‘Tshirt contest part 2 threads’.
ParticipantHey Logan. Woo!! Love the avatar!!!
Streudel has been surpassing herself lately and I’m sure she’s working on the final chapter as we speak. I’ll be quite sad when it’s all over 🙁 It’s been quite a ride 😀nursewhen
ParticipantHi Nasym,
The more the merrier 😀nursewhen
ParticipantHi DogStarMAn,
Hello and welcome to the board 😀nursewhen
Participant[quote=”nasym”]and nursewhen, when I read the first book I thought it was by Roal Dhal…
It reminded me about his book “the witches”[/quote]I quite agree. It reminded me of witches too. As I said in my previous post… 😉
[quote=”Nursewhen”]I have to admit that when I read the Harry Potter books, Roald Dahl was the first author I thought of when it came to drawing a similarity[/quote] 😀
[quote=”Nasym”]The real question you should vent is: how do you read the book?
do you read it the child way and get all “smotchi” over the magic
(wich moste pepole sadly cant after reaching the gentle age of 15)
or do you read it the adult way:
a boy in a bad family makes up a dream to forget his real life… [/quote]
I’ve never actually thought about how I read the book. 😕I read it and believed it (within the book). I think the only difference between how I read it as an adult and how I would have read it as child is that as an adult, I saw more levels than I would have seen as a child.
Also, as an adult I resisted the urge to grab my broom from the shed and try to fly on it and I didn’t try to get any of the magic words to work.However, I fully believe that Harry Potter himself can fly (within the book) in the same way that I believe the Vorlons created telepaths. 😀
BTW, I’m agnostic, I haven’t enough faith to be sure of the non-existence of God, but I do believe that it’s important to have “faith” in something bigger than yourself, a cause, a purpose or an awareness of something that is far bigger than just ‘your’ life. “My life is my own, I, I, I, I…”[/quote]I too believe in something far bigger than my own life. It’s my faith in humanity. Sometimes you just have to stop watching the news and believe that for every evil person reported, there are a milliion others just going about their everyday lives.
You’re right, I think purgatory is a very good description of the village. Number 6 has to atone for his sins in the service before being rewarded with paradise.
ParticipantWow! This is all so deep! 😯
Being an atheist myself, I noticed no religion whatsoever in The Prisoner (Though I take on board Logan’s comments) and I didn’t notice that anything might be missing. It’s not something I look for. Even if I had nobody to turn to, I would turn to myself. It wouldn’t occur to me that there were any alternatives.
I felt that his life was on hold while he was in ‘the service’ and he was planning to start a real life for himself as soon as he resigned. Waking up in the village meant that he had to put it on hold again until he escaped.
I think his real motivation was that holiday he’d planned with those white sands and palm trees.
‘Must escape and go on holiday. Must escape and go on holiday…’
Would have been [b]my[/b] chant as I lashed the planks on my raft together.
Maybe he did gain nothing during his work and his incarceration, but I felt at the end that his life was just about to begin.
There was also another little game where you had to drag-and-drop the five little characters into their outlines. Easy to do as long as the outlines were stationary, but as you got farther into the game, the outlines were set into motion. That got hard!
[/quote]I must have missed that one! which present did you click on? After a while, all it offered me was a handbag!
I thought it was telling me to go away. 🙁nursewhen
ParticipantI’ve seen a horse fly.
Time flies like an arrow but fruit flies like a banana. 😀
ParticipantI got hooked on the apple catching and the jumping dog.
I found it more reminiscent of Blue Meanies from Yellow Submarine than telletubbies though.
Participant[quote=”Fatguy”]Just visited your website – Wow……what a babe [/quote]
😳 😳Hey nice kiddie pictures! 😀
[quote=”fatguy”]Perhaps you should use one of the belly dancing pics as an avatar and DancingHelen as the nick[/quote]
I thought about a bellydancing avatar, but I’ve decided to stick with my current one. I like the idea of being immediately recogniseable wherever I go on the internet and don’t want to lose the people who already know my virtual face. 😀
ParticipantI once saw a soul up for sale. At least you got a nice certificate with that one!
ParticipantAm I the only one who read this at the bottom of the page?
[quote] (C) 1999-2003 BBspot LLC
BBspot is a satirical news and comedy source and meant to be funny. If you are easily offended, gullible or don’t have a sense of humor we suggest you go elsewhere. [/quote]nursewhen
ParticipantHey, thanks for that! 😀
(So it was called 19 was it? *cough* should’ve guessed really 😳 )
I never heard the cricket version. I’ll have to look out for it.
(Edit – Rory Bremner – the commentators, ’19 not out’ can’t find the lyrics though.)OMG 😯 19 was a hit 18 years ago! 😯
*nursewhen is carried off on a stretcher*
Participant[quote=”fatguy”]One user name per board; and I would like the username to be your first name (add a tag if there is a conflict) and avatar to be a currant pic:
I use Nursewhen for everything on the net, mainly so I don’t lose track.
I’d rather not use my first name.
(Helen says nothing about me except that my parents liked that name when I was born)Nursewhen is a play on Dr Who and I feel says more about my sense of humour and interests. The only problem is that people generally assume I am a nurse and I’ve since discovered that a nursing agency are actually plagiarizing my name (dammit!)
My first avatar was of me though I was in a Jool costume and wearing a huge wig. Most of my current pics generally involve a wig and a costume. I have very few pictures that actually look like me.
[quote=”fatguy”]Hi…..I am Maurice – this is what my avatar would be: [/quote]
What your avatar would be and what your avatar is bear a striking resemblance 😛 😀(And what’s realy spooky is that you look just like my work colleague who sits right behind me 😯 )
ParticipantI really enjoy Frasier.
Other than that it’ll be science and history programs like
Horizon and ‘what did the Victorians ever do for us?’
Or filmsI have to admit though I’ve not watched much real TV for a long time. Too many Lexx DVDs to work my way through.
ParticipantNe ne ne 19, 19 Ne ne ne 19
(somebody please put me out of my misery, what song did that come from? 😕 )
ParticipantI bet some cloning agency’s going to be after that little lot.
(By the way, nice avatar fatguy 😀 )
Participant[quote=”pet”]Didn’t the Frey post something in this thread before about having 1 username all over the net, or at least in places with crossover populations (assuming your usual one isn’t taken)? Of course, you needn’t use the same one for your needlework newsgroup and your Lexx posts, but posts here and at other Sci-Fi sites I prefer to know who people are. Otherwise it can get creepy when you don’t know someone’s motivation for it.[/quote]
Yes, you did see Frey post that. Jhev’s poll is in the pub as well as some of the individual forums. I’ve already voted in the pub, so I’m not going to vote here as well as it will skew her results.
I have only one username for everything on the internet. I use the same avatar too. Both the name and the avatar feel like my own face and name. It also helps me keep track.
ParticipantFatguy, thank you for expanding on your statement
[quote=”Fatguy”]remember that so goes the rights of Americans… go the rights of the rest of the world[/quote]
At least now I can see where you’re coming from and to a certain extent I do agree as I have myself noticed an element of copycatting as I mentioned to LexxLurker.However, I don’t think we’ve quite reached the point where we’re following blindly after America’s lead. And though we don’t have our rights written into a constitution, we’re still actually very good at following due process.
After all, having rights written into a constitution gives no benefit whatsoever if they can be ignored at will.Dealing with terrorists is an issue of its own and I don’t believe that our government saw an opportunity to slip in a quick copycat change. I think they saw a real and immediate threat and acted accordingly.
ParticipantAck, I forgot the well wishing! 😯
Happy belated 4th of July, USA, hope you all had a good one. 😀
(Well I did say it twice over at, so please forgive me for forgetting here 😀 )
[quote=”LexxLurker”]It’s a real accomplishment how far USA and UK have gone in 300 years. Generally speaking the UK is easily considered the 51st state in terms of how we feel in the States about you guys. [/quote]
OOOeerrrr 😯 Don’t call the UK the 51st state in a pub over here, you could get into trouble. 😉
Much as I am pleased we have such good relations with America, I don’t think we’ve been annexed yet 😆[quote=”LexxLurker”]Hell your government is on our TV half the time on C-span. And boy there’s nothing more fun than watching PM Questions and Blair rip into the conservatives. “Would the right gentlemen from Essex kindly present his lips and kiss my arse.” We need more rhetoric like that in our Congress believe me. [/quote]
Yep, our government can be incredibly entertaining at times, though I’m afraid it’s not so much fun when you’re watching from the inside.
When I see them all doing the ‘hohoho’ routine and pretending to be doubled up with laughter at somebody’s ‘witty’ comment, I feel like getting in there, punching heads and telling them to stop behaving like a bunch of naughty little schoolboys and try taking the job seriously. They seem to put more energy into scoring points off each other than they do into running the country.[quote=”LexxLurker”]That’s not meant to disrespect your autonomy or your sovereign rights, just a testament to how far our two nations have come since going to war over 200 years ago. Any attack upon Britain would be seen as an attack upon the USA in the eyes of our government and the majority of our people. I doubt seriously there’s any two nations more united in the world philosophically and politically.[/quote]
I am very pleased with our good relations with America, but I wish for good relations with everbody. I wish that our relations with our near neighbours and allies in Europe were better.
At the risk of sounding churlish, I’m afraid the erosion of our health service (once the envy of the world) and the recent explosion of personal injury litigation is seen by many as an example of Britain following America’s lead and many people here regret that this is happening.
I truly appreciate having America as a friend, but I also wish for us to retain our autonomy and not become a poor copy.[quote=”LexxLurker”]July 4 has become more about freedom and democracy than it has about our whooping the Brits 😈 [/quote]
Pleased to hear it.
(You bash those Brits good and proper. :wink:)nursewhen
ParticipantI’m sorry fatguy, I’m struggling with some of your ideas here.
[quote=”Fatguy”]Americans are looked upon by the rest of the world as being arrogant and boisterous…..because they never had to fear speaking their minds….. [/quote]
I can’t speak for the rest of the world here, but I find being told what I think and why by somebody who knows nothing about me to be a tad on the arrogant side. (But would like to add that I’m not extrapolating this opinion to include the entire nation).I also dislike being lumped into ‘the rest of the world’ as though the rest of the world were a minority group instead of a VAST array of humankind far outnumbering the population of North America.
I also have no fear of speaking my mind.
I notice you used the past tense ‘never had to fear speaking their minds’. Does this mean that historically Americans have always been free to say and believe what they want?
What about the McCarthy witch hunts? Anybody with a socialist bent was hunted down and stamped on. Socialism/communism may not be everybody’s cup of tea but criminalising anybody who so much as thinks it worthy of debate is censorship and an infringement on an individual’s freedom of speech. (‘I don’t agree with what you’re saying but I will fight for your right to say it’ went to the wall on that one.)
[quote=”Fatguy”] remember that so goes the rights of Americans… go the rights of the rest of the world – true…..[/quote]
I’m sorry, I don’t see any link between my rights and yours. Perhaps you would explain.nursewhen
Participant[quote=”pet”]Then how ’bout “Objects in this shirt are larger than they appear?”
‘Objects in this shirt are likely to be a pair of socks’ 😆nursewhen
ParticipantActually, will you be shipping any to the UK? I’m not going but I’d still like to pretend.
ParticipantHot Diggedy Starmanjohn! You’re so right. Here’s to necessary evils. 😉
ParticipantSorry about that Starmanjohn, I’ve reread your original post and realised I lost the plot a bit there. 😕
But hey, I do love a good rant when the opportunity presents itself. 😀[quote=”starmanjohn”]:idea: Nursewhen,your kinda right But!,women are in possession of the ultimate prize!Guilty or not they posses the Gold!Possession is control!They own goregouse,wonderfull delisious,bodies we desire at the cost of wars,crime,money[/quote]
I was going to say that (*ahem*) male bodies are pretty good too you know 😳
And I’m sure they too have generated many incidents of hair pulling, hand bagging and eye scratching. 😉[quote]They say money is root of all evil but I believe that is Sex tops everything?[/quote]
I quite agree. But sex=women depends on which side of the fence you stand. For me, sex=men, so I think the conclusion we’re reaching here is that sex is the root of all evil and we should all stop right now. Yes?
*Oh dear, I think Starmanjohn’s just fainted* 😯
(By the way, women aren’t evil, but I am 😀 )
ParticipantMoving on to male power/sex. I’m off back to Blake’s 7 again and bringing in Avon. 25 years on and the Paul Darrow fan club is still rocking!
(Image nicked [url=]from here[/url])
I think half of the attraction was not knowing if he was a good guy or a bad one.
Put him together with Servalan and the air was electric! 😀nursewhen
I just love walking under ladders.
(unless there’s somebody precarioulsy balanced at the top with a bucket of paint)
ParticipantI like what’s not to love too. Except somebody would probably have to get up pretty close to read it all.
Actually, that could be an advantage too 😀
ParticipantI like the second one best (personal preference, the first one is good too).
Participant[quote=”starmanjohn”]:twisted: Yes girls are evil,but they got the GOLD!what all men want,wars have been fought,whole societys lost,Examples Adam and Eve,Helen of Troy,(Hillery Clinton),(Monica Lowinski),need i say more.They posses the ultimate prize we strive for.We are a sex oriented society-sex sells cars,boats,everything!We want what they GOT!and they know it.(Bang-“we lose”)WE LOVE SEX=WOMEN!(starmanjohn)[/quote]
😈 😈 [serious ribbing mode]
Ha! Adam and Eve? Did you hear that guy? “It was her, it was her! nothing to do with me!” So much for sticking up for your wife!Helen of Troy! Poor woman was just minding her own buisiness when some bloke comes along and carries her off and her husband and brother in law decide to lay waste much of Greece and Turkey to get her back. Couldn’t they have just sent a letter?
Would have been a different story if the roles were reversed.
Eve: “No, no, it wasn’t my husband’s fault, he was tempted by the devil, I’ll stand by him through thick and thin!”
Dear Paris, you appear to have made off with my husband. Please may I have him back.
Yours sincerely
Dear Paris, thank you for very much for the prompt return of one husband. I fully appreciate how easy it can be to mistake a man for a sack of potatoes, I do it all the time. It makes for a tasty stew but doesn’t get the floors swept.
Many thank you for your co-operation.Melanielaous
[/serious ribbing mode] 😉
ParticipantDudleove, please don’t insult my intelligence. I know what games you’re playing. You’re spamming and then letting up, spammming and letting up.
You’re doing a balancing act to see how much you can get away with without getting an outright ban.
I admit that I have gained some mild amusement by running my classes from the billy goat gruff school of social skills for your benefit, but the novelty begins to wear off.
I’m bored with you.
Participant[quote=”TrimKlip”]Sorry to interrupt the lesson, but I’m starting to feel anxiety like I had in college worrying about homework and exams.
I can appreciate more experienced sadgeezers have a certain way of posting thoughts and so forth, but why the lessons? Can’t individuals post what they want to post without being criticized? I always thought this site was a place for people to relax and discuss things, not conform and learn the rules and be witty or else.
Once again, I know the seasoned members here have their way and I’m not disputing that, but do I or anyone else need to take notes and study the proper way to post?[/quote]
Trimklip, Dudelove is an inch away from a ban. We’re trying to help him.
ParticipantAs I pointed out earlier. Irrelevant posts cause confusion.
Participant[quote=”Dudelove76″]D.R.U.G.S what dose that spell?[/quote]
I think what you meant to say was :-
D.R.U.G.S what [b]does [/b]that spell?nursewhen
ParticipantI personally think that Zev had more fights with Stan in the first series. Xev teased him far more which was unkind at times, especially as she knew how frustrated he was.
ParticipantYou were banned by popular request by the board majority. Not by Mantrid.
ParticipantThose who don’t learn from past mistakes simply make them over and over again.
Like getting banned…….twice……
ParticipantXev is only partially a love slave.
The drive to fall for anything male that moves (and I was going to say ‘and is still breathing’, but that’s obviously redundant in this case 😆 ) was transferred to 790. Not to her.She simply doesn’t find Stan attractive and therefore has no drive to ‘put out’ for him.
She does later in series 3 become good friends with him which is quite touching.
Participant[quote=”stormsweeper”]Yes, they did have quite the bevy then. I just couldn’t find the names of any of them besides Majel Barret and Yeoman Rand’s actress, neither of whom really do it for me.
Orion Slave Girls, on the other hand.. *thud* 😉 There’s a site that’s done tons of these, but I did my own “OSG” version of Louise Brooks:
Hey, very nice Orion slave Louise Brooks!! 😀
I have to admit, Yeoman Rand (Grace Lee Whitney) didn’t do it for me either (if you know what I mean), though the powers that be obviously considered her to be the ultimate. I just used her as an example of soft focus and eye lighting.
(umm… I think I’d better add the Majel Barret also didn’t do it for me 😉 )
[quote=”starmanjohn”]what about horror and power!We cannot forget all the sexy vampire girls,all the sexy witches(sirens)and the power hungry super hero women!(and men).[/quote]
Ooh.. I’m struggling now since Servalan’s already been done!
How about Sarah Douglas from Superman II
She was very villainous!
(Image nicked [url=]from here[/url])Or Ornella Muti as Princess Aura in Flash!
Not too hot on the evil front since daddy trussed her up good and proper, but a babe nonetheless! 😀
(Image nicked [url=]from here[/url])nursewhen
Participant[quote=”thefrey”]Well it was good of you to expand upon your query Nurse for the benefit of other posters. I have heard that when clarity enters wisdom begins. So we can all hope. 😀 I personally will not get mine up too high…. but any improvement would be welcome. :P[/quote]
Don’t mind me, thefrey, I’m just running a couple of classes from the billy goat gruff school of social skills. 😉
Participant[quote=”Stormsweeper”]Star Trek babes: Nana Visitor (Kira on DS9), Michelle Forbes (Ro on TNG/DS9), Linda Park (Hoshi on Enterprise), Nichelle Nichols (Uhura, TOS) [/quote]
Talking of star Trek babes, the original series was packed to the gills with them, but many were just one episode one-offs.
Star Trek also used to cheat by using soft focus and lighting them up so their eyes would glow giving them a real other wordly look.
(images nicked [url=]from here[/url] )Yeoman Rand being a prime example. I love the elaborate hairdos too.
(Image nicked [url=]from here[/url])And don’t forget the super sexy green dancer! Woo Hoo!
There’s loads of them here! Come on admit it, they’re amazing!And I’ve still got a bit of a soft spot for Kirk and his endlessly ripped shirt and nipple exposure 😯 😀
(image nicked [url=]from here[/url])So my vote for super sexy ladies goes to Star Trek the orignal series. 😀
ParticipantI meant explain the relevance, not the definition. 😆
Participant[quote=”pet”]Kai’s cute, but he doesn’t do it for me. I would not dare fight Streudel for him :), why don’t you lead Kai over there to the closet with you, and I’ll take Number 6 out to the clearing with me…. 😀
Hey! And there was me thinking I was the only one he didn’t do it for. Woo Hoo! I’m not an outcast 😀nursewhen
ParticipantThe moderators aren’t useless. They’re doing their job.
Did ‘I’m a Road Rat daddy-o!’ have any relevent meaning? If not, why did you post it? If it did, please explain so we can understand you better.
ParticipantDudelove, I think you’ll find that Sad can fire you far easier than you can fire him.
To stay here you just have to follow the rules. We ALL have to follow the rules. It’s a contract we enter into when we register here.