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  • in reply to: Seasons Greetings everyone! #75801

    On the first, fifth? seventh? what ever fricken day of Chritmas this is…. Happy Days and Hopes for a better new year for us all.

    God bless us every one. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: All I want for Chistmas…… #75746
    cheesetoasty wrote:

    i can always find an excuse to “need” anything πŸ˜€

    Ya know…. there is a twelve step program for problems like this…. πŸ˜‰

    *** theFrey tiptoes away past evidence of her past ‘habit’ ***

    in reply to: Where do you live? #75790

    ?? What name did you log in under? I want to see where this cement plant is at. πŸ˜€

    in reply to: CGI Versus Traditional effects #75857

    While I do agree that the people doing the CGI should pay a bit more attention to physical rules… think of the things that could not have been done without it.

    My favorite show Lexx was only conceived as an example of what CGI could do. There were lots of things done on this show that budget wise just could not have been done with models or old style composited shots.

    One of my favorite scenes in the whole show was in season 4 when Stanley and the Science Club kid were clamped to the wall. Looked excellent! But think of how much that quick little shot would have cost had the set been constructed.

    I think what everyone can agree on is that using CGI to paper over a thin plot is a recipe for disaster.

    in reply to: Honestly Funny Sci- Fi Episodes #75853
    shadowolf wrote:

    A personal favorite of mine from 5th element is Gary Oldman’s monolog about the difference between warriors and killers, and the following explosive punchline. πŸ˜€
    A very good movie in my humble opinion, many special moments in it.

    Is that the one where he said that a real warrior would have asked about the red button?

    He was great in that movie wasn’t he? So deliciously creepy, in a mega-maniaic kinda repulsive way. πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: Red Shirt Blues #75862

    No, but I would be interested in seeing it also. TheBrother has mentioned to me several times that it was a riot.

    in reply to: Honestly Funny Sci- Fi Episodes #75861

    I know of several bust out laughing moments in the movie Fifth Element. I particularly loved evil dude with bad hair snarkily arguing with himself, oh and his ‘Oh My’ when he couldn’t shut off his own bomb was priceless.

    Hummmm, a TV show….. Quantum Leap immediately springs…. to mind. πŸ˜€ I particularlly liked Dean Stockwell’s Al, razzing on Sam.

    in reply to: All I want for Chistmas…… #75796
    cheesetoasty wrote:

    i’m gonna get one of those lcd picture frames, check them out they are pretty cool, oh and a new mother board with twin sli slots,

    Ah, those are pretty cool. And of course you can never go wrong with hardware…. amsuming you need it in the first place of course. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: All I want for Chistmas…… #75899
    Hollydays wrote:

    Surely there are some DVD’s of the Sci-Fi genre that could grace your shelves?

    I WANT the Kim Possible DVD’s but they are not available yet. πŸ™

    Hollydays wrote:

    Perhaps a Kai or Zev clone doll? I would like one πŸ™‚

    I already have those. πŸ˜€ In fact I have a Kai doll that has been within an hour of completion for the last several months, that I was thinking of putting on ebay to raise money for Patty Z’s Dragon Con trip.

    Hollydays wrote:

    Or is what you truly want so expensive no one can afford it? ( a night with Micheal McManus costs alot I hear. Opps, sorry. that’s from my list again)

    Haha! What did your hubby say when he read THAT off your list?? πŸ˜‰ theSpouse did once again consider the pony and cart thing. Had to talk him out of it… again. πŸ™‚

    Hollydays wrote:

    Or…gasp….are you truly un-greedy and filled with the Christmas Spirit?

    Hummmm, Well I did make several, several dozen of my favorite chocolate…… an actually gave away the majority of them to other people. πŸ˜†

    in reply to: Post Mortem? #75891

    How’s the flu bout going? Are you over it yet?

    I use to manage, every year to get sick for at least one major holiday.

    One year, but virtue of hard work and several sets of small children (some related, some babysat) I managed to hit almost all of them. I have been pretty lucky this year, and so far my flu shot has warded off several little bouts traveling around the office.

    Should one someday take me from this vale of tears, then I guess cremation is the way to go. πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: Where do you live? #75887
    shadowolf wrote:

    So, do we have global representation in here? πŸ™‚

    Apparently, but I am concerned….. so many pins in North America….. Where are all the European, Russian and English ‘geezers?

    in reply to: Legendary Lexx Lives On in Land of Loonies #75886

    What??!!! I innocently asked Saddy a question.

    I beg that he will enlighten me with an ETA.

    Pray thee sweet Sad one…. whither art the rest of the reviews? Inquiring, and impatient minds want to know.

    in reply to: Serenity Died at the Box Office #75864

    Well for this site at least we definiately know who owns it. πŸ™‚ I have sent him cards, called his house and two of our US moderators (and who knows how many european ones) have visited said owner at his home. Not me mind you. *sigh….* but *sniff* others have.

    in reply to: Poll: Want to live forever? #75863

    Living a much longer life span would depend on the state of mental and physical health you would enjoy.

    If they could cap you at say 30-40 or even 50 it would not be too bad. If it became a gradual thing… like it takes 80 years to reach 40ish health and then it is a lonnnnnnnng slow slide from there….. no.

    I would not like to spend 50 or 60 years (or longer) with 80/90ish health. I have seen theGrandmother, theGreatAunt, and theOldestUncle experience this. While they were glad to be with us that long, they were also looking forward to escaping the aches, pains and medical limitations by taking the big sleep soon.

    in reply to: Just bought a 1 dollar DVD at Target. #75824

    Yes, we saw those. Interesting.

    I also ran across Boxed sets of DVD’s at they have 50 movies per set for 24.95. These are all ooooooooold movies, They have horror, Westerns, gunslingers, chilling, war classics, martial arts, action, suspense, musicals and sci-fi. Granted the Sci-fi ones are like this….

    β€’ Sci-Fiβ€” 50 Sci-Fi fantasies include the classic Hercules Unchained (Steve Reeves); The Atomic Brain (Bradford Dillman); Blood Tide (James Earl Jones); Killers From Space (β€œFury’s” Peter Graves!); Colossus and the Amazon Queen (Rod Taylor); Bride of Gorilla (Raymond Burr): and the unforgettable Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women, starring the equally unforgettable Mamie Van Doren.

    these are being marketed as Work Out DVD. Something to look at while you exercise that doesn’t involve channel surfing.

    in reply to: Fav 5 villian catch phrases #75823

    “You think you’re all that and a bag of chips” – Dr. Draken, Kim Possible.

    in reply to: Legendary Lexx Lives On in Land of Loonies #75822

    Yes Saddy, where would this kind of information be found?

    I know you have recaps for all of season 1, 2, and 3, but strangly….. the season 4 reviews just kinda peter out. πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Best Sci Fi Film of 2005 – Poll – We Need Your Vote #75817

    Oh come one. SWIII had some very nice scenes and bondage night gowns, what more do you want from a movie?

    As soon as theBrother picks this up and I going to re-watch it, fastforwarding past the lame space battles of course. I almost burst out laughing when Anakin became totally disgusted that his new evil minions DID NOT manage to kill all the little jedi children before he got there. *Big Sigh* *Annoyed Look* Alright if I am going to be vile and evil, I will be really vile and evil…. take that you little rug rats!

    And then the reason for turning into this vile evilness hooks up with his mentor?!!? Helloooo much cuter than him. Doing evil stuff just for you. Have much better range of emotions in this episode and you’re going to hang with him? I don’t think so!

    in reply to: Serenity Died at the Box Office #75816
    kokopelli wrote:

    I don’t wish to merely complain about the TV fanbase. Popular interest in science fiction has contributed a lot of positve as well as negative. I have done a lot of research on TV scifi both in reading articles and in probing the fanbase. There seems is a dearth of statistical information that could be and needs to be collected on these large groups and the interaction with the Fantasy Makers.
    I think there is a big void here from which several books could evolve. What do you think?

    At the very least I see a few interesting graduate papers being written on this. πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Poll: Which Spielberg film did you like the Best? #75815

    Uhhhhh hello. Raiders of the Lost Ark.
    Classic story, boy knew girl in the biblical sense.
    Boy and girl fought and split.
    Girl’s father held clue to a fantastic discovery.
    Boy now has to find girl.
    Girl still mad at boy for being a jerk.
    Boy makes nice.
    Girl passive-agressively injures boy a few times until she thinks they are even.
    Girl gets kidnapped!
    Distraught boy has great scene involving skilled swordsman and gun which evens odds.
    Girl accepts present from bad man who also knew her father.
    Boy finds both girl and treasure, but leaves girl on ice until he secures it.
    Boy hates snakes
    Boy gets caught, but also gets girl back.
    Boy and escape.
    Girl gets captured… again.
    Boy rides for hundreds of miles, if not more, being towed by submarine.
    Boy dresses in uniform way too small.
    Boy gets captured… again.
    Boy and girl are re-united, but still captured.
    Bad man takes them to wittness his triumph.
    Boy and girl don’t wittness really cool special effects.
    Minions of god kill everyone but boy and girl, who didn’t peek.
    Goverment takes treasure from boy and girl and hides it in warehouse next to energy efficent fuel cell engines and perpetual motion machine.
    Boy and girl go get coffee.

    Greatness I tell ya!

    in reply to: Firefly/Serenity #75769
    lvcambot wrote:

    I love dogs and children.. if they are cooked properly.


    My favorite manner of preperation includes a little garlic, a couple of onions and perhaps a few small red potatos.

    in reply to: Serenity Died at the Box Office #75756
    lvcambot wrote:

    theFrey wrote:

    Sweetie, , you have to pace yourself when getting worked up about Josh.

    Us no nothing unhip folks use the name Josh. He calls himself JOSS. Oh yea thats just so Kewl.


    Yeah for me! I shall have to display my ‘know nothink about Whedon’ medal proudly. πŸ™‚

    Flamegrape had a good post about him awhile back on another board. He was discussing the amout of anal wattage he out puts which gets him these projects. πŸ˜› Pretty funny stuff. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Writing Aids – What’s your favorite #75749

    Yes, Lexx. The character Kai, had a alter-ego (?) sort of copy here on earth when the crew arrived.

    Anyhow, this Kai was a performance art nut-case actor who went on and on about his art and how you had to experience pain for your art. And part of the way he gathered his innerself together for a performance was to eliminate any kind of sexual activities while performing….. The amount of time for this abstinence was going to be six months…. (thoughtful pause) or longer if his grant was extended. πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Serenity Died at the Box Office #75748

    Sweetie, just take deep breaths. In. Out. Slow. Calm. Okay? Feeling better now? πŸ™‚

    We weren’t feeling too type A when we woke up this morning were we? πŸ˜€

    While I can certainly understand the feeling here. And can admit to since FX (Major, Major Buffy Freak) is kinda busy right now and most likely won’t see this post. Still, you have to pace yourself when getting worked up about Josh. I mean, the opertunities are after all endless. If you want to be ‘dissing him for the long hall, you need to slow down a bit. πŸ˜€

    ….theFrey wanders away to look for a good hiding spot, just in case FX does notice this agreement. πŸ˜€ ………..

    in reply to: Writing Aids – What’s your favorite #75735
    kokopelli wrote:

    Maybe writers should act like boxers as regards sex.. tanatalize themselves but deny themselves so they can KO the keyboard/pen/whatever.

    Hummm, now this sounds like the theory the Live Kai in Fluff Daddy was following…. and since the beans are writers… and they wrote the script…. this may be a defining truth here. πŸ˜€

    kokopelli wrote:

    Writing actually kills many people. It killed Hemmingway and Hart Crane and destroyed Melville and Steinbeck so that they gave it up completely. Maybe it killed Dylan Thomas too. I heard a story of a Chinese Writer who strived through adversity to get his first book published and then was executed for it.

    Perhaps that is why people pull back at 30-40 pages? Could it be that they feel their life forces draining away from them and into the manuscript? They know themselfs to be teedering on the brink….. and pull back just, in the nick, of time! πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Sci Fi Gets No Respect #75721

    No really? What were you writing? The high concept strict science stuff or the fantastic sci fi?

    in reply to: Worst-Ever Music Video? #75711

    Well anything with Peter Gabriel, that man had a gift for making terrible videos…. I still have nightmares about the singing veggie face.

    in reply to: Charlize as Aeon #75701

    She seems to fit pretty well. who else was being considered?

    And studio choices not withstanding…. who would you think should have been considered?

    in reply to: Aeon’s movie outfit? #75700

    What he said. I did think the animated one looked more like bondage wear that something that a person fighting would have on. Heck, just being knocked over major portions of the body would be abraded to heck and back.

    in reply to: your favourite character #75699

    With Cat being such a popular part of the cast, I wonder if that ever caused problems with the other people in the show?

    in reply to: Vote: Anyone seen Harry Potter yet? #75698

    Yes, a extended play director’s cut would very much suit stuff like this. Although with the necessary special effect work it may not be possible on these types of movies. Sadly that may be more suited to movies which don’t use that stuff, like a straight drama, or action film where the stunt work was already done and filmed but cut for some reason.

    in reply to: Where do you live? #75695
    lexxrobotech wrote:

    Well, Im there.

    Durban – South Africa, although the photo was from when I was in Namibia.

    I saw the pic before I read this post and was going…. that place looks familar….. πŸ˜€ Nice Pic, I hope you had your water bottle with you. πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Aeon Flux might be rubbish!? #75687

    Yup, no preview is a very bad sign.

    Since the leading lady injured herself (let’s face it for life) making it, I do hope it is not this years ‘Istar’.

    in reply to: Favorite Music Video #75670

    Welcome back.

    Kraftwerk? Hummm, this rings a bell.

    in reply to: Revisiting The Dwarf… #75662

    What Would Lister Do???

    Look you can now get a talky the Toaster for your Kitchen!!!,2496,HGTV_21356_4262231_08,00.html

    in reply to: Nominations for best film of 2005 #75658

    All right, this is what I found in the Sci-fi-ish area. I haven’t seen a lot of these, so some may just be sci-fi titles.

    Aliens of the Deep

    League of Ordinary Gentlemen

    Shark Boy and Lava Girl

    Batman Begins – Fantasy? Action?

    Fantastic Four _ Geeze I totally forgot about this one and I saw it.

    Sky High – Hey it has a rocket boster school bus in it…. going to see the DVD next week.



    Aeon Flus – Comes out next week I think.

    in reply to: your favourite character #75657
    Logan wrote:

    It’s between Mr. Flibble and Ace Rimmer. Mr. Flibble cause he’s such an evil hand puppet. Ace Rimmer because, well, “What a guy!”

    I do love Ace too. And darned if I can think why. I mean he is a smug know it all, but, but, when he calls Lister Skippy he is just so darn likable.

    in reply to: your favourite character #75656

    Cat, Cat and only Cat. Roooooowrrrrrrr! I love his stying and his self absorbed satisfaction. πŸ˜€ Jules did a very good job of channeling what a domestic house cat might have mutated into. He is affectionate yet selfish. And incredibly honest about it too. Ya just gotta love that. πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Nominations for best film of 2005 #75651

    Hummm, didn’t Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy debut this year?

    in reply to: Vote: Anyone seen Harry Potter yet? #75645

    She was a cute kid, and of course they do grow up. πŸ˜€

    So, we have established that she is developing into a hottie, but what do you all think about her acting? I have recently run across several articles where they dismiss her talents as an actor. Honestly? I thought she did fine, what do you think?

    in reply to: Nominations for best film of 2005 #75630

    Have there been any sci-fi films of worth, other than lll, to nominate?

    in reply to: Vote: Anyone seen Harry Potter yet? #75629

    Not yet, most likely next week. But…. theBestGF who is new to the series (like a month or so ago) saw it thursday and said the same thing. Snipletts of the book sandwiched together. Of course she did say that when the book starts to resemble a telephone book, then some stuff does have to be left out.

    Her advice. DON’T DRINK ANYTHING! It is long, and the rush for the facilities afterwards was brutal. πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Patricia ‘Bunny’ Zentilli’s site #75624

    It is back up! Looks very nice, scifi suzie did a great job with the color and fonts she used.

    in reply to: Welcome #75623

    need winning lottery ticket

    in reply to: Trying to get Lexx back on TV #75616

    That is one of the things that would have to be consided. A straight cut could be done cheaply enough, but if you wanted to smooth out the story and edit out a few clunkers that would take a bit of money.

    Perhaps someday, some AA underling trying to make a name for themselfs will push it as a way to milk more money out of the series.

    Your idea of the lusticon would have definiately done a better job than Re-consitued goo. Perhaps there was an accident, and the only lusticon they could find was damaged? 790 effected repairs, but the fine tuning was off, giving them a short busty redhead instead of the blue frosted nymph they started with?

    What else could have been fixed through some cutting and voice overs? Perhaps Lexx’s plot point hunger? He needs fed, needs fed, we don’t mention it again?

    Anything else?

    in reply to: Chat with Xenia #75614

    Actually Bailey it is even easier than that.

    For those people without mIRC, they can click on the SadChat link on the top Right of this page. Join any of the rooms listed and then type /join #lexxcast

    And what do ya know! You’re in!

    in reply to: Scripts #75612

    What is a reasonable price for a Red Dwarf Script?

    Which scripts do you have?

    in reply to: Trying to get Lexx back on TV #75611

    Different perhaps.

    I am unsure how this would work without a major ton of cash to recut the show. I doublt if the extra material they might need still exists, and I know that AA has no interest in such a project.

    I think what Lexx needs is to be leased to a cable channel that doesn’t dispise it the way sci-fi did. A bit of promotion, then perhaps a bit of judicious trimming (by someone who actually knows what the show is about!!) to fit in the extra commericals.

    I am not fond of cutting shows for commericials, but you have to admit for the most part the removal of a minute or so of the more ‘clunky’ aspects of the show would make it flow better.

    in reply to: Added: Extreme Chode #75606

    Headge, quit beating around the bush and tell us how you REALLY feel. πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Charlie Jade #75605

    Looks interesting.

    You know, producers are really going to have to look at their business models. Just because something is not shown in our area does not mean we can’t see it anymore.

    Me, I wouldn’t mind popping a couple of bucks to check out stuff, but that seems to be a major no-go for the studios. It may come back to bite them on the hiney.

    Oh, and overpriced too. That is definiately not going to encourge people to be all legal.

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