Forum Replies Created
ParticipantSecond Person, Present Tense by Daryl Gregory?
ParticipantDidn’t enjoy Torchwood at all (Except for the last 2 episodes where Owen got shot and Captain Jack gave that bunch of losers a piece of his mind.)
But it did spawn this wonderful piece of satire which I saw performed at Redemption’07 (The best sci fi convention on the planet)
My favourite quote :-
‘Doctor Owen Harper. I’m a weasel-faced would-be rapist and self-described twat. By dint of great effort, I have made myself even less sympathetic and more unlikeable than the other characters.’
ParticipantIt’s got to be Dark Star. Slay the entire cast, then actually manage to give you a warm, happy glow over a guy who’s going to burn up in the atmosphere
Sounds like the new season of Dr. Who – the first episode we had zombies in space, the second episode a werewolf in ye olden times England, and the third episode Vampires in a public school.
The special effects were pretty good though, and the second and third episodes quite good in a mindless sort of way. But I’m really disappointed in the run and hide mechanics that tend to dominate the drama – everything might as well be set in a haunted house.[/quote]
I’d agree for eps 1 and 2, but episode 3 was much better. It dealt with the emotional problems of being left behind by a pretty much immortal time traveller and how the Doctor copes with the companions that he gets so attached to being ephemeral. That for me was the crux of the story. The monster were just a back drop.
ParticipantJust watched the 3rd episode of Dr Who, Tennant style. I was starting to have my reservations because his Dr is so frantic and fast paced after C.E. (There’s no time for those ‘Whooey’ moments which we used to get when the theme tune was sung in that spooky way by a female voice.) However, having been moved to tears by this episode, I think I’ve made the transition. After all, the joy of the doctors is that each is so different from the last.
ParticipantLoved it, loved it, loved it. I feel bad now. I adored Christopher Ecclestone but took to David Tennant instantly. I’m just a fickle tramp.
ParticipantJust saw King Kong yesterday. Dr When loved it, but for me it was a film ruined by its own special effects. I sat there thinking Oh look! People are being chased by a CGI, Oh look, people superimposed over a CGI! I hardly ever felt Oh my God! Monsters! They’re all gonna die!
Kong himself seemed to scamper around like a gerbil at times, though for the most part he was the best of the graphics.
I have seen Om Bak and it is awesome. He can do real things that make wire work look total crap. I’m not a fan of wirework at all. I though the beautiful drum dance scene in ‘House of flying daggers’ was visually superb until people starting flying around on wires.
Regarding Blakes 7, the old fashioned model filming of the Liberator was superb and still looks good today. However, series 4 used CGI for the Scorpio which was more expensive and looked like a pile of garbage. The ship had a halo around it and was 2 dimensional. The Liberator left it standing.
CGI can be good. Golum was utterly real, but on the whole, I can spot a CGI a mile off and it leaves me cold.
ParticipantSince over 2000 years ago, the lifespan of a man was set at 3 score years and ten (70) for all our marvellous scientific achievements, we haven’t made an awful lot of progress, generally speaking.
16th December 2005 at 8:15 pm in reply to: Poll: 1st T.V. sci-fi to have you hiding behind the couch? #75768nursewhen
ParticipantOther programs had me hiding behind my hands/ cushions/boyfriend’s arm, but only Dr Who had me literally hiding behind the sofa.
ParticipantOne thing I found rather annoying is that they ran Ogilvey and the artilleryman into one character. Scientific genuis versus total nutter. Not an obvious choice in my opinion
ParticipantI have seen it, and though I usually hate films that rely totally on their special effects, I must say that these were exceptional. It’s a good thing the characters were two dimensional and I had no sympathy for them. It meant I could enjoy the special effects without having to worry about the possibility of anybody I liked getting killed.
ParticipantWell, I was a John Pertwee baby and spent many a happy Saturday night behind the sofa (Tell me, I was literally behind the sofa. No other programme ever did that to me, has any it ever happened to anybody else to something different?)
I took some time to take to Tom Baker as he was so different, but later grew to love him.
However, I have cast my vote for Christopher Ecclestone because I took to him immediately and because he is a great actor. Helped along most definitely by superb stories and wonderful, though often understated special effects.
He was the best Doctor because the series he was in was so very good. It took Dr Who out of kids’ TV and into seriously good drama.And yes, it was after Basil Brush. The Generation game was in there somewhere too. Oh boy, I loved Saturday nights!
Participant[quote=”Shiroekitsune”]They could continue the series np, but the movie is the ender. There are other things they can explain like shepard. The movie is alittle to alot past the old series.
Continue where the old left off up till the time the movie is set in.[/quote]
Yes, that could be done, but the one thing that can’t be explained is Shepherd, they were still in the dark as to his past in the film, so unless it gets exlained to us and not to the characters, that one’s a dead end.
One of the things I most enjoyed in the series was the ‘will they won’t they’ relationships. Now that I know exactly where, when and how for one of them at least, the suspense is quite seriously impared.Yes, it could be done, but it just wouldn’t be the same.
ParticipantHard to talk about something without giving spoilers, but though I thought it was a good film, it definitely put a lid on Firefly. I can’t see it moving on from Serenity. It’s a pity, I would have happily watched that series for years. 🙁
ParticipantYou could ask Brian Downey
ParticipantFor any query like this, I suggest your first port of call is the imdb database.
Nael Abbas is listed there on Lexx and many other things, here’s the link
If you’ve picked up the listing you quoted from there, then I suggest you trust it.
Talking of Blake’s 7, the season 2 DVD release is on the 16th of January. 😀nursewhen
ParticipantWhat women want.
Was that just a huge adert for Nike, Advil and numerous other products or what?
ParticipantHang on a mo, what’s this doing in the Andromeda forum?
Shouldn’t it be in Firefly?nursewhen
ParticipantWell according to this link, Bourne was the sheriff, though I don’t remember him ever being named in the episode.
ParticipantI saw it last week. Loved every minute. Us grown ups were killing ourselves and spilling popcorn over the litle uns in the audience all the way through. A sign of a good kids movie is that it works on an adult level.
Am I just odd or was Mr Incredible really hunky?
This is from somebody who’s only just got over Scott Tracey. 😳
Participant[quote=”Headgehog”]Someone posed this question in the FAQ section. Maybe someone knows the anser:
[quote]Was it Zaphod Beeblebrox who said at the Restaurant at the End of the Universe that the requirement for a good lunch with friends was a little personal abuse? Can you please find Douglas Adams’ correct quote?[/quote][/quote]
The quote is :-
“Hey, Marvin,” he said into the phone again, “we’re having a great time. Food, wine, a little personal abuse and the Universe going foom. Where can we find you?”
Yes. it was Zaphod Beeblebrox.
ParticipantI wouldn’t have applied ‘magic’ to Prince or the divine clerics, Prince was a *cough* ‘superior?’ being and had powers over and above normal. The clerics were serving a *cough* ‘superior?’ being which also had powers.
Where I saw magic was in series 4 when they had the midsummer nightmare with Oberon and co and Xev got ‘magicked’ back to life. But then, you could describe Oberon as a *cough* ‘superior?’ being and magic is just stuff that we don’t understand.
ParticipantGlad to be of service 😀
Did you find out what number 2 is?
ParticipantCan’t remember the one arm, but the rest sounds a bit like ‘Battle beyond the stars’ for number 1.
On the same lines as Seven Samurai. Included John Boy from the Waltons (I’m hopeless with names) and Robert Vaughn and a sort of mad Valkyrie in a tiny little ship.nursewhen
ParticipantThat’s just reminded me of a hilarious fan film Dr When showed me yesterday. Star Wars Recruitment drive. It’s brilliant!
(you need it to be full screen)[url][/url]
Participant*Pant Pant*
Well here I am, late as usual. I’ve just watched the Battlestar Galactica mini series, all run together as a film.What did people think?
I really enjoyed it (Yes, Nursewhen actually enjoyed a remake!)My only gripes were what was the point of making Starbuck female?
In theory I thought it was a good idea, but what they created was still a bloke, just with a prettier body. My biggest problem was that I didn’t like her. The way she threw Colonel Tigh’s apology back in his face was cruel. It had cost him a lot to do it. Dr When commented that that woman’s got an attitude problem. I hope she spends many happy hours in the brig.My only other gripe was the way the old model Cylons had been changed. I loved the ones who looked human, but the original Cylons had looked like robots. The new, old model Cylons looked like a load of computer graphics.
ParticipantDang, I missed it!
Were you on? did your hat get air time?nursewhen
*Spoilers* below
Maybe it’s me, I’m dense or missed a connection, or it’s because I never read the book or saw the original but I have a question.If the reason these housewives are changed is because of nanotechnology in their brains, then what’s the deal with the creepy automaton that Walter and Joanna see at the men’s club? How does this relate to bionic boobs or invulnerable hands? I know the whole mind over matter situation is a factor, but we clearly see the [u]actual[/u] wives recover at the party.[/quote]
Well I was a captive audience on a plane to Turkey and was forced to watch it. I have exactly the same question. Since the wives weren’t killed, what was that spare body doing in the men’s club?
The only thing I could come up with was that they moved the brains of the women into robot bodies and then suppressed their personalities using the nanotechnology
Review – Not a bad film, quite entertaining, but rather shallow and superficial. I wasn’t mad about the angle it took either. Those super aggressive liberated women made me have some sympathy for the rebelling males.
ParticipantI have one half of a Vorlon costume stowed in the corner of my room. Originally a back packer frame, now with a huge orange and red pipe round the outside which makes up the shoulders of the Vorlon. To save space, my cat’s furry igloo, decorated with blue cats wearing hats with cherries on is stowed underneath it.
This is the costume I’m talking about
Participant[quote=”Logan”]”The last of the Brunnen-G will be destroyed when Saturn aligns with Uranus” [/quote]
Oh very well observed 😆nursewhen
ParticipantThere’s that scene in Twilight where Xev is snarling at the window. That’s right out of Salem’s Lot.
Also, the ship in Love Grows with the observation dome on top is right out of dark Star.
The internal workings of the planet Brunnis was very like the Forbidden Planet
Xenia: Er, Brian, I think you could put an eye out with that thing…
*Brian stuffs a ten pound Russett into his Smith and Wesson oil potato gun*
BD: I don’t care…This is absolutely the last time he’s gonna keep the whole cast and crew waiting while he sleeps off a 12 martini lunch in the studio basement![/quote]
And to follow on from Struedel’s excellent caption.
Brian: Good Grief! The breathalizer needle has gone right off the scale!
Xenia: Look out Michael, don’t go near any naked flames!nursewhen
ParticipantDon’t forget the wake the dead shower killing, straight out of Psycho.
14th August 2004 at 10:53 am in reply to: Anybody know any good Apocalyptic/post-Apocalyptic songs? #72624nursewhen
ParticipantWhy – Roger Whittaker
Something is going wrong
With the singer and the song
And the music isn’t gentle anymore
There’s a mist across the moon
And the sun’s too hot at noon
And the house is dark behind the broken door
Where the flowers used to grow
With their leaves are hanging low
And the constant shadow lies across the floor
There’s a strange and empty sky
Where the wild birds used to fly
And I never tasted bitter rain beforeAnd will the grass be gone from underneath the sky
Will the golden flower wither soon and die
Will the fire burn out the land
And the sea fill-up with sand
Will the last word ever spoken be why?
Will the last word ever spoken be why?Someone’s lost the plan
For the brotherhood of man
And no one’s trying to find it anymore
And the winds become a sigh
For those who hate and those who die
And the waves are black and slow along the shoreAnd will the grass be gone from underneath the sky
Will the golden flower wither soon and die
Will the fire burn out the land
And the sea fill-up with sand
Will the last word ever spoken be why?
Will the last word ever spoken be why, why, why?
Will the last word ever spoken be.WHY?14th August 2004 at 10:47 am in reply to: Anybody know any good Apocalyptic/post-Apocalyptic songs? #72623nursewhen
Participant99 Red Ballons
you And I In A Little Toy Shop
buy A Bag Of Balloons With The Money We’ve Got
set Them Free At The Break Of Dawn
’til One By One, They Were Gone
back At Base, Bugs In The Software
flash The Message, “something’s Out There”
floating In The Summer Sky
99 Red Balloons Go By.99 Red Balloons Floating In The Summer Sky
panic Bells, It’s Red Alert
there’s Something Here From Somewhere Else
the War Machine Springs To Life
opens Up One Eager Eye
focusing It On The Sky
where 99 Red Balloons Go By.99 Decision Street, 99 Ministers Meet
to Worry, Worry, Super-scurry
call The Troops Out In A Hurry
this Is What We’ve Waited For
this Is It Boys, This Is War
the President Is On The Line
as 99 Red Balloons Go By.99 Knights Of The Air
ride Super-high-tech Jet Fighters
everyone’s A Silverhero
everyone’s A Captain Kirk
with Orders To Identify
to Clarify And Classify
scramble In The Summer Sky
as 99 Red Balloons Go 99 Red Balloons Go By.
99 Dreams I Have Had
in Every One A Red Balloon
it’s All Over And I’m Standin’ Pretty
in This Dust That Was A City
if I Could Find A Souvenier
just To Prove The World Was Here…
and Here Is A Red Balloon
i Think Of You And Let It Go.11th August 2004 at 10:08 pm in reply to: Anybody know any good Apocalyptic/post-Apocalyptic songs? #72618nursewhen
ParticipantEighth Day – Hazel O’connor
In the beginning was the word, man said: Let there be more light
Electric scenes and laser beams, neon brights the light abhorring nights
On the second day he said: Let’s have a gas
Hydrogen and cholera and pest
Let’s make some germs, we’ll poison the worms
Man will never be suppressedAnd he said: Behold what I have done
I’ve made a better world for everyone
Nobody laugh, nobody cry
World without end, forever and ever
Amen, amen, amenOn the third we get green and blue for pie
On the fourth we send rockets to the sky
On the fifth make the beasts and submarines
On the sixth man prepares his final dream:
In our image, let’s make robots for our slaves
Imagine all the time that we can save
Computers, machines, the silicon dream
Seventh he retired from the sceneAnd he said: Behold what I have done
I’ve made a better world for everyone
Nobody laugh, nobody cry
World without end, forever and ever
Amen (amen), amen (amen), amen (amen)On the eighth day machine just got upset
A problem man had never seen as yet
No time for flight, a blinding light
And nothing but a void, forever nightHe said: Behold what man has done
There’s not a world for anyone
Nobody laughed, nobody cried
World’s at an end, everyone has died
Forever amen (amen), amen (amen), amen (amen)He said: Behold what man has done
There’s not a world for anyone
Nobody laughed, nobody cried
World’s at an end, everyone has died
Forever amen (amen), amen (amen), amen (amen)
ParticipantHey, what a great thread, well resurrected.
Couldn’t stand Wesley crusher myself, ditto all that super sprog crap, I hate it when the young uns are out-doing the old uns.
Same for Scooby Doo, destroyed by Scrappy Do.
I got fed up with the Xfiles when they got into all that alien conspiracy yawn. I liked it when they had a bit of variety, trolls and such.
I love ‘will they, won’t they?’ relationships. I adored Superman and could have watched him and Lois forever. Then he told Lois and they got married. It just didn’t have the magic after that.
Red Dwarf digitally enhanced itself and became slick, when grimy and cheap was what had made it so good. It just didn’t grip me anymore when it looked plush.
ParticipantI’m confused by the question. Is Ally looking for an existing series or looking for material in order to create a series?
Sound related things that I can think of are:-
The Phantom Tolbooth, an animated film which involved a world where all sound had been stolen and I think they managed to say the word ‘Oh’ and loaded it into a cannon and released all the stolen sounds.In the Original Star Trek pilot, they landed on a planet where there was an eerie tonal sound all the time and Spock found that it came from the leaves of a plant and it stopped when he touched it. That eerie sound was used again and again on different planets.
In yellow submarine, the Beatles brought music back to Pepper Land.
ParticipantYou could run it past the mods here and see what they say. Otherwise, at there’s a fiction forum on the billbored, see what the mods there think.
ParticipantThe original science fiction forum would be a good start
[url=]Click here[/url]There’s a list of rules at the top.
Participant[quote=”Logan”]I ready my finger ready over the mute button and put on my darkest sunglasses when anticipating a space battle.
Very often true. However, I refer your honours to evidence number 1.
2001 space travel in almost complete silence except for the bizarre floating orchestra.Evidence number 2. In firefly, when they needed to fire a gun in space, they wrapped it in a space suit to provide oxygen and the shots were completely silent.
However, I do agree that most space science is shit. 😉
…………Nah! killjoy blinking anti swearing software! I can’t even say shit 🙁
ParticipantOn from there, I was always inspired by Servalan from Blake’s 7.
How many women can struggle over a sand dune wearing a slinky white, satin evening gown, high heeled shoes and a gun and still maintain her dignity?Not to mention she snogged both Avon AND Tarrant. *sigh*
I was pretty inspired by Avon too *dribble*
Participant“NO KILL I”
“Eh wassit mean? Wassit mean? Spock, glue yer head to that shag pile carpet pepperoni pizza thing”
“Pain! PAIN! Mourn for the little shag pile carpet pepperoni pizza munchkins….”Sorry, for the impromptu performance.
I love that episode too. When I watched it when I was little, all those caverns full of smashed eggs made me cry. 😥nursewhen
You stay here, all alone in the cellar while I go and investigate the screams and chainsaw noises. Oh by the way, my car has a starter motor problem.
ParticipantWhat I don’t understand is their choice of remakes. Why take a film that can’t be improved on? Why don’t they improve bad films instead of making sad copies of great films.?
ParticipantThey’re remaking Westworld!!!!!?????!!!! 😯
Xev – Stan, next time you decide to buy me a latex Kai, will you please get one that stays inflated and comes with a pump!
(*cough* Sorry about the double entendre, but what the heck, I’m not changing it now 😆 )
ParticipantI can only get these links to work if they’re cut and pasted into the address line. I can’t get them to work by clicking.
Participant[quote=”pet”]I’m gonna say this one should probably go to Barabbas since The Frey can get a Kai mug any time she wants. 8)
No Question, Barabbas won the poll regardless of my dithering. -