
Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: SadGeezer Up Again – Ooer, that was scary! #68953

    Woo Hoo! Good to be back and superfast too! RESULT!!

    in reply to: Lists? What are lists? #68952

    Ack! We’ve lost all the thread that explained how the

    [code:1][list][/list] and [code][/code][/code:1]

    Functions work!

    Woe! 😥

    in reply to: How to be a Good Poster, Part 1 #68938

    Woo Hoo!
    I suggest a test forum, go away on holiday and when I come back, there’s a test forum!

    Thanks Sadgeezer 😀

    in reply to: How to be a Good Poster, Part 1 #68820

    The thing that complete newbies tend to struggle with (and I mean people completely new to message boards in general) are the replies and quotes. At there’s a test forum where people can play around and make nonsense posts until they’ve got the hang of it. Here if you’re unsure, you have to do your experimentation in full view on a main forum which can be a bit daunting.

    I’ve always though Sadgeezer’s could do with a test forum and maybe a help forum too. In fact that’s what I thought this forum was going to be when I first heard about it.

    in reply to: Censorship on SadGeezer #68804

    [quote=”Flamegrape”]I emailed Fatguy and requested a copy of his deleted story. (I did not see it when it was originally posted.) [b][i]In my opinion, it did NOT violate the established rules for posting stories at SadGeezer.Com.[/i][/b][/quote]

    Does it actually matter? Since Fatguy has now neatly sidestepped ALL censorship by remote linking, the story is now availbale to everybody on the board. Including the story where Stan kills Xev which I believe was formerly deleted by you.

    in reply to: Censorship on SadGeezer #68747

    [quote=”FX”]gee, i wish i had seen the story in question 😕 [/quote]
    You still can. Fatguy has remote linked to it at [url=]this address [/url]

    in reply to: New Competition! Babylon 5 CRaZy CApTioNs #68736

    On the subject of competitions, where did the Dune one vanish to?

    in reply to: Sci-Fi TV/Films that are so bad they’re good #68684

    [quote=”ShadowedVenus”]Many episodes of Blakes 7 and the old Star Trek series are definitely to be appreciated for their so-bad-that-it’s-good factor as well as their truly so-good-that-it’s-great! moments. what about that Blake’s 7 epsiode Gambit where Avon and Villa shrink Orac so they can win a fortune at chess in a world where everyone seems to be wearing the costumes from Blackadder the Third with some silver plastic and face paint hurriedly stuck on them[/quote]
    Oy! Gambit happens to be one of my favourite B7 episodes 😯
    I’ll hear nothing against it! Compared with the rest of B7, that episode was positively sumptuous (though I was a bit unsure about all the silver streamers in the parking lot on the space station 😕 )
    If you want a really bad episode, how about Animals? Oh hang on a minute, that one’s so bad, it’s bad 😆

    in reply to: New "Who" Due #68669

    Don’t like the idea of Alan Davies myself. He generally does curly haired bumbling which for me would be a bit too like Tom Baker.
    I also find Richard E Grant rather unversatile, but I do think he’d make a very good Doctor of the more serious, Pertweesque type.

    On a tangent here, I wasn’t happy with Paul McGann getting himself a love interest in the film. I always felt the Doctor, though fond of his assistants, looked upon them more as pets than partners.

    I’d like a rather more aloof Doctor.

    in reply to: Happy Birthday Lexxlurker!!! :) :) #68663

    Hope you had a good un 😀

    in reply to: Y Is Better Than X – A Futuristic Children’s Book. #68504

    [quote=”ShadowedVenus”]Depending on which society you’re specifically talking about, I don’t know about the legality of the situation but the problem is that many children are encouraged to bear arms now[/quote]
    I was thinking that. After all the legal age to carry an air gun is 14 over here and that’s quite sufficient to shoot a small dog with.
    We went through a very nasty phase in my neighbourhood last year when heartbroken cat owners were finding their pets either killed or maimed with air gun shot.
    Where my parents live, pigeon racing is very popular and they know somebody who lost a large number of his pigeons to kids picking them off whenever he let them out.

    in reply to: Y Is Better Than X – A Futuristic Children’s Book. #68482

    [quote=”Logan”][quote=”Fatguy”]Are we being hypocritical if we censor this one (and I know both moderators saw “X is better than Y”). Is this story different than “X is better than Y”[?][/quote]

    This forum is for “Original Science Fiction,” so yes, the question is, “Is this [i]variation[/i] original [i]enough[/i] to pass muster?”

    BTW, it would have been easier to compare the two if you’d posted the “new” variation in the “X IS Better Than Y” thread.

    What do you think, is it original [i]enough[/i]?[/quote]
    Well the question is also, ‘is this science fiction?’ the only science is in the heading where there is the word ‘future’ and a reference to chromosomes. The text itself is not science fiction, it is a test. Not to see if the text passes muster, but to see if WE pass muster.

    As a test of current social opinions, it’s mildly interesting. As a piece of original science fiction, it is not.

    I agree with Logan, for the test to work, you need both pieces, therefore they belong in the same thread.
    And since it is a test, does it belong in the fiction thread at all?

    Edit – Dammit! How did 3 more posts turn up before I posted this one?

    in reply to: What Is Your Excuse For Not Posting On The Board? #68468

    [quote=”Fatguy”]I will admit that I may have given one Sadgeezer a reason by frightening her away after showing her my bare bum; [/quote]
    Bum unseen I’m afraid, due to overwhelming lack of interest.

    in reply to: Fatguy Is A White Man. #68435

    I feel your pain, Fatguy. It’s extremely unpleasant to have assumptions made about you based on your race.
    I know how it feels. There’s a guy here who constantly insinuates that I must be racist simply because I’m white.

    It’s not nice. 🙁

    in reply to: Area 51; Paranormal or Patsy? #68429

    [quote=”LexxLurker”][quote=”Jennicide”]How come it always seems to be in the US that you hear about this stuff?
    You get things like crop circles, area 51, all of that, but its in America. [/quote]

    And that is *exactly* why I included option #2. Personally I think there’s a great deal of merit to your arguement. I half-believe the US Government helps along the rumors of aliens et al simply because people arent whining about jobs and taxes when they’re demanding to know what secrets the government is hiding. If nothing else, it doesent hurt them to do so, can only help.[/quote]
    I don’t know if it’s that cynical, I think people believe whatever turns then on. Like being dragged off into spaceships for experimentation. It seemed for a while to be a sport exclusive to America. Then the X files got screened in Britain, and next thing you know, Brits are being dragged out of their beds by the cartload 😆

    in reply to: Area 51; Paranormal or Patsy? #68372

    [quote=”Jennicide”]How come it always seems to be in the US that you hear about this stuff?
    You get things like crop circles, area 51, all of that, but its in America. If there were actually beings wanting to communicate with people, would they concentrate solely on one part of the world?[/quote]

    Yes, If I were an alien looking down at the world, with my ignorance of what is a country, I would see Africa and Asia as the largest land masses and would concentrate on them. By comparison, North America is a medium sized island.

    It always amuses me how people always want to deny what the human race is capable of. Pyramids, wow, they’re big, must be made by aliens. Lines in the desert, Ooh, they’re straight, must be made by aliens. Strange looking aircraft in a possible secret government aircraft design and development area, must be made by aliens 😉

    in reply to: Landmark month for #68371

    Hello and welcome, Sasha 😀

    in reply to: Happy Birthday, Jhevz! :) #68397

    Happy Birthday, Jhevz 😀

    in reply to: Cult Music Videos #68402

    The first music video (or was it a film) that ever caught my imagination was the black and white one that went with David Bowie’s ‘A Space Oddity’. The woman washing up with the sink exploding. The space ship in the middle of the kitchen floor. Truly mind blowing 😯

    We went through a wonderful fad in the 1980s of superb videos. I quite miss it now. I think the most prolific and polished were Duran Duran, though I think their unpolished ‘Girls on film’ probably got the most fans 😉

    Then there’s two which used that style of annimation where it looks like the pictures are being drawn while you look at them. (Sorry don’t know the name or how to describe it Rather like the snowman, but with no colour).

    Aha’s Take on me which mixed real with animation was one of my favourites.

    My absolute favourite was an animation which went with Queen’s Save Me. It was a woman brushing her hair and later jumping from a bridge. It was incredibly moving and I’ve never seen it since, but it made a truly lasting impression on me.

    in reply to: "The Girl Who Was Death": Allegory of an Allegory #68403

    Well I always thought it was a mixture of theory 1 and theory 2.
    He’s teling the story of a previous mission but has substituted the current number 2 and assistant into it just to annoy them.

    I loved ‘The Girl Who was Death’ (and Gary 7). It was so different. I loved the campness, the ridiculous disguises, the moustache, the idyllic cricket match with the bomb. ‘You have just been poisoned’ written on the bottom of the glass. I’m afraid I didn’t see the allegory (OK, so I’m shallow 😆 ), though I can see where you’re coming from now you point it out.

    On a tangent, Gary 7 was wonderful, the mysterious stranger who turns up, sorts something out and vanishes again. I loved the way the cat momentarily became human too. So much potential wasted. I can’t believe they didn’t go ahead with a series.

    in reply to: Sci-Fi Is Dead! #68408

    Fight, fight, fight,
    It’s such a sorry sight,
    We squabble, bash,
    Beat and thrash
    And punch with all our might

    Fun, fun, fun
    We should skip and run
    Laugh and play
    And watch all day
    The dead guy with a bun

    in reply to: Sci-Fi Is Dead! #68359

    I really like that! 😀

    in reply to: Happy Birthday to me, I’m back! #68336

    Happy birthday, Flamegrape 🙂

    in reply to: under attack #68256

    Destroying is so much easier than building. It makes me wonder why they think it’s so clever 🙁

    in reply to: Censorship on SadGeezer #68234

    [quote=”Fatguy”][quote=”nursewhen”][quote=”Fatguy”]You are very young Headgehog (what is it…..just turned 21[/quote]
    Wow What a brilliant tactic. Trash somebody’s opinions by being ageist! :roll:[/quote]

    Nah…..was thinking about his references to the Beatles – even they were before my time…..heheheheehe! How times have changed. By the way – if anyone thinks I am angry and such…..Nope! I am quite happy right now…..

    I do not for one second imagine that you are angry. This is the kind of attention that you relish.

    in reply to: Censorship on SadGeezer #68232

    [quote=”Fatguy”]You are very young Headgehog (what is it…..just turned 21[/quote]
    Wow What a brilliant tactic. Trash somebody’s opinions by being ageist! 🙄

    in reply to: Censorship on SadGeezer #68230

    Applause for what Headgehog just said *ccckkkckckckk* 😀

    in reply to: Banana vote on Sadgeezer Censorship issue… #68202

    [quote=”lexxrobotech”]Personally I think censorship sucks. If someone doesn’t like what’s being said, then they shouldn’t continue to read it. As Captain Rick Hunter was told by Admiral Gloval, “If you can’t take the heat… get out of the battle.” Then again, not everyone thinks like me, so it’s a case of either having full censorship or none at all.

    Well I’m all for censorship if it’s done fairly. After all, if you take the no censorship option and we get a troll who spams every single thread, it’s not something that you can just walk away from. Before you know it, the board would be groaning under the weight of pure unadulterated crap and we’ll all be flaming each other.

    With a case like that, then the need for censorship is obvious. Where it gets more difficult is when it drops into the grey areas and it’s the grey areas which are being discussed in the help forum (you don’t have to be a mod to join. I’m not one and never have been).

    in reply to: Censorship on SadGeezer #68189

    Well, I think the rules as they stand are fine. We have a copy of the Frey’s rules over at in the help section. However, an extra one has been added:- ‘Don’t be vulgar’. Which I think is quite a delightful phrase and covers a multitude of evils without being too specific.

    I find this board is quite strict over vulgarity, some words get automatically ‘bleeped’ by the software, so I know already that I’m not going to get away with strong language (or discussing female dogs 😆 ), so I wouldn’t even try for a shocking piece of fanfic. Anybody who posts here should pick that up quite quickly.

    I think there’s a lot to be said for relying on the moderators, because everybody is different. Some people make graphic posts simply because that’s the way they think. Others are far more premeditated and their motive is to shock, cause upset, gain attention, create a fuss, whatever. It takes a person to be able to make a decision as to which one you’re dealing with.

    I do think that a deletion of a fanfic is quite a serious step (but then fanfics USUALLY represent quite a large amount of work), so maybe it would be best to have 2 moderators look at it and make the decision together to make it as fair as possible?

    Some things are so outrageous that they need to be taken off immediately and no consultation is required (though I’m talking here about something so extreme that a ban would probably be in the pipeline as well).

    in reply to: Those of you with MSN8…. #68161

    Thanks for that Jhevz, but do we need to have this both here and duplicated in the pub?

    in reply to: The Saddies.. #68159

    Well my award for the Drooliest has got to go to Starmanjohn and his [url=]sexiest stars thread[/url] 😀

    in reply to: 00-911 The Misadventures of Agent When Part 10 #68153


    [i]Yo Milky Way Yo [/i]

    or, if you prefer…

    [i]End Of The Looneyverse[/i]

    The implications of the scene that had just unfolded before him began to register in Bryn Dempsey’s shocked mind. He took a slow backstep away from the swinging double doors that were the only barrier between himself and perhaps the most evil co-op Existence had seen since the fall of the Divine Order. And the rise of Microsoft.

    Prince turned his freshly canned companion over to Zev, then trained his icy stare on Bryn through the glass pane separating him from that which he had sought so long.

    ” You’re mine, Stanley Tweedle! ”

    Bryn uttered what was probably one of the biggest understatements of all time. ” Oh…This is bad…this is really, [i]really[/i] bad… ” Having sized up the situation, the Captain of Lexx decided discretion was the better part of valor, and executed a tactical retreat.

    As he ran at breakneck speed, he promised himself that THIS time, Xev and Kai wouldn’t talk him out of leaving this stupid planet far behind…or making that 790 commode he’d always wanted. If he got out of this alive.


    ” NOOOOOOOO!!! ” Streudel cried out.

    ” Why not? ” the Kais inquired, their identical baritones forming a single, panty melting, Barry White like voice. Two sets of hazel eyes affixed themselves to her and unblinkingly awaited her reply.

    Streudel struggled to conceive a noble argument for the clone’s continued existence. But she was already
    incoherently drooling more than the cast of Baywatch trying to program a VCR. A relapse was imminent.

    “Ummm, yeah, why not. Well, because he…er…because…uh…mmmm…bioengineered Kais thighs lips fleshy flanks… times TWO!! ” [i]*trails off into unintelligible gibberish*[/i] [b]” Must…get…brain…out…knickers!!! [/b]”

    Streudel surveyed the area and spotted a discarded newspaper. Rolling it up as tightly as she could, she handed it to When. She pointed to her own forehead, wordlessly indicating where she needed the paper delivered. When drew the makeshift billyclub back and held it aloft while swiftly bringing her heel down on Streudel’s foot.

    ” Why in the #@%$* did you do that!! ” she shrieked, hopping about madly on one foot.

    ” I thought I’d improvise…Just to keep you on your toes. ” When replied. Then she addressed the group. “Since my partner is making less sense than a condom dispenser in a maternity ward, maybe I should translate. I think she meant to say he’s just a pawn, maybe we can help him. Me, I just don’t want to watch someone gets his head lopped off. No amount of tea and cucumber sandwiches will take that image out of my head. ”

    ” So what do we do? ” Xev asked.

    ” RUN!!! ” Bryn shouted as he came sliding uncontrollably around the corner, victim of a previous chocolate pudding spill. Mowing down Streudel, who was still perched on one foot, helped him come to a stop.

    ” Stanley, you’re OK!” Xev beamed broadly at her friend. Agent When approached Bryn and inspected him in a nursely fashion. ” Are you sure you’re alright? What did- ”

    ” No time…” Bryn said breathlessly ” Prince is…” he looked at When quizzically. “Agent When…did you get taller?”

    ” I’m not alright. Thanks for asking. ” Streudel squeaked. Agent When looked down to discover she was standing on top of her partner. When pulled Streudel to her feet. ” Sorry ’bout that Chief. ”

    Bryn grabbed Xavia and When’s hands and began to drag them along, desperate to hasten their departure. ” Come on! Prince is right behind me! ”

    When looked over her shoulder, ” Streudel, what are you waiting for? Come on!! ” she called out as she disappeared into an adjoining corridor.

    ” But what about the Kais? ” Streudel yelled after her.

    [b]THWACK!!! [/b]
    She whipped around in time to see Marcus wobbling, one of her patented MM tranquiliser darts ( a soothing combo of Beck’s, nicotine, and hash oil ) protruding from his backside. ” Okey dokey…goin’ down…” he slurred before hitting the floor.

    Prince regarded the Divine Assassinator 3000 in amazement. ” Will wonders never cease? It [i]actually[/i] worked, ” he said with raised eyebrows and a pleased smile.

    ” Certainly atypical for anything coming from the Acme Labs,” Vixen remarked, then shot her former employer a haughty smile. ” Although Acme has been known to get it right occasionally, eh Streudel? ” Vixen made her way to the Kai clone and fondled his forelock. ” The clone reeled you in like the big mouth trout you are. Muahahah- ugh!..Ewwww!!!” Vixen had inadvertently caused a soggy carrot and a half eaten fish stick to tumble from his bun into her cleavage.

    ” Vixen…I would dearly love to allow you to gloat in proper ubervillainess fashion, but we do have a schedule to maintain. After all, it wouldn’t do to keep Marcus’ fans…or my hungry little pet…waiting any longer than they already have. Zev, Fourth, take Marcus to Vixen’s Moth. ”

    Zev and Fourth quickly complied. Zev slung the robot head to a pouting Vixen, then hauled Marcus up by his arms. Fourth leaned over to grab his feet. Streudel saw her opportunity and seized it, delivering a blindingly fast front snap kick to the bridge of Fourth’s nose. Zev dropped Marcus to the floor but was not in time to prevent the precision roundhouse kick that connected behind her ear. The pout on Vixen’s face vaporised and was replaced by a sneer as she glanced down at the robot head in her hands and was struck with inspiration…

    [b]*CRACK!!!* [/b]

    ” That’s about the only way to get ahead at Acme, huh Streudel? ” Vixen quipped as Streudel collapsed in a heap.

    790 laughed gleefully, ” Good, now finish the job! Kill the Tweedle Twin, the Love Slut Wannabe, the Corpse Clone, and then kill yourself. I want to be alone with my Prince. ” He launched into a god awful rendition of ‘ Some Day My Prince Will Come ‘.

    ” Oh, bloody hell…” Prince winced at 790’s serenade, ” And I thought Marcus had a voice like an ashtray. Kai, kill Chief Streudel, then fetch Stanley Tweedle and Xev for me. Kill Agent When as well. ”


    ” Wait! We can’t leave without them! ” Agent When yanked Bryn’s hand off the joystick, causing the Moth to set down abruptly.

    “Look, I can understand you worrying about your friend, but she’s probably safer with Marcus than we are just sitting here. Besides, I worry more about him being left with her. She is still short one inflatable Marcus, y’know. ” Bryn rolled his eyes and reached for the joystick. ” She’s probably already looking for a valve to blow- ”

    When smacked Bryn’s hand. ” Hey!!! That’s my friend you’re talking about! ” When said indignantly.

    Xavia leaned over his shoulder. ” I don’t know, Stanley. They should’ve come out by now. Maybe we-”

    His voice rose to a Tweedlesque pitch. He knew full well what Xavia was driving at. ” I just want to put a little distance between us and Prince, OK?!. They’ll catch up with us! ” With a determined grimace, he grasped the joystick and the Moth climbed skyward. ” This time I’m really putting my foot down! We’re leaving! ”

    When grabbed the joystick with both hands and began to wrestle Bryn for control. ” No! I can’t leave my partner behind! ” The Moth flitted and danced erratically. ” If you don’t let me out right now, I’m going to have to put [b]MY[/b] foot down…on your chest!!! ”

    ” But- ” Bryn’s protest was cut short by a foot planted on his chest as promised. Despite her superior strength and leverage, When couldn’t break his fear induced death grip.

    ” I don’t want to leave Marcus behind either! I’ll go back in with you, Agent When! ” Xavia put her hands over Bryn’s eyes. ” Let go Stanley!! ” Chirping frantically, the Moth played leapfrog in the doctor’s parking lot, denting the tops of two Mercedes and a BMW.

    ” Are you two crazy?!! You’re gonna get us all killed!!!! ” Bryn began prying at Xavia’s hands. When swiftly set the Moth back down on solid ground, flung open the eye lens, and leapt out. She waited for Xavia with her arms folded over her chest, her brow deeply furrowed.

    ” Coming Stanley? ” Xavia asked as she disembarked.

    Bryn shook his head vigorously. ” No way Xev! A thousand times no! They should’ve come when I told ’em to. ”

    Xavia looked him in the eye. ” Tell [i]her[/i] that. ” she said. She knew how Bryn felt about letting his fans down, and there was no bigger StanFan than Agent When.

    Bryn cleared his throat and attempted to sound as decisive as he did with Xavia. ” Agent When, I’m sorry but…”

    When tried her best to remain stoic, but Bryn recognised the look, the same one a child has if you tell them there is no Santa Claus. He felt his resolve failing.

    ” I mean… Marcus can handle this. He’s an assassin and…” Trailing off softly, his face fell and he sighed with resignation.

    “Damn.” He clambered out of the Moth. ” What good is it having an assassin around if you have to rescue [i]him[/i]?! ” he grumbled.

    Agent When rewarded his bravery with a huge smile. ” Bryn Dempsey, you ARE top of the hero class. ”

    ” You sure are Bryn…I mean, ” Xev said with a giggle, ” Stanley the Brave who risked his skin for his friends “.

    The two ladies kissed him on the cheek.

    ” Yeah, yeah…have ’em put that on my tombstone. ”


    Fourth of 5 sat up and gingerly touched the bridge of his nose. It hurt like Hell, but he didn’t think it was broken. Well, THIS time, Streudel was going to pay. Of course, if he had his way, her payback would’ve involved a vat of lard, a cattleprod, and a horde of horny wilderbeast. [i]*Oh well,[/i]* he thought[i],*you can’t win ’em all. A brace in the head will have to do*[/i]. Still, there was a chance he’d get to be creative with Agent When’s demise if OOPS ( Overlord’s Overnight Parcel Service ) made good on their guaranteed ‘ the good guys are about to save the day so you need this weapon right away’ service……

    ” No. I will not do as you request. ” The Kai clone stated flatly.

    ” NO! ” Prince’s collar flew up to punctuate his rage.” Fourth, Zev! Don’t just sit there gawking…Take Marcus to Vixen’s Moth and wait for me.” he said through clenched teeth. Zev jerked Fourth up from the floor, and together they whisked Marcus away.

    ” Kai, I did not make a request. I gave you a directive. Now obey your Prince.”

    Vixen bounced up and down with her arm raised, much like Arnold Horshack. ” Oooh! Ooooh! I’ll do it! Let me do it! [b]Please[/b]!! ” She had dreamt of this moment ever since Bugs Bunny promoted Streudel over her just because Streudel’s Daddy was head of Sara Lee’s carrot cake division. She produced a dagger from her boot and brandished it overhead. Prince ensnared her wrist firmly but gently.

    ” Although I find your enthusiasm and loyalty…admirable…it’s not yours that concerns me. ” he kissed the inside of her wrist and returned her arm to her side. ” It’s our clone’s. Since I can no longer control him through his nanites, I must see if he is worth salvaging.”

    ” I am not. I have my own will and I no longer wish to serve you or endure this musical torture. I only wish to die. ”

    ” Then I will make a deal with you. You help me by killing the Acme Agents and retrieving Stanley and Xev, and I will give you the oblivion you seek, quickly and painlessly. ”

    ” The Acme Agents wished me spared despite the fact that I am their enemy. I will not harm them. I will kill myself. ” He unsheathed his brace.

    Streudel struggled to her feet and latched onto his arm. ” Nooo! You’re too pretty to die! Sorry, drooler reflex… I mean don’t do it! I can help you. ”

    Prince nodded to Vixen, giving her the go ahead. Vixen raised the dagger over head.

    [b]*THWAP!!!…PTWANG!!! *[/b]The dagger flew up and stuck into the ceiling. Vixen looked at her empty hand in shock. At her feet lay a petrified bacon sandwich marked ” EMERGENCY ” in mustard.

    Bryn was visibly impressed. ” Who knew you could be so accurate with a bacon sandwich? ”

    When flashed him a winning smile. ” You should see what I can do with a kebab! ” she said as she took off with a burst off bioengineered speed.

    Prince, seeing When coming drew a dagger from his coat and let fly with it. When bounded onto a gurney, narrowly avoiding the deadly projectile. She rode it out until she within a few feet of him, then leapt off, planting a side kick in the middle of his chest. She had barely stabilised herself from the maneuver when she was knocked off balance by the slow rhythmic shaking off the floor.

    [b]OOH OOH AHH AHH AHH!!! [/b]
    ” When, please tell me that’s not what I think it is. ” The color drained from Streudel’s face. It was exactly as she feared. Fourth of 5 was piloting the latest in Exo Suit technology, the Chimpanator CX. The Chimpanator’s hand morphed into what looked like a cannon.

    ” Get down!!! ” When bellowed.

    [b]*FWOOSH!!!……..SPLAT!!!* [/b]
    ” What the hell was that!!! ” Bryn cried.

    The clone answered very matter of factly, ” A very large banana cream pie. ”

    ” Could’ve been worse, ” When noted, ” I see Fourth hasn’t figured out how to operate the cata-poo-lt. ”

    Bryn’s eyes became as big as saucers. ” Oh, holy sh-[b]INCOMING[/b]!!! ”

    [b]*FWOOSH!!!……..SPLAT!!!* [/b]

    Streudel nearly yanked the clone’s arm out of it’s socket in her haste. ” I say it’s time we all make like bananas and split! ”

    Prince groaned, but not from the footprint in his chest. He promised himself to build a new city on Fire in the next Cycle of Time. [i]*I think I shall call it ‘Hacktown’, the final stop for karaoke singers and no-talent comedians. Streudel will be the first in line, followed by Britney Spears and Regis.* [/i]
    The Acme/Lexx crew took off, with Streudel leading the way this time. Fourth leveled the Chimpanator’s arm cannon and prepared to take a parting shot, but Prince motioned for him to stop. ” No need. If you’ll be so kind as to escort us to the roof, we’ll be heading for the Lexx now. ” Fourth proceeded to punch a large hole in an outside wall. He wrapped his pneumatic tail around Prince, Vixen and 790, and flew to the rooftop.

    ” Well done, Fourth. I may not have to kill you after all. It shouldn’t take long for them to figure out what we’re doing, so we must move quickly. Fourth, is your new toy capable of flight outside of the Earth’s atmosphere? ”

    ” I believe so. ”

    ” Good. 790, can you interface with Fourth’s onboard computer? ” 790 scanned the suit.

    ” Yes. Much like me, it is biomechanical, with a small amount of brain tissue interfacing with it’s systems. Unlike me, there is no human brain tissue controlling it, only the small cube of chimp tissue the suit was built with, and the even smaller speck of orangutan tissue the Tweedle Twin calls a brain. ”

    ” Thank you 790, but a simple yes would have sufficed. You will pilot the Chimpanator to the Other Zone portal’s location, and we will follow you in. ”

    ” But my Prince of Passion- ” 790 began to whine.

    ” There is no time for debate. Vixen, you will come with me. Zev will take Marcus. We’ll meet on the bridge.”


    [b]OK, so I lied. 😳 Tune in next time for the (possibly) final chapter of 00-911 The misadventures of Agent When 😀 [/b]

    in reply to: Harry Potters for nerds #68104

    [quote=”ShadowedVenus”]It also bothers me that despite being a woman, Rowling has chosen not to challenge any of the sex-linked prejudices commonly bound up esp in the more simple works of the the SFF genres and made her hero on his quest a boy.[/quote]
    Well that depends entirely on which sex-linked prejudices you care to pick. If we go for the old ‘female authors are incapable of creating convincing male characters’, then I think you’ll agree that she blew that one completely out of the water.

    What does worry me is that she was advised to make her pen name JK Rowling so as not to lose the 11 year old male audience who may be put off by a female author. ([url=,6000,474412,00.html]Sourced from The Guardian[/url].)
    Mind you, now that the word is out and everybody knows she’s female, perhaps that’s another sex-linked stereotype that’s she’s blown out of the water.
    If you ask me, she’s doing a good job on that front 😀

    in reply to: Harry Potters for nerds #68078

    [quote=”Jennicide”]1. A basalisk is not a serpent, it is a lizard creature. grr, all through the second book i was really angry, or at least after the part they started talking about it. I mean, that’s a really huge mistake, that could have been easily rectified. It also gives those with no idea of mythological beasts wrong concepts.

    I’m afraid I have to disagree with you here. A Basilisk (Cockatrice) IS a serpent. In fact, it’s a cross between a serpent and a chicken.


    Image nicked [url=]from here[/url]

    Also, since the myth of the basilisk may have grown from tales of cobras, the Harry Potter basilisk may have actually been more true than we give it credit for.

    There is a basilisk which is a lizard, but that is a real animal, not a myth.

    in reply to: Survey: Your Favourite AND Least Favourite Sci-Fi Shows #68057

    Blake’s 7
    Star Trek (original series)
    Babylon 5
    Space 1999
    Red Dwarf
    Sapphire and Steel
    The twilight zone
    The Prisoner

    in reply to: IMPORTANT – Please read and comment #68016

    I quite agree with Logan there. I think If there was a Lexx compartment, I’d probably drop into it and after a while start wondering why the site has shrunk so much.

    [quote=”fatguy”]Actually…..there are many here who are afraid of you [/quote]
    Err, just who exactly are these [b]many?[/b] I’m certainly not one of them.

    (It’s that bunch down in Grey 17 again isn’t it 😆 )

    in reply to: What is Cult TV Sci Fi? #67934

    I find that too much TV nowadays simply provides an endless stream of happy endings. The majority of the public appears to like that since programs which do that eg. Star Trek get primetime viewing and pick up huge numbers of fans. (I’m not Star Trek bashing, I watch and enjoy it if it’s on, I just don’t seek it out (Unless it’s the original series 😀 ))

    The sort of stuff that appeals to me is the rather messier end of the market. Antiheros, (the criminals in Blake’s 7 taking on the federation) regular guys (Stanley Tweedle seeking out a pleasant life rather than a glorious one) and people who can get into something with every intention of doing good and making a complete hash of it (farscape?).

    Give me wobbly sets and good story lines over flashy special effects every time (Dr Who).

    My guess is that the people who watch the more marginalised sci fi will tend to be the more proactive since they either have to stay up late, religiously set there videos or (in my case) have to buy the entire series on DVD because it’s not available on terrestrial TV (Lexx). Making them more likely to go and seek out message boards in order to reassure themselves that they’re not alone in the universe.

    The marginalised sci fi also tends to leave threads hanging, not explain things or have stuff which is just plain weird. This makes for good essay and discussion fodder since far more is open to interpretation. In my opinion, the sort which explains everything to the nth degree leaves fewer openings for interesting debate.

    I’ve never watched the Stargate series. I was put off by the film when I found that a bunch of Egyptologists had had that machine from the 1960s and couldn’t recognise the constellation of Orion when they saw it. Since Orion is the representation of Osiris, I was pretty unimpressed.

    in reply to: Village Life #67878

    Jeez, fatguy,

    You’re not the only person on the planet who has a hard time and you’re not the only person on the planet who cares about the misfortunes of others. Me, I’m tired of the accusations of racisism and elitisism which you are constantly implying in your posts.

    And I don’t know why you’re ashamed of your job since you were recently boasting the depth of your pockets and how nobody would be able to outbid you for the Kai wig. Hell, if I could get paid that sort of money for lifting boxes, I’d be there like a shot.

    in reply to: Village Life #67863

    Logan, I’m so sorry to hear of your recent tragedies. I offer my deepest sympathy.

    I was going to say something about ‘wishing to wake up mentally ill’, but when something pisses me off, I tend to go away for a day, mull it over and come back when I’m feeling more serene.
    Now you’ve covered the topic from every angle and there is nothing more that I could possibly add.

    On the subject of trolling. it is something I totally fail to understand. To me, it’s like going into a nice house and pissing on the carpet.

    I too hope that you were joking, fatguy, because you’re obviously an intelligent man and I find it hard to square that such social vandalism could come from somebody who has so much going for him and could use his intelligence to much better ends.

    If you were a troll but have now lost your trolling spirit, then all well and good. I look forward to your positive and enlightening posts. 🙂

    in reply to: Village Life #67846

    Well, Fatguy, I’d love to help but I’m afraid I haven’t a clue what you were trying to say in your last 2 posts. 😕

    I thought at first you were annoyed because a moderator was deleting your posts. But it’s you deleting your posts. I think that facilitating a reconciliation between the two of you is beyond my meagre abilities. 😕

    Did I miss something in the subtext?

    As per the fiction, I think something like that every now and then can be amusing but if lots of people posted that style of fiction, I would find it irritating

    in reply to: Sexiest Stars? #67843

    [quote=”starmanjohn”]8) Yep,long blond-white hair,she definatly worth drooling about!She got all right stuff in all right places for sure!(starmanjohn)[/quote]
    Umm *cough* I do believe Orlando Bloom is of the male variety and rather nice in Pirates of the Caribbean too 😀


    Image nicked [url=] from here[/url]

    Perhaps you’re thinking of Kate Blanchett as Galadriel?


    Image nicked [url=]from here[/url]

    in reply to: Devoted Lexx Fan crash lands into LexxCon Community! #67841

    Hello and welcome to the Lexx community 😀
    Unfortunately I can’t help you on the dragoncon organisation since it’s a long walk from the UK, but there’s lots of people here who can.

    in reply to: Non-Hollywood-Butchered #67809

    I thought The Shining, although a damn fine book was bested by the film. The film had a much better ending while the book got terribly soppy. I also thought the maze replacing the topiary was a brilliant move.

    I also found the Lord of The Rings films better than the books. I hated the books *ducks behind protective shield*
    I found the books terribly linear with very little in the way of subplots. I also found the books took the easy way out too often.

    The hobbits run into trouble, Bombadill appears and rescues them.
    The hobbits run into trouble again, Bombadill appears again and rescues them
    The hobbits run into trouble. Gandalf appears and rescues them.
    Frodo runs into trouble, accidentally triggers an elf defense system.

    They never got out of trouble themselves. I thought the film made them far more proactive. The film changed the elf defence system so it was actively triggered and they worked the sub plot in so that you know where Gandalf has gone and how he comes to turn up in the nick of time.

    I also didn’t like the style of the books. Too much description. Tolkien would describe a scene right down to every blade of grass. I prefer an author to leave at least something to the imagination of the reader.

    *runs away and hides*

    in reply to: Remotely linking to images #67793

    [quote=”SadGeezer”]This site has been [b]brought down twice [/b]because of people stealing my bandwidth. [/quote]
    Wow, that’s some serious piracy! 😯

    [quote]But, after reading the thread, I wonder if there is a cool way round this for users of this site that don’t have a place to store their images. How about if you use the [b][color=yellow]’Sci Fi Downloads’ [/color][/b]area of this site!?

    There is an area called [b]’News Items'[/b]. Each user has the ability to upload images from their hard disk to this gallery. [/quote]

    That sounds like an excellent solution since I’m told that photoisland can get a bit flaky at times.
    I’ve also now discovered that I’ve never explored this site properly. To think I trawled the internet searching for pictures of Kirk when there’s a gallery here 🙄

    [quote]Nurewhen, when you have an image that you want to use in a discussion on this site[b][i] (but not for other sites), [/i][/b]you can upload it to the [url=]Sci Fi Downloads Section[/url] in the [url=]News Items[/url] area
    Thank you, I have got my own web space which I’m now uploading my images from. (I was remote linking before out of sheer ignorance). But I know a lot of people who don’t have webspace and this would be a huge help to them.

    So going back to a general piracy question. Are there ways of stealing bandwidth other than remote linking to images?
    I just wondered because I have a feeling that if I’m given a list, I may turn out to be the ” Calico Jack ” Rackham of the internet without even knowing it.

    in reply to: Remotely linking to images #67792

    Well shiver me timbers! I’m glad to have brought a worthwhile subject to the group. 😀 Thanks for explaining that Logan. A lot of the technicalities of the internet are a bit of a mystery to me and you’ve explained it admirably.
    I didn’t realise I could be helping to bring people’s sites down. No wonder I got called a silly goth hamster 😯

    I’ve now hosted all of those pictures and put a link back to where they all came from. hopefully that will have advanced me beyond my current rodent status. 😳

    [quote=”Jhevz”]better yet, use web pages for others to click on. On, Mandrid has actually asked me to do this & I have; I think this is also a great idea for here, that way, anyone who has a dial-up or slower upload, doesn’t have to wait too long to get the picture[/quote]

    Well here’s another thing to throw into the discussion.
    To URL or to IMG, that is the question.

    I remember the good old days when I had a desperately slow dial up connection. If somebody posted a URL, I never clicked on it because I would be stuck for 5 minutes waiting for the picture or the webpage to open up. If an image was posted in line, I could just carry on down the thread, reading peoples’ posts and then nip back up afterwards and look at the pictures.

    So I actually found inline posting of images more friendly to me as a dial up user. Now that I’m broadband, I’m perfectly happy with URLs, though I still tend to post images inline rather than creating URLs.

    Old habits die hard.

    Anybody else got views as to which is best?

    in reply to: Spoilers and Citing Sources #67772



    That one’s my favourite. I personally hate faffing about with font colours and there’s no way somebody just speed scanning the post can miss that spoiler alert. 😀

    in reply to: Picking a Username, very simple to do #67771

    [quote=”Logan”]Good advice on “if your username is taken.” Can also be awkward if someone has a similar username to yours. A more original username is sometimes best — Logans, for instance, are a dime a dozen in the sci-fi community.
    Good advice Logan. I’ve found on the Lexx site that user names with Kai in them abound, as do avatars of Kai, making it difficult at times to distinguish between them all.

    I’ll be surprised if I run across another Nursewhen on the boards that I troll (unless I take up nursing), which makes the name nicely transportable between boards.

    in reply to: New Moderator #67770

    Thanks for that Jhevz. 😀
    I shall wreak havoc in there anon 😉

    in reply to: Poll: Want to live forever? #67762

    Well I voted mormal lifespan, but if I could die of old age looking like I’m in my 30s (without surgical intervention) I’d be a lot happier about it.

    in reply to: New Moderator #67760

    Hi Jhevz. Congratulations.
    Just to let you know, I’m now on your pending list 😀

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