Forum Replies Created
9th July 2004 at 7:24 am in reply to: Can somebody tell me this movie’s name? It’s drivng me nuts! #72349
Participant[quote=”pet”][url=]Money Movers?[/url] :?[/quote]
Hey, thanks! That’s the one!
I doubt it matches sgtdraino’s, but its been a big help for me 😀8th July 2004 at 10:52 pm in reply to: Can somebody tell me this movie’s name? It’s drivng me nuts! #72344nursewhen
ParticipantI’m hearing the vague ringing of bells. I remember something like that with Bryan Brown in it and it was pretty violent. Only problem is he’s got a filmography as long as my arm and I can’t find anything that matches my fuzzy memory.
ParticipantOops, another has just popped out 😯
Trekkies be alert
Make most careful choice of shirt
Don’t make Kai see rednursewhen
I only entered the contest for fun!As I’m not a collector of memorabilia, I’d like to bow out if I may, but I’m glad you enjoyed the limerick. 😀
ParticipantXev sent James Kirk a letter,
And he decided to ‘vet’ her
He finally agreed
and had to concede
That her prime directive was better.nursewhen
Participant[quote=”standown”][quote=”nursewhen”][quote=”Dudelove76″]D.R.U.G.S what dose that spell?[/quote]
I think what you meant to say was :-
D.R.U.G.S what [b]does [/b]that spell?[/quote]😆 [color=cyan][/color]you go nursewhen. As always there is a smile on my face when you report. (standown grins widely) you may have known me as tweedle2 from lexxboard. I look forward to you posting when you can. thanks :wink:[/quote]
Thanks Standown, good to see you grinning widely 😀
Participant[quote=”thefrey”]I was thinking that the original used drugs and mindwashing …. but it has been a long time since I read the book.[/quote]
I was thinking that the original used drugs and mindwashing …. but it has been a long time since I read the book.Nope, at the end of the original, our heroine invades the ‘Gentlemans’ club’ and comes face to face with a copy of herself wearing a negligee and sporting seriously enhanced boobs and carrying a knife.
The next thing you see is our heroine wearing one of those Laura Ashley dresses, shopping with a vacuous smile on her face.
I think she got away in the book.The chemical control was in The Revenge of the Stepford Wives.
I always thought that the major horror of the stepford wives was how the husbands could actually prefer those mindless automatons to their often brilliant and independent wives. I’ll have to watch the remake to see if they kept that or if it got lost.
ParticipantThey’ve remade another classic!?
A pox upon them!In the original, the wives are replaced by robots and the first job of the robot was to kill the wife.
Then they did a sequal which ruined it by having the wives under chemical control.
In the sequel to that, they were hatching children in jam jars.
If the latest follows the trend, I predict it’ll be dire.
The original as always was the best. In fact in my opinion, it was better than the book.
Participant[quote=”LexxLurker”]Actually the Fall of Man is an interesting subject. And no I haven’t read these books, but they sound interesting 😉 [/quote]
They are interesting, well the religious side doesn’t really come over fully until the third book. Being of an atheistic bent myself, I saw them as an interesting concept. I’d never seen the fall portrayed as a good thing before. Everything was turned upside down and I’d be interested to see what a religious person would make of it and if it could be viewed objectively.Thanks for the info on the Eden stories, I find all of that stuff quite fascinating, particularly the stories that often get left out.
I’m still of the opinion that putting a tree of life and a tree of knowledge in a garden and saying ‘Don’t scrump’ is a bit like putting a big red button on the wall with the sign saying ‘Don’t push the button’. You just know what’s going to happen. 🙄
But then that was covered in ‘Good Omens’ by Terry Pratchet and Neil Gaiman, another book which I highly recommend. 😉
nursewhen ships to Kenya
Participant[quote=”Logan”]Was sad about… A very minor expenditure, but it yielded revenue and generated interest (not just in Lexx but in AA). I imagine many people bought the Lexx DVDs who wouldn’t have if they hadn’t become involved in the online community. AA’s impersonal treatment of the fans by not giving any warning was typical in my past experience with them — it’s not a great advertisement for their customer relations/business practices. [/quote]
I think their treatment of the fans was quite shocking. Just a little notice beforehand to let people hive off their favourite stuff would have been nice. And now when people buy Lexx DVDs and the advert leads them to an address not found, what are they going to think? It’s not very professional to my mind.
Since Paul still owns the address (I assume) would it be possible to get him at least to get a forwarding page put up to direct people to the new board?nursewhen
Participant[quote=”Lois_Lane”]Just stopping in to finally say [i][b]Hello[/i][/b] to DoctorWhen.
wozop nursie? 😆
I am big fan of GINA TORRES (SAD should do a Cleo2525 forum 😈 )[/quote]
Wozzop Lois 😀
I’ll let the good Doctor know that he has greetings on the board. 8) He’s a somewhat sporadic visitornursewhen
Participant[quote=”DennisMoore”]Hey there Nursie, good to see you cruisin!!! :D[/quote]
Hey there to you too, DennisMoore. 😀nursewhen
Participant[quote=”mok”] JJ was right about unequal treatment over at I saw several instances where he was chastised for an offense that another person sailed right by with. [/quote]
JJ has a system. Start small and escalate and see just how far you can push the limits. Nipping JJ in the bud was (on my part) an attempt to keep him on the board. Other people didn’t get the same treatment because other people know there are limits and don’t purposefully overstep them.nursewhen
ParticipantI had a good one yesterday.
‘If you’ve received this e-mail, your spam filter is no good, get a better one here’Almost as good as the person who knocked on my door and tried to sell me a ‘No hawkers’ sign.
ParticipantWell Fatguy’s posting brought Logan here. That is a good thing. Fatguy’s posting at also brought me here. That too is a good thing (in my opinion).
J_J, if you hate censorship so much, go and post in Fatguy’s forums. (That is the first and last time that I will advertise his site). He has promised never to censor or moderate it. He even promised to make everybody who registered there an admin. He reneged on that promise of course, but he admires your style, so maybe he’ll make an exception. I think you’d make a great admin over there.
Participant[quote=”Sexecutioner”]nobody seems to ever post here :?[/quote]
You already covered that topic in your last incarnation. If you want fast moving boards, try not to get yourself banned off them.[url=]Previous boring post[/url]
ParticipantWell here’s mine
Captain Kirk – Great leader, knows when to be tough and when to be kind. Always finds time for the ladies.
Avon (Blake’s 7) A bit of a dark horse. Definitely good to have around when in a tight spot (if you can work out whos side he’s on). Definitely one of the good guys though he’d never admit it and always got that rather dangerous edge to keep you on your toes.
Mal Reynolds (Firefly) Another good leader. Heart of gold, but knows when to put his foot down and be tough. Got a tender spot that just needs to be loved (Dammit Enara, what’s the matter with you woman?!)
Ace Rimmer (Red Dwarf) What a guy! …sigh….
Batman (The camp one) – Holy hero pickers! Good looking, rich, generous and would rescue your kitten from a tree. Such a gentleman too.
That’ll do before I have to bring in the Soup Dragon and Mr Ben.
Participant[quote=”Sexecutioner”]…..I hate that word[/quote]
Shouldn’t have used it in your previous nick then. 🙄[quote=”Lizard”]Hi Dude from me too (JJ? is that you??). [/quote]
Yes, it isnursewhen
Participant[quote=”Sexecutioner”]It pisses me off that its not on Australian TV anymore 😡 ,
Hi Dude.nursewhen
ParticipantFurther thoughts.
1. I think at base he’s afraid of captain Mal
2. He’s English, it just wouldn’t be cricket! 😯😛
ParticipantWell I have to admit that I didn’t notice, though I can see your point.
I’d put it down to the fact that Saffron is 1000 times more deadly since she has no allegiances, no honour and no conscience.Badger is running a dodgy deals network and selling out your business partners (on a large scale) may be bad for business in general.
ParticipantWell I was disappointed. As a last episode, I thought it was quite poor. Everybody wants River gone, then suddenly it’s happy ever after time. I also guessed that she was on his ship. The camera angle through the space helmet earlier on gave away the plot before it happened. It was a bit too linear and introspective for me.
I much preferred the more complex twists and turns of episodes like Trash.I liked the line about how she was either going to kill them or rub soup in their hair.
I still can’t believe they axed it though! It was far more entertaining and innovative than a lot of stuff that’s out there.
ParticipantI quite agree. An entire female crew would work wonders.
Well for the over 50s astronaughts, how about Michael Douglas. I mean he’s over 50 and not at all interested in sex or having families is he?
Or how about Jack Nicholson. No testosterone problems there.
ParticipantHeavens! It’s Dr When!
I too have my reservations about a film. Not that they’ll spend too long explaining the existing backgrounds, but that they’ll spend too little time on the backgrounds that as yet remain a mystery. There’s scope there for a good B5 style, 5 series unwinding of motivations and past lives. It’ll be a shame to serve it all up in 2.5 hours.
I like to be trickle fed my answers to mysteries. Then you have all the fun of speculating at length.nursewhen
Participant[quote=”Headgehog”]I don’t want to sound negative, but it wasn’t that great. It was funny, but it was only a couple minutes long, so there wasn’t much there.[/quote]
My bubble bursteth 🙁😉
ParticipantI’m back with more random burbling.
Have now seen more and the Mrs Reynolds episode is now my favourite. It’s also just struck me that none of the ships are armed! (apart from the military stuff) How rare is that? I can’t think of a sci fi program with space ships where all of the shootouts are on a personal level. When you need ship to ship combat, you just hang Jayne out of a window with a big gun. Brilliant!
Looking forward to the gag reel. 😀
ParticipantGah! Why am I always so blinking late? 😡
I just discover a series called Firefly only to find it’s been bloody axed! How could they? More Buffy than you can shake a many pronged stick at and only one Firefly!!!I love it! The gun toting, American war of independence feel and no Startreky pseudo science.
So, on with the inane newbie question. Who is more attractive, Inara or Kaylee? Personally I think Inara is drop dead gorgeous, but Kaylee has a personality that shines which in my book puts her ahead. Where else a you find an engineer who puts pretty flower stencils on the walls? Or there’s Zoe, independent, tough, sexy.
Dr When thought I’d like Jayne best as the hunky one. I much prefer the captain myself. (Grrrrr)
Fave bits so far are Serenity when the federal agent grabbed Riverand said ‘I’m not playing’ and the captain came storming on board and just shot him out of hand.
Other one in the ‘Train Job’ where Mal kicked the bad guy into the jet intake and then found the next guy in line much easier to negotiate with.Sorry, no form to this post, just ramblings, please ramble too.
13th April 2004 at 10:07 pm in reply to: Harry Potter V: Order of the Phoenix (Minor Spoilers) #70666nursewhen
ParticipantWell, I’ve read it at last and though I enjoyed it, I don’t think it’s a patch on the other 4.
It had one hell of a slow start and didn’t hot up until it got to Hogwarts. It was also missing the ‘who’s the bad guy?’ mystery that the other books had. I loved the way they left clues all the way through and I was STILL surprised when the bad guy was revealed
*Goes off for a Scooby snack*
I found this one, though entertaining, rather linear.
I also kept getting that ‘written with special effects in mind’ feeling.nursewhen
ParticipantKai couldn’t understand why the other children would never let him join in their hopscotch games.
ParticipantAnybody else gonna make a wisecrack comment about my hair?
ParticipantI too came here from the dark side. Couldn’t cope with the vastness of the site at first, but settled in after Saddy provided warm blankets and hot soup when our universe was tempoarily destroyed. 😉
Participant[quote=”stormsweeper”](This of course overlooking that the Beans probably just named the characters after the streets in Halifax, which like most English colony settlements have King, Queen, Bishop, Duke, etc. streets.)[/quote]
Yes, but isn’t it great when coincidences form a coherent plot 😀I suppose it explains why Prince wasn’t sure of his power on earth, since he was in the realm of the King
ParticipantAw hell, 62’s no age 🙁
ParticipantHappy birthday, may your day get even better 😀
ParticipantWow! Fascinating insights there. (Yes, I know I’ve arrived late to the show. 😳 )I never picked up on any of those poiints. Midsummer’s nightmare wasn’t my favourite episode (in fact few of series four were my favourite episodes) so I didn’t give that one my full attention.
I’ll have to watch it again. 😀nursewhen
ParticipantThe best,
Lexx, brought the story full circle, gave it a definite end (at the right time)
Worst – Blake’s 7, OK, it gave the series a definite end, but they screened it at CHRISTMAS!!! And they weren’t the dead wanting to die, they were the living wanting to LIVE!!
Other Worst – Sapphire and Steel – Our heros plus Silver, trapped forever in a loop in time in a service station. Oh God, the indignity! The injustice 😥
ParticipantMost of my emails go straight into thewastebasket. I’m even considering attaching my shredder to my letter box.
ParticipantBlake’s 7 series 1 DVD set is to be released this weekend.
ParticipantHere’s an old one of mine
Xev’s first love is dead
The robot has no body
Stan’s all alone toonursewhen
ParticipantCongratualtions to Bambooshoot and Snooklepie 😀
ParticipantWell I’m not going to say it’s bad until I’ve seen it, though I can imagine it’ll be slick while I think HHGTTG would work better with rough and ready (like Red Dwarf and the original and superb HHGTTG TV series).
I actually don’t think an unknown cast is a bad idea. Big names are sometimes more about pulling in crowds than good casting.
Participant[quote=”LexxLurker”]But I could be mixing that up with Aliens and ten thousand other Sci-Fi plots that get meshed together due to ill-spent weekends. 😈
Hey, what better way to spend a weekend? 😀Logan, I think we should work on getting ‘streudeled’ accepted into the Oxford English dictionary before the year is out.
For those not in the know
Streudeled – 1.When replying to a post, somebody else slips a post in ahead of you
2. After deleting or editing a post, you find that somebody has already quoted it in its original form, so you have to shamefacedly admit that, yes, you did say that. Also known as the phenomenon of ‘Ninja Quoting’
ParticipantYargh! You’ve Streudeled me. I’ve added an edit, please see my post above! 😆
I’m not sure that Ripley was a specialist. I thought she was the regular warrant officer. Ash could be described as a specialist since he was a last minute replacement for the regular science officer.
ParticipantWell having gone to my dictionary and looked up crew, I’ve got a theory.
definition 1. The men who man a boat, ship, aircraft etc
There we go, the fluffy air hostesses don’t count. 😛 😀
If it was a trick question, I do think the evil quiz master should have explained the trick.
Edit – Ahah.. Reasearch has found this little gem
‘The flight crew (Tom Skerritt, Veronica Cartwright, Ian Holm, John Hurt, and Sigourney Weaver) appear educated and are initially at odds with the working class mechanics (Yaphet Kotto and Harry Dean Stanton)…..’
So we kick out the mechanics and you’ve got 5. Personally, I think a crew involves everybody employed on a ship from the captain to the cook. Flight crew is something different
[url=]Here’s my source[/url]
DALLAS – Tom Skerritt
RIPLEY – Sigourney Weaver
LAMBERT – Veronica Cartwright
BRETT – Harry Dean Stanton
KANE – John Hurt
ASH – Ian Holm
PARKER – Yaphet KottoYou were robbed!
ParticipantOh wow!, what a great find! Thanks for that Logan 😀
I only ever noticed the ‘Be seeing you’ reference while watching B5 myself. It made me jump though.I shall have to go and watch A voice in the wilderness again. 😀
ParticipantWhat’s a priz nod? What is this thing I just viewed? 😕
Help 😳nursewhen
Participant1. I’ll get you Penelope Pitstop! – The hooded Claw
2. I’m sorry Dave, I can’t do that – Hal 9000 – 2001
3. No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die – Goldfinger – Goldfinger
4. A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti. – Silence of the Lambs
5. I’m melting! Melting! – Wicked Witch of the West – Wizard of Oz
ParticipantIf I can get my muse to bite, I’ll be there. 😀