Forum Replies Created
Participant1. The original Travis in Blake’s 7, intelligent, ruthless and handsome. Grrrrrr 😀
2. Prince in Lexx, Mysterious, nasty, sometimes shows a little bit of a sensitive side *shivers*
3. The Riddler in the Adam West Batman. Don’t know why, I just loved him, he was so creepy. It was a kid thing
4. The Master in Dr Who – Loved the two toned beard, yet another kid thing.
5. Diana in V. She was so deliciously evil. 😀
ParticipantLuvliner was indeed vile. Another ship of great beauty (though it’s probably more of a station) was the one in Silent Running with the gardens.
I was also fascinated by the ship in 2001 because I was doing nerves in Biology when I first saw it and was amazed to see people flying around in a nerve ganglion. The internal shots of the shuttle were wonderful too with the velchro floors and passengers seated on both the floor and the ceiling. Plus the wonderful floating pen. 😀
ParticipantI still think the original Enterprise is absolutely beautiful.
ParticipantI’d like to know why that woman was watching sport, at any moment she could have had to witness the trauma of somebody getting hurt or even breaking a nail! 😯
ParticipantI thought Crusade was the technomage series. 😕
The only problem with getting in close and personal with something mysterious is that it by definition ceases to be a mystery.nursewhen
ParticipantQuite right, get scribbling captions, folks 😉
Participant[quote=”thefrey”]Barabbas has posted his bummer sticker too. [/quote]
He’s posted what?!! 😯 😯nursewhen
ParticipantNice, might cover the entire rear screen though. 😉
Did I see the Liberator from Blake’s 7 there?nursewhen
ParticipantI wasn’t mad about the White Stars. I thought they looked like salamanders. I loved both the Earth and Mimbari ships. They were so imposing and lets face it, battle ships aren’t supposed to be pretty.
Actually, I think the Earth ships were my favourites. I loved the spinning sections. It was good to see the gravity problem not being glossed over.
Participant[quote=”Logan”][quote=”nursewhen”]How’s this for a bumper sticker:-
If you can read this, then you’re not at home watching sci fi. – we understand your sci fi addiction.[/quote]I like it, but might just add, “We put the Sad in Geezer” to that, since the addiction bit makes us sound, well, kind of sad… 😆
How about ‘We put the Geezer into Sad.’ as more upbeat?Don’t be Sad, be a Geezer, come to Sadgeezer’s where pan galactic travel is the normnursewhen
ParticipantHow’s this for a bumper sticker:-
If you can read this, then you’re not at home watching sci fi. – we understand your sci fi addiction.nursewhen
Participant[quote=”SadGeezer”]Pretty good analysis guys! Couldn’t have put it better myself 😉
But would it stop you buying the special edition DVD?[/quote]
I’d buy the special edition because I’d like to see the deleted scenes. I found LOTR 2 hard to follow at the cinema but it made more sense when I saw the missing scenes.Anyway, at home I can pause it, have a loo stop and a sandwich. The length of the film was only a problem in the cinema. The Hobbit love fest probably would have been more acceptable if it hadn’t been exacerbated by a bursting bladder. 😆
ParticipantWell I finally got to see it and I loved it. Not being familiar with the book, I can’t nit pick the omissions etc. I thought it was better than the second film, in fact I think it’s my favourite.
I agree with sgtdraino that Legolas shield surfing and sliding down the Oliphant was corny. (I particularly hated the shield surfing because I’d just finished Terry Pratchet’s ‘Jingo’ where captain Carrot surfs down a sand dune on his shield)
I loved the film but would have been quite happy for it to end at the coronation. I found the hobbit love fest that followed was excrutiating and the return to normal life in the Shire a bit of an anticlimax.
ParticipantWhat! Still no B5 captions? Have my truck load of e-mails gone astray?
*Nursewhen kicks her PC* 😉
ParticipantAw…. what a cutesy in her play saucer 😀
You have a lovely wife too, Logan 😀nursewhen
ParticipantAm I having deja vu? Weren’t we asked this before?
Yes, in October and I meant to reply but forgot.I have a feeling it’s from The Fantastic Journey. The character Varian from the 23rd century had a sort of tuning fork which he used to focus his mental powers.
I’ll have to do some more research though since I’m not sure and may be muddling it with something else.
Edit – Nope, I’ve found a web page which backs me up
and here’s a page with a pretty picture
ParticipantI don’t know, but it’s been down since the 29th of December at least.
ParticipantYes, I loved Orbit, John Savident was superb as Egrorian. He and Pinder were hilarious.
Participant[quote=”Fatguy”]Re Pet: I can only conclude that your submission in this thread is to consolidate PM’s place as a magnificant stud with the ladies. That obviously “phallic” photo does not hide the obvious. So I do you girls a favor and edit the photo to be more in keeping with your real libidos:
Odd. All I saw was a man opening a bottle of champagne on new years day. Quite a normal piece of imagery given the time of year.
Since YOU saw a phallic symbol, Fatguy, and YOU strove to ‘improve’ the photo. I would say that the image says more about YOUR libido than mine.p.s. I stopped being a ‘girl’ a long time ago.
ParticipantWell, for those of you who were hanging on the edge of your seats, waiting for the Blake’s 7 film, it looks like you’ll have to wait a bit longer (like a lot longer). Paul Darrow pulled out of the project in October (Yes, I know, I’m a crap fan and should have noticed earlier 😳 ).
For those who are interested, his statement is on the Paul Darrow fan site where he gives his reasons (the one dated the 9th of October)
😥 😥 😥
ParticipantBoxing day was the day when the wealthy gave gifts (Christmas boxes) to the poor and to their tradesmen and servents.
Participant[quote=”andywoodcock”]It came out on dvd a week or so ago. All seven episodes unedited, even has the break stops in!
Amazon do it but I got it in Virgin for £19.99. :lol:[/quote]
Brilliant! 😀 I wish I’d known about it when writing my Christmas list. Never mind, there’s alway my birthday 😉nursewhen
Participant[quote=”andywoodcock”]I have recently seen Children of the Stones, anyone remember that. That has got to be a cult classic.[/quote]
YES! Fantastic! How did you get to see that?nursewhen
Participant*More spoilers*
My favourite scene is Sheriden leaping from that sky train just as the bomb goes off and freefalling through the centre of Babylon 5 and being rescued by Kosh.And just before that is the hilarious ‘I’m sorry’ speech 😀
ParticipantS’ok Logan, you didn’t come over as dismissive.
I’d like to add Squish from Lexx, who dies in sublime squishy ecstacy in the Gigashadow’s brain. 😀
Participant[quote=”LexxLurker”]There is only one ultimate death scene of all time possibly the goofest as well. That is the Master Charlton Heston in Soylent Green.
I thought Heston just got beat up bad. Edward G. Robinson (Sol Roth ) was the one who went to the euthenasia clinic and I have to admit that that I cried when they showed all those beautiful pictures of how earth used to be and it could only be remembered by the very old.nursewhen
ParticipantLogan, you’re absolutely right, John Hurt’s character’s death was spectacular and Alien 3 was pretty cruddy.
I think I thought of Ripley first because it was such a heroic character and a heroic death,
Gotta bring up Dark Star, they all die but you get a warm glow as the captain surfs on the solar rays (I believe he got a warm glow too 😉 )
ParticipantRipley in Alien diving into molten metal to save the galaxy.
Participant[quote=”fluffy bunny”]Anyway, who said Ivonova turned lesbian- it could just have been interpreted as sisterly love, which is pretty much how the interaction was played.[/quote]
Yes, it could very well have been, but it was nevertheless ambiguous and open to interpretation. Sheridan or Garibaldi would never have been put in such a situation where people were unsure of their sexuality.[quote]It would have been good if dark talia had come back and added to the plot in seasons 3 & 4 (you could argue about the Jerry Doyle thing, but I still feel that the plot could have benefitted significantly). The ‘masterstroke’ just wasn’t capitalised on IMHO. [/quote]
Yes, I agree totally, she would have out Bestered Bester, he at least had a few human qualities and failings. Evil Talia would have had no failings or compunction at all. Mind you, maybe that’s why she couldn’t be brought back. It’s human failings that make characters interesting. Robocop would have been the most boring film on the planet if he hadn’t have had flash backs to his previous life.[quote]As for warren, according to the commentary, the only reason that JMS had him in was that the WB execs wanted a hotshot elite pilot character (fortunately he got minimum screen time). Then they released their hold in S2, and the show went from strength to strength. [/quote]
Ah, thanks for that, I wondered why somebody with star billing was so underutilised. I found him an unecessary character.nursewhen
Participant[quote=”fluffy bunny”]On an aside;
One of the things I liked about season 2 was that it managed to do what many other shows managed to do- kill off/get rid of the whiney characters that you got sick of- Talia, Warren, even Sinclair to a lesser extent, paving the way for an excellent S3. Season 4 however by the end did the opposite Ivonova, Marcus, Morden 😯 Guess I’m lucky he didn’t kill off G’Kar and Londo[/quote]
I think we have nearly opposite tastes in characters. 😆I was very fond of Talia (though I’ve ranted before about how I hate it when a strong female character like Ivanova suddenly turns lesbian. Simply because that sort of thing never happens to strong male characters like Sheridan or Garibaldi) and I thought that the destruction of her personality to be replaced with Queen b*tch was a master stroke.
I was also very fond of Sinclair but think that what happened to his character was also a master stroke.
Warren I was quite glad to see go. In fact, every week when I saw his picture in the credits, I had to ask Dr When which character he was. Dr When always shrugged and said ‘some actor with a good agent.’
I couldn’t stand Marcus. Male English characters who constantly spout Shakespeare and get all lovesick make me want to spew. (Not that I have anything against Shakespeare).
Morden I adored but I think he died in the right way at the right time.
*Nursewhen waves at Morden* 😛
Participant[quote=”fluffy bunny”]erm you may want to post a spolier warning there. Not everyone’s seen season 4 …..I do remember reading an article in SFX somewhere that she was meant to be the one to fall for Byron etc. Will see if I can dig it out over the weekend[/quote]
I do apologise, fluffy bunny. I’ve added spoiler alerts now.Good Lord!! From Marcus to Byron!! 😯
I’m afraid if I were Ivanova, I’d commit Hara-Kiri!nursewhen
ParticipantAh, yes indeed!! My favourite Rover, the one who brought us the hilarious lift shaft scene. 😀
ParticipantFantastic! I love the Rover mark III 😀
ParticipantWell Dr When seems quite interested, so hopefully, we’ll be there 😀
ParticipantBrian has his own website with a message board which he visits quite regularly. [url=]Brian’s Board[/url] Here’s his e-mail address
ParticipantSounds like fun, I’ll have to see if Dr When wants to go.
ParticipantI have a feeling it’s from series 4 when they’re driving and he runs out of protoblood. Maybe Moss?
ParticipantThanks for that LexxLurker, I laughed so hard I nearly wet myself.
ParticipantOh dear, I’ve only read 1,8 and 10 of the original list. Didn’t like LOR (yawn), wasn’t too impressed with Electric sheep but I did like fahrenheit 😀
I did much better on Logan’s list, having read and loved
1984 (Orwell), Brave New World,The Martian Chronicles, I Robot , Frankenstein, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,The Island of Dr. Moreauand read but not particularly enjoyed
Clockwork Orange and Do Androids Dream Electric SheepMy recommendation for a ripping read is
Only Forward by Michael Marshall Smith
Participant[quote=”grumbler”]That which you fear most” is the Watcher that the Drakh put on Londo, when he surrenders to them after the Battle of Centauri Prime.
I think JMS has said pretty much exactly this.[/quote]
Hey, thanks for that 😀 It never occurred to me to think of the watcher. I just though that being destroyed was to be killed, but the worst kinds of destruction are the ones you have to live with. Death for Londo at the end was a longed for release.nursewhen
ParticipantJust want to say thanks to everybody who voted in the B5 captions competition and everybody who took part, it was such a lot of fun. 😀
ParticipantIt’s a bit of a long shot, but I thought ‘the eye that does not see’ might have been G’Kar, though it doesn’t fit too well since he has another which does. But even so, it was essential to the story that G’Kar was saved from Cartagia, in order to depsatch Londo later.
I always thought the dead man was Sheridan and Londo’s greatest fear was to die at G’Kar’s hand too.
ParticipantThanks for clearing that up and directing us to your original announcement, Jhevz.
ParticipantWell after all the existential stuff above, my dreams seems a bit naff and materialistic.
I always wanted my own home, my own space and the freedom to come and go and do as I please. I achieved that about 10 years ago and I still relish it. 😀
ParticipantLogan, you’ve spoken my thoughts exactly. I’ve never understood why this forum needed to be signed up for or who if anybody would be excluded.
I feel that ‘entry requirement’ and ‘help forum’ are mutually exclusive.
Just removing the entry requirement would sort that problem if this is to work as a help forum. However, if it’s a policy forum, then the usergroup works just fine.
The problem is that it I don’t think it can work as both.
ParticipantSorry Jhevz, I’m a bit confused over what you’re suggesting. When you say that we could have a separate help forum that doesn’t require people to sign on.
Do you mean we could have it now or after we’ve spent more time on this one?
Participant[quote=”stormsweeper”]I think it’s a bad idea to require membership in the usergroup to post. Especially given that it may take several days to get approved. Someone with a problem is likely to just a) post in another forum, b) PM/email the moderators, or c) just forget about it. In any case, it’s not a very helpful Help forum if people needing help can’t actually ask for it there.[/quote]
I quite agree, which was why I suggested in there that the board could do with both a help and a test forum.
I feel the existing ‘help’ forum is a bit of a misnomer as it’s more of a ‘policy’ forum and getting help in there would indeed be a long winded process. Especially if getting membership is the thing that the person needs help with.nursewhen
ParticipantRight, since we’ve lost the thread, I shall attempt to recreate some of what was here for future generations who stumble into Sad’s, desperate to know what the list and code functions are for.
(Original leg work done by Pet and SadGeezer)[u]Code:-[/u]
If you put a code function on whatever you’ve typed, it will prevent any functions inside the code box from working.for example,
[b]if I emboldened some text[/b]
(highlighted it and then pressed the ‘bold’ button), it just goes bold.If I then wanted to show somebody what had actually been put round the text to make it bold, I can use the code function in the same way as the bold function to get this :-
[code:1][b]if I emboldened some text[/b][/code:1]
you can create lists as follows
Which is done by preceding each item with [*] and then highlighting the lot and pressing the ‘List’ button[code:1][list][*]a[*]b[*]c[/list][/code:1]
You can create numbered lists in a similar way[list=1][*]a[*]b[*]c[/list:o]
This is done the same way as before, but this time, you press the ‘List=’ button and then you add ‘1’ after the ‘=’
You can also create alphabetic lists in exactly the same way except that you put ‘A’ after the ‘=’[list=a][*]a[*]b[*]c[/list:o]
Tune in next week for my advanced quoting course 😉
Participant[quote=”Logan”][quote=”nursewhen”]I’ll be surprised if I run across another Nursewhen on the boards that I troll (unless I take up nursing), which makes the name nicely transportable between boards.[/quote]
And as long as you don’t troll Shakespeare boards. 😉
I came across a (foster-) nurseWhen in Shakespeare’s [i]As You Like It[/i] (Act 2, Scene 3).[/quote]
Ah yes, the Shakespeare board. First stop on my route to world domination 😉
Good find, Logan 😀nursewhen
Participant[quote=”SadGeezer”]I must admit, I’m not finding the site as fast as it was on the other server!? Weird huh? Fatguy pointed out that the old server was slow but I (in England) was getting page loads of less than 5 seconds on a good day. It’s twice as slow on this server. Having said that, I noticed on LEXX.COM that a poster was complaining that she couldn’t get onto at all – ever (she blamed her service provider) so hopefully, those of you from blueyonder will be able to visit from now on.[/quote]
That’s odd because I’m blueyonder and I’m getting much faster load times now than I was before
(p.s. that poster at is a he). -