Nowhere can we get an internet cafe like the Happy Internet Cafe, a guild with it’s own building and lodgings for it’s professional players etc. it seems (from some brit dude’s perspective) that this is a fantasy although... Read more
I thought it would be good to take a break from writing reviews for a little while (a day honest) and take stock of where we are and where we came from. If you are an above average intelligence sci fi fan who is just after a cool – a bit... Read more
Typically, anime fans watch three episodes to make up their minds on whether or not to continue watching the show or now. in this article we take a more detailed look at each of the top shows and try to objectively determine if it is worth... Read more
Shishio and Senku are fundamentally at odds with the the strategy for reviving the human race. Shishio only wants to bring back the unsullied, uncorrupted youth and permanently destroy the adults by breaking their statues. Senku on the other... Read more
This weeks excellent show is called ‘Midnight Train’ and it opens with Kei back in his office at the police station, he’s checking his computer to see what it means when a Semani knight leaves their sword and goes off on... Read more
The direction of the show was great and the development of the lead character was wonderful. I have such a crush on Bela, who I am positive is the older sister of Cat Girl from Gegege no Kitaro! The story was really good and the shock of a... Read more
Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator (A Certain Scientific Accelerator), the top ranked esper, fights a DA Tank and a Necromancer who’d raised a 16 year old girl that had previously committed suicide.
Read moreThe writing and direction in the episode were very cool and the pacing was excellent. The characters still need to develop a little more, Porta, for instance, was pretty much redundant during the episode, but the voice acting particularly from... Read more
There is a lot of excitement about the amazing animated tv show called: The King’s Avatar (Chinese: 全职高手; pinyin: Quánzhí Gāoshǒu) aka Quan Zhi Gao Shou. This provides background info and news in preparation for the release of Season 2... Read more
It has a good start and the silly-factor made it interesting and there was lots of fun stuff that I really enjoyed. Alas, in the end, the show was less innovative than I thought it would be and this will be the last review.
Read moreAll are expected to be broadcast in late July by Tencent Penguin Pictures and Bili Bili. The film though, was be broadcast in August. 2019 (For the Glory)
Latest is that the Anime second season will air in China on 25th September 2020.
Just to be clear, it’s a joke! Nobody will actually be going to Area 51 to storm the place and release the aliens, someone just thought it would be fun to suggest it on Facebook. If you’re thinking of going, don’t... Read more
I noticed that the graphics weren’t as sharp as last week, not the blur, I just would have expected more detail. Story, characterization, and dialogue were wonderfully written and held my attention throughout.
Read moreThis is a showcase anime. It’s a little like Gegege no Kitaro in that it’s 50 years old and has been done a few times, it’s therefore highly respected as a story and also an important part of Japanese Anime culture. There... Read more
Very thought-provoking, intelligent, exciting and fun. I really enjoyed the info about Calcium Carbonate as wasn’t aware of all its uses or importance in our society. So, it was a fun show and I learned something. All we need now is... Read more
Astronaut travels to the outer edges of the solar system to find his missing father and unravel a mystery that threatens our planet. due out on September 20th 2019.
Read moreThe episode is called the Dragons daughter and we were introduced to her as the show opened. She assists her father or guardian, to run an orphanage and they both look after some sweet little orphans.
Read moreThe series is based on the “momcom” fantasy light novels written by Dachima Inaka and illustrated by Iida Pochi about a poor dude reluctantly travelling around a World of Warcraft type world with his OP (Over-Powered) mother in... Read more
In this episode (called The Heart of a Fire Soldier) we are introduced to a new character Arthur Boyle. Shinra and Arthur grew up in the same academy and Shinra, who always had trouble with communicating effectively, suffered a little jealousy... Read more
I thought it was great! The voice acting was the highlight although the graphics were great too, especially the use of colour. Production values were high and the direction was very tight. The all important coolness/funniness and sexiness... Read more
Although the show is marvellously produced, well voice acted and has great characters that are developing at a nice pace, it’s written for 12 year olds. There is nothing for us older kids here!
Read moreThis is the second episode of the anime reviewed last week (Demon Lord, Retry! – Review – Episode 1) and I still don’t hate it but the next show will have to be special to give a thumbs up recommendation to you. This weeks... Read more
The first episode is called, Lost Ones from Another World and once you got the hang of it, the show was ok. This is a show which I will definitely apply the three watch rule before deciding if it’s worth viewing to the end of the... Read more
Science Fiction and Fantasy Shows to Watch in 2019. TV shows you will really need to see if you don’t want to miss out.
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