Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI had my suspicions since I know several people who mentioned they were going to see it, and had nothing to say afterward. Not even how bad it was.
ParticipantI believe he’s the one in Arizona, but it doesn’t appear that he uses facebook much, so I didn’t bother. Not to mention that I don’t know him as well as some others he might recognize more readily.
22nd January 2012 at 4:52 am in reply to: went to see the “I am more than just kirk show and buy my stuff” #78067aquabloodstone
ParticipantTells you how far out of the loop I am, I didn’t even know he was touring at the moment. Jeez.
15th July 2011 at 9:45 pm in reply to: I believe that there should be one final movie for the little Lexx #78043aquabloodstone
ParticipantI doubt it. Lexx was a quasi-unique entinty unto itself, and in these days of 3D, HD, ultra realistic CGI and constant rehashing of old ideas there’s just no place for unique, not even in re-runs.
ParticipantDang, I was hoping to hear how it was from someone who doesn’t sugarcoat things. I go to the movies so rarely, I’d hate to drag my sad behind to a crapfest or waste money on a rehash.
ParticipantIt’s alive…just being rebuilt
ParticipantIf you look at the bottom of your comment box, there is a link *Input format. You click and it gives you the option of using filtered or full html, and there is another link *More information about formatting options. If you click this link, it will take you to a page with instructions on how to use bbcode to format text, add links and add images.
ParticipantHello Nathan, and welcome.
ParticipantGood to see you back, as late as I am getting the message 😛
ParticipantI have yet to see this one, and probably won’t in the theater. I refuse to spend that much money to see a roughly two hour marketing ploy. But I’ll bet I’m in line buying toys for my nephew come Christmas too.
ParticipantGood to hear from you, Big Daddy Saddy. I’ve been working on wrapping my head around the site format myself, and it hasn’t been easy. But I did get the review up. At least, I hope I did so the public can read it, if they so desire.
ParticipantUntil the site moved here, I’d never had the ability to moderate anything but the Futurama forum, to the best of my knowledge. Sad has always been good about imparting info in the past, so it’s definitely my assumption that it’s a glitch.
While I’m not happy to hear you’re losing your apartment, Nick-Z, I am glad to hear that you finished your pilot.
I never see movies in a timely manner, because I detest going to the theater. But, I’ll do my best to keep up!
I understand why mandara k is so disenchanted with sci-fi in general. I felt that way after the cancellation of Farscape and the end of Lexx. I have avoided the Sci-Fi Network at all costs for quite a long time. Dr. Who finally lured me back, and I watch Eureka (come on July 29). I haven’t really watched Dr. Who this season (which is last season for those in England et al.) much, and when I have I haven’t been terribly enamored of it. I’ve never been a fan of Battlestar Gallactica or either Stargate incarnation. I don’t like far more than I do like, in all aspects of entertainment. I’m a curmudgeon, and I admit it.
Other than that, Headgehog ,Logan and TheFrey have been rather involved in RL the last couple of years, so aren’t as vocal as they once were. That combined with the state of science fiction in general, combines to make a quiet site. Have you been to lately? It’s a ghost town much of the time. On a happier (?) note, I’ve finished the preliminary draft of the Bender’s Big Score review. Now I have to attempt to make it sound like someone other than an eight year old wrote it, and figure out how to get it up here successfully. Wish me luck on both counts.
ParticipantI’m thinking you’re probably right, hishadow. I’m not sure having to approve comments in general sci-fi was Sad’s intention. But, I’m not sure about that either. For the time being, I’ll publish what I can, where I’m allowed.
ParticipantOkay folks, I just realized that I can "publish" your posts in this particular section. As I’ve been given no primer or instructions on how things work here, I didn’t know that things like that had to even be done. As I don’t know how things look as a non-mod, I never realized. Does this look different to you now?
ParticipantIt surely is an impressive site. I hope there are some B5 fans here that have at least taken a look, if not posted a response. I really liked your ship descriptions, including the comparisons to things like sand-dollars and octopi. The interviews were very thorough and informative in all aspects of the production. And the conceptual art should be of an interest to most fans.
I admit that I watched B5 very little and am not as up on it as most, but it’s a pretty damn cool site. You may not have been looking for kudos, but you deserve them.
ParticipantI agree that having certain posts and/or news stories waiting to be approved when there’s little to no site activity does tend to discourage an active participation. I’ve seen it happen recently at a couple of other unrelated sites at which I’ve enjoyed quite a long stay. I know the feeling that I’m talking to an empty room does keep me from posting. Sometimes it seems as no one is paying attention and you’re wasting your time.
I hope that you keep posting, and that you’ll be given a reason to soon.
ParticipantI deleted two of the four multiple posts reading: "Not even Sad appears to be around anymore – or could be bothered to comment either.
Maybe we should start writing the site’s obituary before it (presumably) goes offline,"under the one that quoted me. That could’ve messed up something. God only knows, I’ve not done that alot, especially on the new site. I assumed since Nick Z. had problems posting that the multiple was a glitch. Assumption being the root of all evil you know. (If I screwed something up or did something I shouldn’t, let me be the first to say sorry.)
As far as I know, bonnee, Sad has been here to post things here and there. The site wasn’t terribly active before the move, and that took a little longer than expected. Change tends to put people off sometimes, especially when they’re used to doing things a certain way. It’s certainly taken me a bit to acclimate to the new posts listings, and I still forget to scroll down to read the news.
I’m more than aware that two Futurama movies have come and gone with little comment from me or Ryan, and I personally have little excuse other than I’m not very good at reviews in the first place, I’m terribly out of practice, and I have to figure out how to do things on this particular site. That being said, I haven’t gotten off my ass to try either.
ParticipantI’m still here everyday, but I’m not the most vocal of posters in the first place. Pretty much any sci-fi I watched was cancelled or is waiting for a summer season to start here in the US. Not sure if I even know how to post a Futurama review if I got off my butt and wrote one!
ParticipantI have a far from all-encompassing knowledge of science fiction as a genre, among many other things, but I’ll have a go at it.
I think there was a movement at one time, with Ripley and Sarah Connor, to break womens’ passive roles in film, but I doubt it was ever more than an attempt to cash in on what was profitable at the time. Increasingly, women have become more and more unbelievably (as in 4 inch long nails, professional make-up and impractical costumes) attractive in the science-fiction and action genres, in order to cash in on the increasing emphasis on what’s currently considered attractive. They’re still the object of the monster, incident or situation. There are some shows and movies that re-propogate the old "strong woman behind the man" idea. She may be strong, but she’s still behind the man. At least most of them aren’t too patronizingly obvious about it.
I feel that the tendency for less passive females is more prevalent in the sci-fi, horror and action genres simply because its a necessary component. Eye candy of both sexes is an important part of the blockbuster movie/highly-rated show equation. But both sexes need to be able to hold their own, to avoid the obvious stereotyping that would make waves.
As an everday female Joe-ette, I don’t really identify with very many of the females exhibited anywhere in popular entertainment as far as appearance in concerned. I identify with female leads whose characters think. Not the scheming female type thinking, but using actual logic to avoid walking into traps or dangerous situations. I appreciate that sexism isn’t as blatant as it used to be, but I’m cynical enough to believe that it’s more attributable to profit margin than changing attitudes.
Ultimately, I don’t really analyze what I view that intently. What I consider entertaining may be funny, moving, horrific, arousing or any number of other things depending on my mood. I want to be entertained, and if I’m not I stop watching. End of story.
That’s my two cents. Won’t get ya too far, but you asked for it.
ParticipantI haven’t been to see it yet, but I’ve heard several people say they enjoyed it. Most say it was relatively faithful to the comics and enjoyed RDJ’s perfromance.
ParticipantI definitely feel more at ease with the old familiar shades of aubergine to greet me. A tad strange to be spoken to, but I like it!
ParticipantI love both installments of the game. Love, love, love it. The movie? Not so much. But that’s the beauty of the world, everybody has their own tastes. I’ll probably watch the sequel anyway, simply because I saw the first.
ParticipantI’ve been waiting for Duckman for years! In the era of things like Fmily Guy and South Park, neither of which would be here without Duckman to pave the way, you’d think they’d put it out. At least re-run it late-night like they used to-something, ANYTHING!
Freakazoid and Wayland & Madame deserve their day in the sun as well. Both good shows, good stuff. Free the underappreciated TV shows! Today!
ParticipantThanks for the tip! Last time I looked for it, it wasn’t on DVD yet. I picked up that and The Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai Across the 8th Dimension for under twenty bucks.
ParticipantIce Pirates! Hurrah! I loved every cheesy moment of that movie; ’twas hilarious. I searched for it on DVD, unsuccessfully of course, awhile back. Some people have no appreciation for the classics. 🙂
ParticipantThe only place I get any new, or old for that matter, music is commercials. Woman by Wolfmother is my current favorite commercial song, featured in the Guitar Hero II ads. It’s very Led Zeppelin reminiscent, which in this instance makes me happy.
I still love Kodo(Inside the Sun Remix) by Yoshida Brothers that I believe I mentioned in an earlier post. Nintendo Wii to thank for that one.
Sad, sad, sad.
ParticipantThe first one was enough for me! Nothing since then and not likely to change.
ParticipantI’m guessing the commentary and subtext will be cut out and the racy scenes made even racier to completely destroy any semblance of the original film. That being said, let’s just hope they pick someone with good jiggly bits so at least that part will please someone. 😆
ParticipantYep, I was here everyday, knowing full well it wasn’t going to be up. But I HAD to try! 😆
ParticipantThank you for posting this heads up. Good luck!
ParticipantI’ll be the first person to tell you, I don’t watch this show. The idea never appealed to me, I never liked the fabrication, and quite frankly, the lighting sucks(strange but true (IMHO). I’ve tried repeatedly to give it a go, but it just doesn’t do it for me.
That being said, I flipped by the other night and watched toy space ships wiggle on invisible wires. I’m pretty sure that’s not what they really were, nor was that the intended impression, but that’s how it appeared to me. I seem to recall Headgehog mentioning the disparity in visual effects quality on one of the SadCAST’s, but I never imagined it would be [i]that[/i] bad.
THAT being said, and completely off topic I might add, even I’ve noticed the trend toward the cheesy soap opera drama. [i]Don’t beat me soap opera lovers, I like ’em too![/i] It’s just that there’s a difference between good and bad soap opera drama. The same type of spectacle being perpetrated by Galactica at this point, is the herald of the end for most soaps.
My opinion doesn’t matter; if you like it, you do, for whatever reasons. I hope they can straighten themselves up for the fans sake. That’s supposedly the point of making these shows, right?
ParticipantWhen on broadband, I do indeed just type in the .com address because I don’t have my favorites to fall back on. Hold on…
I just tried to type in the .com instead of using my bookmark on my dial-up connection and got the infamous white screen. That must be the ticket! Funny, how it just started. ❓
Thanks for the suggestions, you have educated at least one technologically impaired person. 😉
ParticipantThis is the only site that doesn’t work. All I get is a white screen. My sister has some other firewall/anti-virius software besides Norton on hers and I get the same thing. It’s not a problem, since I can get to it here, it just confuses me. Only on broadband and only in the last two weeks. Weird. Thanks for your suggestions, by the way.
Unfortunately, I still have to rely on dial-up at home. Ah well, one day my prince will come. 😀
ParticipantI would assume that since shows like Drawn Together push the envelope pretty far on Comedy Central, that they’ll be a little less “subtle” with their humor in the new eps.
The creators always said they presented the show to Fox as more adult in nature and resented that they put them on the schedule so early and limited their content.
I personally can’t wait to see what they’ll do. If they give guys like Billy West and John DiMaggio more freedom with their lines, it can’t help but be hilarious.
“It might sound silly to people who loathe Star Trek or are indifferent to it, but I do think science fiction is a good way for society to get a better perspective and to learn what to do in a moral predicament,” Barad said. “We could see the role of leaders reflected in Star Trek characters.”Well, I mean Star Trek and quite a lot of sci fi in general was/is an allegorical statement warning/cautioning what the world will become in the presence of the kind of thinking we’ve been subjected to. Makes perfect sense to me. And, horror of horrors, I’m one of those indifferent to it, Star Trek that is (don’t hurt me 😀 ).
ParticipantCongrats and good luck!
ParticipantI just dowloaded the mp.4 of SadCast 16 and then watched it on Goolgle video. To be blunt, the audio sucked out loud on Google, but the mp.4 was so clear I heard Hollydays little one in the background during the opening intro. So, in short – [size=9]too late[/size], it ain’t just you.
ParticipantHappy Birthday Lexxrobotech ❗
ParticipantI have a stack of hardbacks threatening to crush the first cat/person that brushes too close for that very reason. Having to wait an entire year for the follow-up paperback is completely unreasonable. Take up your pitchforks and storm the castle!
ParticipantFor me, it’s generally ok. It does seem to fade in and out a bit, and of course, the last sadcast(15) is totally inaudible save for the clips. I haven’t dowloaded any, maybe I’ll give that a try. I’m just glad I finally got the chance to watch ’em! Good job by the way. *claps*
ParticipantI haven’t seen any of those! I take it I haven’t missed much? I knew they were gonna screw up BloodRayne. But it’s like a train wreck, you have to watch. My Netflix list looks like a triage unit based on this poll. 😆
ParticipantOkay, okay! I finally watched Eureka, the weird plant episode where everyone isn’t themselves. Now despite a little confusion due to the fact I’d never seen it before and wasn’t quite clear on how the personalities were different than usual, I quite enjoyed it and didn’t find my itchy flipper finger moving on to (hopefully) greener pastures. Whoo! That last sentence left me out of breath!
Anyhoo, I will endeavor to watch the darn thing at it’s regularly scheduled time in order to catch up. Cheer up Saddy! You may not be alone. Of course, as normally happens, if I like it, it will be cancelled or degenrate into crap. So, you may not want me to tune in after all. 😉
ParticipantI’ve still got two years worth of Christmas cards left from my after-Christmas shopping last year.
In three years time, I’ll end up with nothing, having grown accustom to being prepared.
But since I send them in the first week of December (yes, I’m one of those), I should have plenty of time to cover my tail, as it were.
Participant[quote=”alnexi”]Merry Christmas to all Sad Geezers, no matter what you call it! And their families and all creatures great and small![/quote]
Cheers and ditto!
ParticipantHappy Birthday!
ParticipantI’ll warn anyone who uses dial-up or has any kind of slow connection that you’ll get error messages using rapidshare. It can be very frustrating, but does work eventually.
ParticipantDSL, please. 👿
Participant[quote=”SadGeezer”]Now all I’m waiting for is Rigel :)[/quote]
Now THAT would make me tune in. 😆