Forum Replies Created
ParticipantAnd the [url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=Reviews&file=index&req=showcontent&id=761]transcript[/url]
Participant[quote=”YOWAYYO”]. Maybe they’ll introduce a “party” ship later on as in TOS, but with bright disco lights and strobes. [/quote]
Moore has gone on the record that there won’t be a casino ship.planet in the new series. But, who knows what contrivances the future may hold.[quote]*Headgehog, I also like how you keep us up-to-date on Starbuck’s resume: sniper/ marine/ interragator/ Sun Tzu/ security specialist. Does she cook?[/quote]
Not very well I’m sorry to report.
Although I do have to give credit to LexxLurker for the running joke. He started it many epsiodes reviews ago, and he might have scripted that one too. We’ve done so many reviews together I forget the details.[quote]*This ep also gave me a solid number to work with as far as figuring out the timeline. Helo says that he’s been on Caprica for 46 days (I believe), so we can safely conclude that a month and a half has elapsed since the 12 colonies were nearly wiped out. There were probably other clues or outright mentions of this in prior eps, but I either missed them or forgot them.[/quote]
At the begining of the first Caprica scene in an episode they tell us what day it is.Headgehog
ParticipantRequiem: So is that what your captions wind up looking like?
damocles: I think those ships have been there all along. I’ve noticed them all season long, and even some in the mini. But then again, I am the kind of sadgeezer who like to look at spaceships.
ParticipantWhoa, just whoa! You certainly know at lot about tactics.
Check your email.The fleet only discovered one source of Tylium, but Tigh surmised that if others were found, that the Cylons would be guarding those too.
There is a [url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=Reviews&file=index&req=showcontent&id=553]Kara “Starbuck” Thrace Character Review[/url], albeit a brief one.
The rest of my post contains end of season 1 spoilers. Stop reading now.
You have been warned!
While I’ll agree that the Basestars are fuel hogs, (what dreadnought isn’t?), I can’t agree that they don’t have a long FTL range. A Cylon Raider can jump from (near) Kobol back to Caprica. Imagine what the range on a Basestar would be. I can’t see the Basestar having a shorter FTL range. The energy cost must be huge, but its a military craft, its probably engineered to carry a lot of fuel and go on long term missions. But with such a large FTL range, long-term is almost meaningless. The cylons after all, chased the Galactica for 239 jumps in the first episode.
The Basestars have to have some sort of sublight engines. We’ve seen them in orbit of a few planets, and that certainly requires manoeuvring.In the mini, it was mentioned that the battle (bastestars) was moving at sublight between colonies.
I don’t believe there is FTL communications, so I can understand why the cylons didn’t call in reinforcements during Hand of God. But I find it to be a major plot hole that we can assume that the Galactica destroyed the ~150 raiders before they could escape. I thought this was a major contrivance before I learned that they could have jumped away to a VERY far place in an instant. If even one raider escaped, they could have brought back reinforcements before the Colonials could have recovered the fuel.
As an aside, jumping into an asteroid belt would be a major bitch, too much debris floating around, what if they jumped into a small asteroid?
I’m personally of the mind, that the Cylons wanted the Colonials to get the fuel, but they had to give the appearance that they were trying to keep it from them. The Helo-Caprica arc seems to parallel the Fleet story pretty closely, and we’ve seen how they were steering Helo around.
ParticipantNo sorry. I barely had enough information for Virgon and Geminon. And with those reviews I had to use an egregious amount of assumptions, and partially take some information from TOS. Really all I need is 1 or 2 lines about the colony and maybe see a character from that colony.
As of now, I could write something up about Picon and Aerilon, but I only have a single line of information about each world. It would require a LOT of supposition on my part to do the reviews now. [i]Although it would make an interesting challenge to write[/i].
Interesting link though, its always fun to see what other people have come up with the flesh out the BSG universe.
Participant[quote=”aiddar”]1) President Roslin is in jail, on suspicion of being some form of dictator [/quote]
Hey welcome to the site.
It’s an interesting dilemma, technically Adama is wrong, military juntas are almost never done legally, and I can’t see him winning this politically or legally. But Adama is in control of the only human armed forces, which gives him a lot of power.
[quote]3) The Vice President (Baltar) is trapped on the planet Kobol… In addition, someone he has cleared using his “Baltar-certified Nuclear Powered Cylon Detector ™” just shot the Commander, thus making the position of Baltar very precarious if he *were* on BG…. [/quote]
Not necessarily, who said he reported the results of Boomer’s test? He probably kept quiet about that. If someone asks, he tells them that he hasn’t had a chance to test her yet.[quote]4) Lee Adama has just committed Mutiny (possibly though, it could be argued he was refusing to carry out an illegal order…), the penalty for which is normally death. Assuming that Tigh was on the Court of Enquiry (or Court Martial, if it went that far), things would look bad for the young Adama…[/quote]
He’s boned. As per Adama’s military junta, there is no court martial, just jail time. The only way out for Lee is for the cylons to attack, and he performs some kind of heroic miracle on the Galactica’s behalf.[quote]5) Starbuck has disobeyed a direct order, and “stolen” a Cylon fighter. Again, on return, she will be reporting to Tigh, not Adama, and Tigh really *really* does not like Starbuck..[/quote]
Oh yeah, Starbuck is also in a bad position. There won’t be any easy way for her to be reintegrated into the fleet. Conceivably, Roslin would have to be in power again, and force the public to believe Starbuck to be a hero, because she brought back the Arrow of Apollo.[quote]OK, all the above may be flakier than a flaky-thing, but it has the ring of possibility for the politics of the situation… Mind you, it take no account of the Cylons, pregnancies and wars that might just be going off in the background, but to me it has always been the development of the characters that is interesting than the “wizz-bang” explosions…[/quote]
I know the Colonial leadership will go through some tough times in the season 2 opening episodes, but I don’t think it’ll turn into that huge a clusterfuck. I’m not shooting down your idea, just pointing out that I think its too involved and Byzantine for a weekly series. Even Dune had to be toned down for the two miniseries. Based on how Colonial Day was only marginally successful when it came to politics (I need to edit my review), I think they’ll be sticking more toward character interactions, then polictical grasps for power. But that’s just my opinion, I could be wrong.[i]I’ve already seen some s2 spoilers, and I’ve tried to write this based on what I knew before I read the spoilers. So some of what I wrote I already know is wrong ;)[/i]
ParticipantYou can read the transcript [url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=Reviews&file=index&req=showcontent&id=760]here.[/url]
ParticipantI’ve uploaded the transcript, this time its actually easy to read and it was proofread!
[url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=Reviews&file=index&req=showcontent&id=759]Hand of God Transcript[/url]
ParticipantAn anonymous user has graciously taken on the ardous task of reformatting the 33 transcript. Take another look, and you’ll see just how much easier it is to read and understand. And he corrected some errors too!
ParticipantYou can find the transcript [url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=Reviews&file=index&req=showcontent&id=753]here[/url]
ParticipantWhoa, lots of good thoughts there. I’m a little busy with school for the next couple days, but after that I’ll be able to post a better and more thought out response (I just don’t want you to think that you’re being ignored).
Lexxlurker:I think we’ve got your first convert here. 😉
[i]edit: grammer[/i]
ParticipantCool. Thanks for posting it . I haven’t had a chance to read it all yet, too much school work this week with profs, trying to cram it all in before spring break. I like what I’ve read so far.
ParticipantI just learned earlier last week that Jamie Bamber was out on paternity leave while most of the early episodes were being filmed, hence his reduced role in the recent episodes.
ParticipantThe transcript can be found [url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=Reviews&file=index&req=showcontent&id=752]here[/url].
ParticipantIt’s not a direct quote, but as a health inspector I had to order a few swimming pools drained. One property argued with me that it was a terrible waste of water, my response was “And somewhere there’s a fremen shaking his crsyknife; drain your pool”. The reference was lost on her…
ParticipantThis is the “official” petition here:
http://www.petitiononline.com/goed/petition.htmlIt doesn’t have very many signatures, barely over a thousand. I’m 125, and I signed it a few months after the miniseries aired. So I think a GEoD mini (or even post GEoD minis) will be an uphill battle at best.
Participant[quote=”bonnee”]By sci fii, I assume you mean the network and not the genre? If so, why do you prefer it to another fav of yours, Farscape? And whilst I’m asking, what are your – or anybody else’s – thoughts on Lost, a (possible) reiimagining of the cult sci show Fantastic Journey?[/quote]
Galactica is easily the best original show that Sci Fi Channel ever aired. But that’s not difficult when one compares it to Black Scorpion, Scare Tactics etc. I certainly enjoy the show, and make sure that I don’t miss it. I believe in it so much I got dressed up in costume to help promote it at a busy mall. I wasn’t going to do that for LEXX or Farscape.
Is it the best scifi ever? That’s hard to say. Its up against some stiff competition. B5 comes to mind, but the acting in B5 just can’t compare. Angel is another strong show, but it had its camp factor. Space: Above and Beyond is a strong contender. It’s been a while since I last saw the show, so I’ll hold off on any comparisons until I get the DVD set.
I will say this definitively, BSG is not the answer to all our Sci Fi needs, and its not the original masterpiece that Moore makes it out to be. Don’t get me wrong, the show is great, but its not the second coming of scifi. Contrary to popular thought, its not [i]that[/i] original as many of the plots we’ve seen have been done before, and usually in other science fiction. The show’s a remake so lets face it, it can’t be uber original.
Lost is another great show, one which I try not to miss. (But I have a class that night, so it has to be recorded this semester) I think the reason why its not discussed here more is that its not space based (like many shows here) and for some reason the sadboard membership in general has been very quiet since LEXX ended. Lost, like BSG, is another character driven show. Its more drama then action and it’s scifi-lite at best. The thing that worries me most about the show, is that it might become like its sister-show Alias; which even in the first season had the feel of: “we’re making it up as we go along”. But if the series had a firm “series bible” to begin with to explain the various mysteries, then it has tremendous potential.
Bonnee, I’m not sure how Carnivale (another Ron Moore show) aires down in Oz, but in the States, its on HBO which most people don’t get. I’m interested in seeing some episodes, but I don’t have HBO. I suspect it’s a similar situation for other posters.
ParticipantAnd here goes the [url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=Reviews&file=index&req=showcontent&id=751]epsiode transcript[/url].
Participant[quote=”CrazySickPsycho”]I forgot to mention and its been driving me crazy.
Earth 2 was also a sweet show, but im not really sure how many seasons it lasted, did it ever make it too a 2nd season? I watched the “first’ but may of missed a few episodes because it was never really rerun. [/quote]
Earth 2 only lasted a season, and barely at that. It started out strong but it just couldn’t hold onto viewers.[quote=”Frozenpede”]I only ever saw one episode that someon had taped, but I was really excited about the idea.[/quote]
It had a good concept behind it, and I remember really enjoying the first season and a half. But it started to run out of ideas in its second season. The third season was just bizarre.Headgehog
ParticipantIn the mini-series commentary, the director told the actors to play it out as if she was a chip in his head. But the part was written as if he was insane. Confusing much… Callis also explains in the series lowdown that Baltar does believe that she is a chip in his head.
There will be more evidence pointing one way or another throughout the season. The most damning comes in the final minutes of Kobol’s Last Gleaming Pt2.
ParticipantI went to a movie theatre in rural Pennsylvania a few weeks ago. Imagine my surprise was it not only half the price as in the Philly area, but they started the movie at the exact time it was supposed to start! The previews came before that time. I hadn’t experienced that in years!
Unskippable previews on DVD’s annoy me to no end. I will not only not buy the DVD, but I’ll make sure not to by anything from the DVD producer or Production Studio for at least a year. Luckily the brother works at Blockbuster, so I know a few days before the DVD hits shelves if it’s: a) has skippable previews and b) worth it overall.
16th February 2005 at 3:19 am in reply to: They’re starting to design and build Rovers – for real! #74100Headgehog
ParticipantI don’t know. I saw this episode before. It’s from Futurama and called “[url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=Reviews&file=index&req=showcontent&id=710]War is the H word[/url]” Giant bouncy balls don’t scare me too much.
The ball shown is only about 2-2.5 ft in height. I can jump that. Or at worst, kick it or lift it up where it can’t harm me. Now if it secretes some kind of tranquilizer or pulls out some other kind of suppression device and/or weapon, then I’ll be a lot wiered out.
ParticipantAs of Litmus I was treating #6 as a chip in the head. As you read through the reviews in the coming weeks, you’ll notice that my opinions change, re: #6 and other things. I’ve decided to keep my personal comments and thoughts in the review as a sort of blog, so that I (and others) can see what was going through my twisted head at the time.
There are plenty of arguments for and against the chip idea. For most of the season it stays pretty ambiguous, so I elected to use the explanation given in the mini, for my reviews until I was given evidence to the contrary. I could say more, but I want to keep this spoiler free.
Evidence for guilt in this episode, comes when #6 threatens Baltar to complete his work on the Cylon detector. But that could just be part of a farther reaching cylon plot… or not
15th February 2005 at 2:35 am in reply to: They’re starting to design and build Rovers – for real! #74087Headgehog
Participantcool artcile! Thanks for posting it.
ParticipantAnd here is the episode [url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=Reviews&file=index&req=showcontent&id=750]transcript[/url].
ParticipantI’m not complaining too loudly. I don’t know if it’s more the lack of special features, or the ridiculous price tag but I’m willing to wait longer. My only “complaint” per se is that the US takes its time releasing these things. Although it has gotten better in the last year…
In regards to deleted scenes, [url=http://www.scifi.com/battlestar/episodes/season01/101/]scifi.com [/url]has several clips per episode of deleted scenes. Just choose the episode and enjoy. Most of the deleted scenes are stuff that you’d expect. Simple things that would add flavour to the episode but are redundant or expendable. But a major one shows up in Water, where Baltar explains how the small G4 explosives could puncture the hull of the ship. [i]That would have saved me from writing a rather embarrassing review[/i]
7th February 2005 at 3:43 am in reply to: SIX clip from ‘Sidewalk Soiler’ epsod. Ne1 no were 2 d/l it? #74051Headgehog
Participant[quote=”6969″]Unfortunately I live in the 3rd world country known as the United Kingdom…you know, the one who’s Prime-Minister licks your Presidents ass on command? [/quote]
Sorry about that. I hope you guys accross the pond know that at least 49% of us don’t like the current adminstration either.[quote]Yeah that one! Well, Tripping the Rift just began over here and although I only saw about 15 minutes of it, it looks like a great show![/quote]
What time and channel is it on over there? I noticed that the site crashed earlier today because we had too many visitors. New airings of TTR have that effect on the site.Sidewalk soilder was an okay episode. It really only got great in the last few minutes when Chode and Bobo were having their execution chat. I can’t understand why they’d start off the series with that episode though.
5th February 2005 at 6:50 am in reply to: Added: Acts of Contrition and You Can’t Go Home Again #74042Headgehog
ParticipantI’ve added the transcript to [url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=Reviews&file=index&req=showcontent&id=749]105 You Can’t Go Home Again[/url]
Participant[quote=”echo”]An interesting and fun maze that is. You would tell me if there was minotaur in here wouldn’t you?[/quote]
We did, and his name was Pete. But he got lost himself and starved in stacks of the sadboard. We keep his remains as a momento in the mods forum.
[quote]I am wondering if somewhere in here there is a section or if somebody knows of one somewhere, where people who are interested in writing science-fiction for publishing or for screen-plays might liase and share trade information. I don’t mean fan-fic. I am not suggesting fan-fic isn’t good, it’s just not the right genre.[/quote]
The closest thing is the [url=http://www.sadgeezer.com/html/modules.php?op=modload&name=phpBB2&file=viewforum&f=28&sid=efbb8773d7344072c1787637298374c0]Sadwritiers forum[/url]. It’s probably not exactly what you’re looking for, but its a start.Headgehog
ParticipantIt never ceases to amaze me how America, a country which prides itself on its ruthless capitalism and marketing can wait so much time to put out TV Show and Movie DVDs. You guys are getting the DVDs only two months after the season ended. It’ll still be going through its first run over here by that time. We’ll be lucky to get our set within a year!
Not that it affects me much, but isn’t £40 ($75 US) a bit steep for a 13 episode season? Even Babylon 5/Crusade isn’t that expensive.
Also wondering when the links to this forum are going to stop taking me to the General Sci-Fi forum. (from “Sections”) :([/quote]Yeah, I’ll fix that now… I wasn’t sure anybody really used that drop down menu.
ParticipantNot to sound mean about TVTome, but I don’t consider them an accurate source of information. I’ve read too many things there, that were outright wrong. More specific to the TTR section of that site: it’s not actively maintained, and what information they do have comes from here (and is occasionally plagiarized).
I don’t have a hard copy press release. But a PTB at Sci Fi told me it was coming back, as well as a bunch of people who work on the show.
ParticipantTripping will return sometime this spring. Sci Fi hasn’t picked a start date yet.
ParticipantI’m inclined to agree with YOWAYYO. TV and film works in waves, and at the moment space based Sci Fi is at its lull. At this point, it looks like Star Trek will go on Hiatus for a few years, and all those Saturday midday syndicated scifi shows are on their way out. On the other end of the spectrum, present-day scifi is peaking. [i]I’ll take the space stuff anyday.[/i]
I’d be very surprised if BSG is not renewed for another season. It did better then the Stargates last week, and is the networks highest rated show. The show CAN’T be that expensive that it wouldn’t be worth keeping on.
Space Scifi will return in a few years. It’s just going to take one show to be a major success, and then everyone will copy it. A few seasons later and we’ll have too many space operas, few if any will be really worth watching. The shows won’t do well, and we’ll see a recession again.
Participant[quote=”Sci-Fi”] Try watching both episodes of “Kobol’s Last Gleaming” back-to-back, if you dare. [/quote]
Or you could be a true masochist, and wait a week between episodes. Which for the record, is not very fun!
ParticipantWe’re going to keep this thread SPOILER FREE FOR NOW! I’ll start a new spoliers thread later
ParticipantWell I hope you’re still watching it when it airs on Sci Fi. They do include some scenes not shown on Sky One.
I’m still in awe and shock over the episode. This is going to be a major bitch and a half to write a review for. LL and I will split it up to make it easier and cover everything in the detail required to do this episode justice.
I’ll post more later, after I watch it again, and settle my thoughts.
ParticipantI’m currently of the mind that #6 is figment of Baltar’s imagination, an image that his brain has cooked up as he descends into insanity. Originally I felt that she was a chip in his mind, but as the season progressed, I’ve changed my mind. To avoid any spoilers here, read my thoughts in the last few reviews of the first season.
Mostly I just think that #6 has been doing too much to get Baltar power. At the same time she hasn’t really said anything to Baltar that he doesn’t already know on some level or another. There have been a couple minor examples to the contrary, but those could be dismissed as luck or just outright paranoia.
ParticipantQuick Answer: Bonnie Hammer hated it.
Long answer: The composer for the show was tapped to make an intro song. He through together a half-assed song and previewed it to Ron Moore, not expecting him to like it “as-is”. Ron Moore loved it, and wanted nothing cahnged, even after the composer showed him a few other tunes. It was okayed by most levels of Sci Fi and Sky One, but it was never previewed to Bonnie Hammer. It aired in the UK with the depressing theme. When it was finally reviewed to Bonnie Hammer, she hated it, and thought it too depressing. Another intro had to be made, this time something more uplifting. Repeat the above a few more times, before we were left with our current version, in which nobody loves, but everybody accepts.
ParticipantTo help budget the bandwidth, I’ve also changed the default theme to sg-lite. It appears that Yahoo’s inktomisearch, may also be spidering us. I hope its not to the same extent as looksmart, doesn’t look like at, at the moment.
ParticipantFirst off, welcome to the site, and thank-you for posting such a detailed and interesting post.
[quote=”Renee.S”]Explosives or more specifically their explosive energy follow the path of least resistance. When an explosive is set off under water the power of the explosive is actually magnified many times over because the energy is not lost going out a ‘path of low resistance’. This whole capability of magnifying the explosive is called the “Tamping Effect”. Now take the explosive and water and place it inside an enclosed steel case and neither the water or explosive energy have anywhere to go. The steel case would very-likely rupture, probably at some structurally weak point. [/quote]
Excellent points. I agree with what you wrote about the water increasing the damage from the explosive.
Unfortunately, the special effects/sets on the episode disagree Actually the various shots don’t even agree with each other!
The hull breaches were shown to be at the top of the aquifer. Which one might logically think then that the explosives were at the top of the pressure vessel. But the aquifer has a walkway, that under normal conditions, is just above water level. A brief scene takes place in there in Litmus Test to show this. if the explosives were placed there, then they wouldn’t have the benefit of the water to aid in the explosion. We also saw the explosives underwater during the episode, albeit briefly. It seems doubtful to me that the water expanded enough to cause the kind of pressure needed to breach the hull. But I’ll chuck this up to artistic licence, On TV shows, there isn’t always people on the sets looking out for very technical inconsistencies like this.[quote=”Renee.S”]The nuke in space on the other hand, if it detonated outside of the ship without first penetrating the hull, would have a somewhat lost effect. The overwhelming majority of its force would follow the path of least resistance into space. Of course if it had penetrated first and then exploded it would be Battlestar Bananasplit because of the overpressure.[/quote]
Most of a nukes damage comes from the sudden heat generated by the explosion ( mostly in the forms of various forms of EM waves) A nuke in space isn’t very effective because it doesn’t have the concussive force of the 500 mph wind that it would in an atmospheric detonation. (Just another kind of Tamping Effect really)
The radiation from the nuke pretty much goes everywhere equally, and at least half of it was facing toward the Galactica. The parts nearby did get hit with a lot of heat, which caused the hull to melt, or air on the other side to expand and exploded outward. Hence all the damage it caused. Not to forget about the secondary damage from the fires the heat would cause etc. While most of the hull survived the heat, it could have lost some of its strength depending on how the material was prepared. But I’m getting into too many secondary effects now.I’d be interested to see what the energy delivered per square area would be when comparing the nuke to the G4 explosives. I would still think the nuke would be an order(s) of magnitude greater. But there’s no real way to know for sure.
Participant[quote=”YOWAYYO”]Does anyone else think he would make a good alter-ego to Dr. Julian Bashir of DS9? [/quote]
You’re not the first person to bring that up. A lot of people think they are the same actor. Personally I’d take James Callis anyday.
[quote=”Renee.S”]How would Helo even know which direction to go to look for them (unless Boomer is connected to her other self)? Maybe it could become a different storyline with the survivors left on the planet. [/quote]
It will be very difficult to bring Helo back to the Galactica without some major flubbing of the story. I personally don’t think the biocylons are networked that far out in space, but some people will disagree with me.[quote]I totally agree with Headgehog’s episode review saying…”a lot of action happening in the background, and a lot of politics amongst the principle players in the foreground”. [/quote]
Hehe, that’s my polite way of saying “Too many talking heads, not enough action.[quote]I think that is what is really keeping my attention in BSG…the different levels of the story. [/quote]
I like that sort of story a lot. The Dune Chronicles are built upon a layered story that requires a lot of afterthought about the background events. It works great for novels, but not so well TV/Movies. Water did an okay job of this. Colonial Day (ep 11) is another political talk-fest episode, but it flowed so much better and really kept my attention and made me want to watch it over again to learn more.[quote]After your statement about Boomer having a cold, calculating and efficient step when she walks away from the Chief after their discussion on what happened with the last bomb, do you think that Boomer knows what she is doing all of the time or do you think that she was genuinely upset about possibly being a suspect and is having real memory lapses?[/quote]
Firstly, I think the robot walk at the end has no solid basis in the story. I think it was done for drama, much like #6’s red-glowing spine. I believe that Boomer does not consciously know that she is a cylon (as of Water). Furthermore I don’t think she remembers doing any sort of sabotage against the fleet. Her subconscious (cylon programming) took over and didn’t record the events for her conscious self, so that she could better live the lie. This follows that her dismay to Tyrol and the audience was legit throughout the episode.[quote] The other Cylon left on Ragnar was screaming at the top of his lungs that they couldn’t just leave him out there and that he wasn’t a Cylon. And yet Boomer replaced the last detonator that was in her bag and was freaking out when no one else was around in the armory…hmmm. [/quote]
Doral might not have been consciously aware that he was a cylon when he was abandoned at Ragnar. After he stewed in the radiation for a while, his survival instinct (cylon programming) took over.Headgehog
ParticipantIt hinted that Baltar did it, but there’s no way to be certain. In the director’s commentary on the DVD, they alluded that it mught not have been Baltar (read: they don’t know either). Hope this helps.
ParticipantI was very happy with this weeks pics, and the source video I used. This time I used a divx .avi, which gave me a much crisper, and colourful image. Ohh and it takes up less memory too. The images were so clear in this and Colonial Day, that I was able to grab some really nice images for future essays and culture reviews. Plus it allowed me to see some things I hadn’t spotted before.
Whoa!!! 2.5 share is pretty high for a Sci-Fi show, especially on a basic cable channel. Even SG:Atlantis which started out with a 3.4, has been dropping down to the 2.1 level:
16 July: 1.01 “Rising” — 3.4
23 July: 1.03 “Hide and Seek” — 2.47
30 July: 1.04 “38 Minutes” — 2.45
6 August: 1.05 “Suspicion” — 2.17[/quote]Were Atlantis’s ratings that high?! I remember it premiered strong, but I didn’t think it was that high. If that’s the case, then I have no doubt that Galactica will be picked up for a second season.
The word on the street is that Sci Fi will make its decision (at the earliest) after ep 3: Bastille Day. They want to see how many people come back for a second week, aka the dropoff.
[quote=”LexxLurker”]And I would just love to eat those words, but it wont happen. [/quote]
I have a very good memory… we’ll see what happens in a few weeks.I remember reading that an episode of Galactica costs about $1.6 milllion.
ParticipantThe general fan consensus is that Boomer is pregnant. I agree with Tos that its much too early to know for sure. I’d like to think that it was just the cold beans she ate earlier. But this is television, and the series doesn’t move fast enough for the 3-4 weeks to go by for her to show true pregnancy sickness, so perhaps we are supposed to believe that she is pregnant.
I know that I’m unique in my low opinion of the episode. Even SyFy Portal, which almost always gives a lower rating then me, gave it an A! So y’guys should just ignore me on this episode. After re-watching it though, I do have some more respect for it.
ParticipantI try to write something up later this week. When you read it, you’ll learn that getting out of the Village is very easy. Finding Portmerion and entering it is the hard part.
The synopsis will greatly differ from my regular episode reviews. It’lllikely have a sarcastic bent to it, with statements like Stupid Arrogant American Assumption #1: It’s Britian, of course the road signs will be in English”, “Stupid Arrogant American Assumption #2: If Britain is even a tenth as capitolist as America, they’ll have signs everywhere for any tourist trap (Portmerion)” and “Stupid Arrogant American Assumption #3: There’s always a gas station around to ask for directions”
ParticipantI rather liked the second one.
[quote=”SadGeezer”]Incidentally, there are some new LARGE pics of the New Aeon that were sent to me by a very fine sadgeezer called Eddie – cheers dude!
D’oh, this is what happens when I procrastinate. I found those pics earlier today/late last night (time sort of loses meaning during winter break), and was going to upload them to the downloads section.
It’s an interesting look for Aeon. It’s reminiscent of her, but its not. But then again, no human could really pull off the actual Chung-anime look, without major surgery.
ParticipantI’d like to see the Fry-Nibbler-Brain aliens arc get either wrapped up or expanded upon. I also wouldn’t mind seeing some more new story arc added in. Personally I could tak eor leae the whole Fry-Leela thing. The part of the story never really interested me, even though its been a main focus through the entire series. I guess of all thing though, that should be resovled.
Ohh, and more Hermes, Professor and Zoidberg. episodes
ParticipantI should have likes this episode. But not only was I disappointed, I was turned off by it.
The Gaelic (Irish-Scot) music, didn’t work for me. There was a lot of unnecessary scenes thrown in just to make it look cool (like the pilots getting into their Vipers). However I recognize that these are good for other viewers so I won’t totally shoot it down. The shaking camera/documentary camera work is not working. I can stomach/ignore it most of the time, but it really doesn’t work in the space battle scenes! The quick cutting and cropped shots, leave too much to the imagination. Perhaps I’m just old school and like seeing the ST And SW battles scenes where we really get to see everything that is going on.
Ohh, and the 10 or so remaining vipers we’re able to shoot down the ~[b]140[/b] remaining Raiders, without any help form the Galactica, nor taking any more losses. Uh no!
Lastly, I don’t like prophecies in my Sci Fi. It’s fine in fantasy, but not in scifi. But it is interesting to see where this Baltar thing is going. I’m starting to doubt that #6 is a chip in his head. She might just be a manifestation of his subconscious as he goes (more) crazy!
If I do a review, I’ll post all of my contrivances. LexxLurker, you want to take this one?
In all I’d rate it a C- or D+.
Participant[quote=”Requiem”]P.S. if you’re a SC big fan,you may find out in 2003 miniseries a plot
looks familiar-when Starbuck realized the Cylon fleet is above her head(it’s almost as same as one CG plot in Zerg force) :shock:[/quote]
I’m a major SC fan (when wil they make SC2?), but I can’t remember which scene your reffering to. Which missions was it in between? -