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  • in reply to: Hypno Toad Testing #73167

    Gosh, sweetie, you’d think a gal could get a break. After all, I picked that avatar just for all you red blooded males out there. 😈

    in reply to: Hehe :) So you guys have real lives huh? #66602

    GASP! I got a life, I’m so sorry. 😉

    Kids are home from school. That keeps me off for most of the day. And the temps have been obscenely gorgeous. Just right for a long walk to the library/post office/courthouse/whatever.

    Yesterday I cooked up a storm. I made egg rolls for the first time ever, then some yogurt parfait (don’t think that worked out so well) and finally some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies.

    With new battery for the camera, I’ve been looking around to add to my webshots.

    Also, got the Red Dwarf DVD’s for Series one and two. The sound is shockingly better than VHS. I’m hearing lines I hadn’t heard before, like when Cat comes up to join Rimmer and Lister in Better Than Life. I never caught him saying he was hungry from after the stomach pump, heh. I never really got the gist of why he was looking for the somber pair.


    in reply to: Funniest Sci Fi Quotes #65784

    GalaxyQuest: It exploded.

    Tim Allen’s line: …it turned inside out and THEN it EXPLODED!

    Weaver’s line: Hold please.

    Weaver and Allen’s characters having to run through the chompy things: I don’t want to do this. Why are these things even here?

    Allen: It was in the episode.

    Weaver: Well, screw that! I’m not gonna do it! The script was badly written!

    HHGTG: Probability of 1 to 1. Normality is acheived. Anything you can’t deal is your own problem.

    in reply to: I know it’s not LEXX fic but…… #65573


    Logan PMS (Private’s Massaging Service)

    Attention Privates:

    Is your PMS giving you the blues? You not getting the servicing you deserve? Try the new Logan Private’s Massaging Service; it’s guaranteed to satisfy you!

    ****Some conditions apply:

    *Only privates may be massaged — no sergeants or other ranks are eligible for the service.
    *Must be of legal privates age.
    *Special bulk deals for Army bases.
    *By privates invitation only!

    You may only be a Private but Logan will make your Privates feel like the [i]whole[/i] Major! :D[/quote]

    That means you won’t even throw me a kernel then?

    😆 😉

    in reply to: The Philadelphia Experiment #65544

    The mythos of it is that in the ’40’s, the military was experimenting with cloaking technology. I’m not good with the technical language, but I’ll give a try at explaining it.

    They attempted to bend light around an entire ship by using (If I remember correctly) some sort of electrical technology. I don’t know if it was atomic or not.

    Now comes the myth part: When the device was engaged, the personnel on board and the ship disappeared for a few moments. When it reappeared, men were melded into the deck, some were missing and some were sick, nauseated, some were dead, some were reportedly ‘phasing’ in and out. It is reported that at the exact time that the device was used, some of the sailers appeared at the back of a bar they frequented in the past. Although everyone on board was effected in a negative manner, the test was considered a success.

    They don’t know for sure if the ship remained where it was or travelled somewhere else during the test. I think I heard part of the story that the ship was spotted several hundreds of miles from it’s original position then disappeared again, at the exact time the test was stopped.

    My theory of why it was covered up… they screwed up, used a technology that they weren’t ready to deal with. I’ve been meaning to look more into chaos theory and what that’s about. I think it might have something to do with how and why they screwed up so magnificently.

    in reply to: Eh? What happened yesterday? #65528

    [quote=”lexxrobotech”]that gif of yours really is making me think naughty things.[/quote]

    I guess you’re in the right place then… you geezer. 😛 😆

    in reply to: Eh? What happened yesterday? #65518

    On another board, there was a new lexx fan asking about episodes and such. He/she was directed to for information on it. *shrug* Maybe it directed more people here? (but that many? I have my reservations)

    That’s the only idea I have. 😳

    in reply to: Live Kai Costume on Ebay #65124

    Artificial dirt?! ROFLMAO!

    Either way, it has to be one of the sloppiest looking things, hehehehehe.

    Cheers to whoever buys it! May it come in plastic wrap for you. 😉 😛

    in reply to: Live Kai Costume on Ebay #65103

    on height: My husband is 6’3″ and his father is 6’7″ but they have the same inseam… 32. The length of the legs don’t always determine the height.

    I gotta know… is that actual tomato product on the clothes? Or is it paint/faked stains?

    in reply to: not happy…. #65051

    [quote=”Chameleoin”]Err… what is O5 about, anyway?[/quote]

    It is about five astronauts that were launched into space. The earth blew up while they were out and some ‘super’ being threw them back in time five or seven years. Can’t remember how long for sure.

    Their mission is to stop the world from being destroyed by these super machines that brought on the destruction of Earth. I think they were machines, not sure if they were supposed to be from some alien place or what. I only saw a few episodes before we changed movie channel subscriptions.

    the five astronauts have ‘replaced’ their past selves with all knowledge of what will be happening in their personal lives in the coming years. Many of the characters try to change their personal histories while they are also trying to prevent the destruction of the world.

    P.S. Thanking admin for spell check! Many flowers and chocolates, thank you!

    in reply to: Joss Speaks #64968

    [quote=”marybeth”] i think this is a bit much even for a TV addict like me! [/quote]

    Have you seen what they are advertising now? In the last two days I’ve seen teasers for a show where “hot” people model in front of a panel of 3 judges, looking for the “hottest person in America.” AND a show for the next “Nashville star” on USA or WGN, can’t remember which. Both shows are riding on the coat tails of American Idol. GAH! It is a bit much.

    in reply to: New from 1st February #59913

    I can’t wait to see it.


    in reply to: Dragon Con Guest List so far #61642


    Originally posted by elmey:
    … Also, I haven’t figured out how to do Vlad’s hairdo yet. Think the hotel salon can handle it? [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


    I once asked about how that was done. They said they used cardboard to hold it up and lots and lots and… yes… lots of hair spray to help keep it in place.

    in reply to: Bonnie Hammer opens ass, inserts head #59154


    Originally posted by Flamegrape:
    To [b][i]hell[/i][/b] with all that cr@p. I’m still not watching the d@mned channel anymore. Screw them with a wiffleball bat. Just like I said here on the day I found out that they cancelled [i]Farscape[/i], the only time I’m going to watch that [b][i]”channel”[/i][/b] is to watch the remainder of the last season of that show. After that, bye-bye. And even though I’m a [i][b]huge[/b] Dune[/i] fan, I don’t think I’ll bother watching it when it airs and instead wait until the DVD comes out. Screw them. Screw them with a sandpaper-covered mace with no lubricant.

    [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img] Ouchies.

    in reply to: New Lexx Quiz #54063


    Oh, dear. 24 out of 30.

    I am sad. [img]images/smiles/icon_eek.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    in reply to: Where is LORD OF THE RINGS? #62264


    Originally posted by Dragula:
    I think JumpingJedi is right…..

    LOTR could be just what SAD needs….

    No offense, but SADG has become kinda dead lately….

    And tolkien fanatics roam the net searching for sad places to hang….

    Never fear, this thing called the “holidays” should be winding down. As everyone begins to nash their teeth about over spending or over eating, things will pick up.

    in reply to: If Kai was gay and dressed up in drag on Xmas.. #54050

    All in good humor. These are various smart a.s.s. remarks that the picture produced in me.

    Talk about dressing in the dark!

    He looks like he put the make-up on in a bouncey car.

    The hat doesn’t go far enough down. It should cover the hideous colors. ;p

    That bun should be patented.

    in reply to: So what is the draw? #54020


    originally posted by Rag
    …The visuals were (at times) cheesy.

    For some reason, I can’t resist:

    A huddle of cats stand in the snow. One large black and white one says to a little one: What are you? A cat or a mouse?

    the little one says: I like cheese.

    And that’s why I like Lexx. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]

    [ 20-12-2002: Message edited by: trillian ]

    in reply to: VR is back #64765

    *sniffle* an entire post lost. I’ll try it again.

    I was playing with a pin box. It’s one of those box’s that have several steel rods that can ‘sculpt’ whatever object is is placed upon. I pushed back with my other fingers. It made the pins feel hard or soft depending on the force I used. My fingers were on the same pins yet I could hurt or soften the sensation depending on the force.
    The gloves in a VR machine could fool the hands into thinking something is solid from this push sensation. When you push on something, like your computer desk, the pads of the fingers are flattened. Easy enough to fool them into thinking something is hard, soft, smooth or bumpy.

    But what about those arms? How could the arms be fooled into thinking something is there, I wondered. It occurred to me that the only reason I know I’m typing and not hitting pebbles is because of my sight. My eyes see what I’m doing, my fingers confirm what I’m doing, so my brain says, yes, your typing. If a person has on VR goggles and gloves, the fingers ‘feel’ the wheel, the eyes sees the steering wheel, so the brain says, yes, your driving a wheel, so the arms are reacting along with the sight and the feel.

    in reply to: Time to roll up your sleeves #64632

    Very helpful, Invisible Lunatic.

    Now, go finish your hot chocolate and go to bed. I’ll read you a bookie-poo later.

    in reply to: Time to roll up your sleeves #64630

    I know what you mean.

    I don’t know if Lexx ruined me for TV or what the deal is, but there sure doesn’t seem to be too much out there anymore.

    in reply to: Something I’ve been meaning to ask #64160

    I’ve been lucky then. I still have my original number. Pity it couldn’t have been 42. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    in reply to: WTF is a Hosted ‘Tell us your dreams’ Show doing on Scifi? #62254

    I checked out the page for the dreams show.

    They are asking people to tell them their dreams. mwa hahahahaha!

    *Well DUH, says the reader*

    I should explain more. I sent in one. About a gerbil, in a TV execs chair, pushing buttons. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    [ 12-12-2002: Message edited by: trillian ]

    in reply to: Whats in your CD player? part 3 (originally posted by snookl #64105


    Originally posted by Gléwiel:

    so do I!!
    they’re playing in stocholm in march..
    I’ll be there!!

    Take pictures if you can! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    in reply to: Please watch FIREFLY this Friday on FOX at 8PM. Thanks! #44077

    Just a quick note. I’m in Central time zone in the U.S. and it’s on at 7:00 on Friday nights.

    [ 09-12-2002: Message edited by: trillian ]

    in reply to: How did it go? #64588

    The first few episodes where, eh, there. Then it began to run and if it keeps going the way it’s going, it’s gonna soar!

    They are doing a masterful job of making the characters grow little by little. Not everyone gets along smoothly yet the captain manages to hold them together and even when he isn’t there, people come together out of loyalty to him.

    Impressive, most impressive. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

    in reply to: Whats in your CD player? part 3 (originally posted by snookl #64101

    Red Hot Chili Peppers

    I love Zephyr.

    in reply to: WTF is a Hosted ‘Tell us your dreams’ Show doing on Scifi? #62249

    checks the heartbeat of The Scifi Channel.

    It’s dead, Jim. There’s …nothing I could do.

    I’m a doctor, damnit, not a TV exec!

    in reply to: Where is everybody? #64127


    Originally posted by Dragula:

    And trillian…… can come over…
    a decent Geezer like you shouldent be livin in a place like……that.. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    May all your scifi shows be viewed with a clear signal!

    *looks outside* Yep, I’ll be coming over sometime soon. *depressed sigh*

    quote[quote]Originally posted by Flamegrape: Aren’t there lots of Swedes in Nebraska? [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img][/quote]

    Not anymore, they all moved. [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]


    Originally posted by Gléwiel nebraska..
    can u live there?

    I wouldn’t really call it living. mwa hahahaha.
    (If I don’t laugh, I might cry)


    in reply to: Where is everybody? #64122


    Originally posted by Gléwiel:
    i live in sweden..
    the most boring place of them all..

    tehe. I counter that boring and raise you a plains state thousands of miles from any significant body of water. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]


    in reply to: Blue biscuits… #59368

    *tickle, tickle* I’ve come to annoy you! [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    Anyway, our household has managed to get our little hands on the HGTTG DVD and wow! great quality. Far better than the bad copy video tape we had. What has this got to do with blue biscuits you ask yourself? I noticed with the better quality that they were closer to a violet blue than blue blue. [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img] Perhaps a dash of reddishnesh *say that ten times* would help them turn out not green.

    in reply to: Board …. {Part Ducks} #53916

    *steals car keys while everyone else is fighting*

    Hahahaha, the car is MINE! mine I tell you. Now where do I want to go today?

    *boringly, she heads off to the library*

    in reply to: Hello ya’ll #53869

    No, no, no… the porn formula is the name of your first pet and the name of the street your first house as a child was on.

    Snowy East (or Booey East, I had a hard time saying Snowy)

    Hi Bando.

    in reply to: Firefly: Jaynestown Review posted #64564

    Awww. It would be nice if the series improves. I have been a busy person lately and couldn’t watch this episode so I can’t really offer an opinion on it.

    Hopefully it’s just a bad time of year with vacations, games, schools and things will start to look up, making it all worth the effort.

    in reply to: Firefly Cancelled ? #64552


    Originally posted by SadGeezer:
    This is the one I’ve really, [b]REALLY[/b] been looking forward to. it’s written by Ben Edlund who was the creative genius behind The Tick cartoon series (and the live action show) and most notably the comic book series.

    Goody, goody! [img]images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]
    I hope it’s as bizarre and irreverant as the The Tick.

    in reply to: Blue biscuits… #59361


    Originally posted by Algeroth:
    Hm, I used a recipe from scratch with the following ingredients: flour, coconut-fat (which was white, too), sugar, full-white cocos flakes and a full packet of liquid blue colour. The packaging said that it is unhealthy to use more than ONE packet for this amount of ingredients…so I left it with the one packet…
    And what is “Blues Clues” cake??? I have never heard about. (I live in Germany, so… [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]
    Any other suggestions? Isn´t there any possibility to get this original recipe somewhere?
    But thank you so far!


    Well, golly, maybe check to see if the flour is bleached flour? I don’t get much chance to cook with coconut, so I don’t know what it would do to the color.

    That’s the cake I made, but mine was a bit darker blue.

    And this is Blue’s Clue, a kids show on the network Nickelodeon for the toddler/preschool set. [url=][/url]

    *Edit: Sorry, I don’t know how to get the pictures to show, so I’m providing the URL’s.

    [ 14-10-2002: Message edited by: trillian ]

    in reply to: CREEPY!!!!!!! #63942

    It was a warm sunny day, a year or so ago. I looked to the kitchen, admiring the sunlight streaming through the window. Was that dust floating to the window? NO, it was purposely moving to the sill. I moved closer to the entrance of the galley sized area.

    I looked closer and noticed the dust had wings. OMG, what in the heck were those things? I went to the window and began squashing. Where are they coming from? What were these long-clear-winged things? I had never seen anything like them before.

    The numbers increased. I couldn’t kill them fast enough. I turned to what I thought was the source. A few were stuck to the wood. I squished them. I gave up the hunt for the day. I seemed to have squashed enough, perhaps all of them.

    The next day at midmorning, more bugs. Where were these things coming from? I dutifully squished all I saw and started thinking of a good bug spray.

    The children and I played in the front room and noon soon rolled around. I looked to the kitchen wondering what I would make for lunch. Then I saw it, a SWARM of bugs flying across from the door jam to the hallway to the sunny window. I grabbed my little ones and the phone and hustled it out of the house. I called Orkin first, kind of jumping over the landladies head, to find out what in the jumping jiminy those things were! Turned out this house has termites and they were swarming in the house. *shudder* I was told to keep all the curtains closed because they are attracted to sunlight.

    It was really disgusting to see those suckers flying across the kitchen like that. *shudder*

    in reply to: full scale Lexx inspired building #53823


    Would you look at that! I hope guests of the building don’t suddenly end up on conveyor belts and the structure decides to take off. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    in reply to: Xev WWII style pin-up #62727

    Well done!

    in reply to: Christmas with the Crew #56799


    For Xev, a peppermint stick
    All sticky and sweet.

    For Stan, some antibiotics
    To help him smell neat.

    For Kai, a video
    To achieve other ‘do’s.

    For 790, an upgrade
    For some hands and some feet.

    For Bunny, a ball
    To make Prince fetch.

    For Prince, humility
    So he won’t make us wretch [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    For the President, a backbone
    Maybe he’ll get one yet.

    For Lexx, a salad
    Big and nice and green.
    And lots of protein
    So he can fly about
    A lean, mean fighting machine.

    [ 25-12-2001: Message edited by: trillian ]

    in reply to: LEXX Book Update #51094

    Well, POOHSTICKS! That stinks, I’m sorry to hear that Valdron.


    in reply to: Interview with Patricia Bunny Zentilli planned #51127

    It would be nice to see Bunny get something nice to happen to her, I hope she gets to ride off into the sunset with some very *ahem* gifted individual of her choosing.

    So my question is: Bunny’s incarnations always got harmed…is this one in for it too?

    in reply to: OT: WTC Attacks #48988


    Originally posted by Squishy:
    If there’s any nasty bits in your brain (which Squishy doubts, then Squishy will add some bolognese sauce to liven it up a bit.
    Mmmm…Squishy’s Authentic Brain Stew!!!
    Squishy (holdin knife and fork…and lickin lips).

    Ahh, what the heck, I don’t seem to be using it much to today anyway.

    Bon Appetite!

    in reply to: OT: WTC Attacks #48986

    OH, squishy, I’m not sure if you want my meager brain pan. It’s so overused, and I just know there are probably holes in there somewhere. It has a touch of insanity too. If you think you can really really stand such a mixture…well, think of it as a Cajun Jumbalaya, really spicey and mixed up.


    in reply to: FluffDaddy Spoiler- Did Xev mate….? #56097

    I just saw this episode for the first time yesterday.

    My hubby sat watching, and boy did I get a giggle. He kept saying “God, I hope she eats him.”
    “EAT HIM ALREADY!” and once more “When is she gonna eat him?”

    And finally she did, gah. Pretty gruesome guys! *stomach slightly turns* Talk about “left overs” ewww.

    I did get a sense of some of the story missing. If I hadn’t had any spoilers, I think I would’ve missed the audience’s reason for not being there and the meaning of the bloody doll Xev held. It seemed like they almost packed two eps into one. Just an opinion.

    I think Xev did mate with the actor Kai. And if she didn’t actually ‘mate’ then I would bet she came close! *shudder*

    in reply to: Lexx Gets a Fifth Season! #49113


    Originally posted by Aurora:
    It just doesn’t work that way, JumpingJedi. My broken heart knows the difference. The only bright side is… can somebody tell me please? [img]images/smiles/icon_confused.gif[/img] [img]images/smiles/icon_sad.gif[/img]

    Let’s try this: Kai won’t be wrinkley and hobbling around on crutches.

    Stan won’t be on social security and barely able to raise his hand to tell Lexx to blow something up.

    And Xev won’t be wearing orthopedic boots and hose that keep vericose veins at bay.

    And we won’t have to look at a rusty 790.

    *giggle* Actually, that’s a pretty funny mental image.

    Kai: The dead do not ….zzzzzzzzzz

    Stanley hits Kai on the shoulder.

    Stan: EH? What did you say? Speak up boy!

    in reply to: OT: WTC Attacks #48973

    Thanks Squishy. Well worth the read.

    *pets that topknot*

    in reply to: Vlad is up! #56107

    Sadgeezer, you are…well…a sadgeezer. [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]

    No, Kai isn’t sucking on anything, and it’s not what you think it is. I’ll keep the old mouth hole closed about what it is, don’t want to give away too much about the episode in such an innocent messege. *adjusts halo*

    I guess if you want spoilers, just go to the episode review. heh.

    [ 24-09-2001: Message edited by: trillian ]

    in reply to: hello everybody! #48963

    Hello. Do you have your martini and swizzle stick? Your gutterproof pants and shoes?

    Well, you don’t really need them, but they do come in handy sometimes. [img]images/smiles/icon_razz.gif[/img]

    Vitame Vas! (I hope I spelled that right, it’s supposed to be We Welcome You in Czech)

    [ 23-09-2001: Message edited by: trillian ]

    in reply to: Paul Donovan Interview – Please help! #48893

    yes, thank you very much FX.

    Now that I’ve rewatched Vlad, you must promise to corner one of those CGI folks and tor…erm..kindly ask if the percentage of CGI shots has gone up this season.

    Also, where did they get the inspiration for the castle?

    Everyday, the more I realize how much of the episodes are possibly CGI, the more amazed I get. It’s just astounding.

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