Aeryn Crichton

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  • in reply to: Harry Potter #43070
    Aeryn Crichton

    I went to see the movie, and I loved it! I haven’t read the books, but I’m going to read them now. It’s hard for me to tell others that I like Harry Potter here, though. I live in such a religious area. There are so many fanatics here. I was telling one of my friends what a good flick it was, and some guy started yelling at me. I was working at the time, and I just told the guy that my opinion was mine, and I needed to get back to work. It’s just crazy here!

    in reply to: the ultimate buffy spoiler- those who don’t want to know, do #43029
    Aeryn Crichton

    Boo hoo! I don’t get UPN! So, I’m having to miss these great exchanges between Spike and Buffy. I’ll just have to rely on reading about them for now. I’ve been a Spike and Buffy fan ever since that ep when Willow’s spell goes awry, and Spike proposes to Buffy. It’s one of the funniest eps that I’ve ever seen! And, to be honest, I felt like crying with Spike in the ep about his past when he cries because Buffy has rebuffed him. I think that a pairing between them would be great! Spike really has changed.

    in reply to: I’M SO EXCITED #58918
    Aeryn Crichton

    That’s great! I’d be upset if they stopped showing it over here. Where are you all in terms of season and episodes?

    in reply to: Been gone too long #58869
    Aeryn Crichton

    I just wanted to say that I’ve been gone for way too long too. Between work and school, I barely have time to sleep and eat (okay, so that’s an exaggeration, but you get my point). I’ve enjoyed watching Farscape M-Th since there aren’t any new episodes. It’s been good to see episodes that I haven’t seen in so long, and some that I missed when they were first on.

    in reply to: The Dark Crystal #42870
    Aeryn Crichton

    Yeah, it’s a great movie. The things I remember most are Ogra, Fizgig, of course Kira and (can’t remember his name except that it starts with a J), and the Skeksis. My dad does such a good impression of a Skeksis saying “Essence of Gelfling”. I always feel so sorry for the pod people when they’re being attacked.

    in reply to: Buffy Questions! #43007
    Aeryn Crichton

    I could be wrong, but I don’t think that Willow becomes a witch until the 3rd season or so. She tells Buffy about dabbling in it in the 3rd season opener. Spike is in his wheelchair about halfway into the 2nd season. Angel becomes Angelus about 2/3 into the 2nd, and Jenny dies a few episodes after the Angelus transformation. I can’t remember when Kendra comes back. She was first on the episode where Spike is trying to use Angel to revive Dru.

    in reply to: LEXX fan #58959
    Aeryn Crichton

    I like Farscape better. I really like the relationships and friendships on it. There’s John/Aeryn and John/D’argo, etc. I do love Lexx too, though. I think that thing that I like more about Lexx than Farscape the characters. I just like almost every character on Lexx, whereas there are several on Farscape that I hate.

    in reply to: Cult sci-fi movies #43127
    Aeryn Crichton

    I had to go fishing around for this topic again because I saw another great cult movie the other night – Ice Pirates. Anybody else familiar with it? It was one of my favorite movies when I was little. I hadn’t seen it in so long. I’m guessing that it’s a cult movie because I just don’t think that it would have been a big hit.

    in reply to: Favorite Sci-Fi Clichés #42781
    Aeryn Crichton


    Originally posted by siglum:
    any time there’s a count down with a clock
    of some kind that shows the remaining seconds
    until total disaster happens. every time i
    see a scene in a show like that i’m just so
    enthralled by the suspense, you just never
    know if the hero/heroine will be able to save
    the day…

    What about not just showing a clock, but also having the clock unrealisticly counting down. It’s usually going way to slow. I also have to agree with the screaming females thing. There seems to be some sort of sidekick cliche. Maybe, they can be stupid or funny.

    in reply to: Favorite sci/fi Quotes! #42839
    Aeryn Crichton

    I’d just like to give you a hand Dalektek for including all of those quotes in Huttese, and whatever other languages those are [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img].

    in reply to: Jump the shark #43464
    Aeryn Crichton


    Originally posted by DalekTek790:
    Now, [i]Doctor Who[/i] improved greatly after the Colin Baker Doctor got killed off (in a sense) and we got Sylvester McCoy. That was when the show almost reached the Davison level of perfection, but not quite. I, personally, thought Bonnie Langford was pretty good. I mean, she was no Janet Fielding but Mel was a good companion and she played her well. I don’t see why everybody loves Ace so much. [img]images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif[/img]

    Those are my [i]Who[/i] thoughts.


    “Exterminate!” -Dalek warrior, [i]The Daleks[/i]: Episode 4-[i]The Ambush[/i]

    “Feel the power of the dark Crystal!” -skekTek the Scientist, [i]The Dark Crystal[/i]

    “I will love you forever!” -drone #790, [i]Lexx 1.1: I Worship His Shadow[/i]

    I do agree that Sylvestor McCoy was a good doctor. But, I liked Ace, and hated Mel. I think what I hated about Mel was her voice. And, she seemed to scream way too much.

    in reply to: Jump the shark #43457
    Aeryn Crichton


    Originally posted by DalekTek790:
    Farscape-When the beginning credits ended [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]

    Them’s fightin’ words [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]! Well, here’s what I think –
    Original Trek – never jumped
    Star Trek TNG – when the writers thought it would be cute to get Worf and Deanna together
    Deep Space Nine – when the writers got Worf and Jadzia together
    Voyager – I didn’t get to watch enough of it to have an opinion
    Doctor Who – when Tom Baker’s doctor was killed, and Peter Davidson came on [img]images/smiles/icon_wink.gif[/img]
    Lexx – never jumped
    Farscape – sure hasn’t jumped, although Zhaan’s death hurt it
    Mann & Machine – never had a chance to go downhill
    Friday the 13th the Series – season 3 when Ryan was turned into a child in the 2nd episode – or even when Johnny was introduced in Wedding Bell Blues in season 2
    Quantum Leap – never jumped
    Buffy – had a slight jump after season 3, but has got better than ever last season
    Angel – hasn’t jumped yet
    V the Series – didn’t have a chance – damn NBC for cancelling it!

    in reply to: Enterprise #42748
    Aeryn Crichton


    Originally posted by Monkey:

    And to add one more note, DS9 was soooo much better then most people credit for!
    One more note, all that I have on my X-mas wish list is the Cpt. Archer doll( oh to be life size)
    Ook Ook the Monkey is back!

    Yeah, I agree with you Monkey. I loved DS9! I watched the first 3 seasons of it faithfully, but then my cable company started getting a different Fox which didn’t show DS9. I was so crushed! I was so in love with Dr. Bashir. And, I was always rooting for Bashir and Dax to get together. I get some channel (CBS 59) now that shows DS9 on Sunday nights. I’m catching up with it again! Oh, and I agree with you about the life size doll. I wasn’t too impressed by the movie Lord of Illusions, but I own it just so I can see lots of Scott Bakula skin!

    in reply to: Scifi shows you’d like to see #42710
    Aeryn Crichton

    Well, it might have been done before, but I’d love to see them do V the series again. The last episode was such a cliffhanger! I would love to see the series revived with the original actors (most of them have aged well).

    in reply to: Enterprise #42746
    Aeryn Crichton

    I don’t get UPN, so I guess I won’t get to watch it (unless anyone knows of another channel that’s showing it). The previews look good. I’m a Scott Bakula fan, so I know I’d love him as captain. Oh, what’s with this Trip guy? Some people on another board were talking about him like he’s some sort of sex symbol. What kind of a character is he?

    in reply to: New FARSCAPE MOVIE #58994
    Aeryn Crichton

    I had read about this in some magazine. It said that Brian Henson has planned to do a movie all along, and now seems like a good time with the popularity of the show. I hope that they do make one! Oh, and thanks for the link Sadgeezer. I’ll have to check out that article too.

    in reply to: name YOUR faves #42759
    Aeryn Crichton

    Here are a few of my favorite things –
    1.”The Puppet Masters” – the movie was pretty good (although very different from the book), but read the book to get the full experience.
    2.”Starship Troopers” – I read this for my adolescent lit class, and I just loved it!
    3.”Something Wicked this Way Comes” – wow! Bradbury is just a genius. I can’t say enough good things about this book.
    4.”The Catswold Portal” – my brother gave me this book about 5 years ago, and I’ve read it so many times since.

    in reply to: vidcaps? #58817
    Aeryn Crichton

    It seems like I remember going to a site that was called something like the Farscape vidcap junkyard. It had tons of them, but I’m not sure if that’s what it was called or if it’s still a site.

    in reply to: Stark -love/hate #58899
    Aeryn Crichton

    I guess I’ve always kinda liked Stark. I think he should have been booted off instead of Zaan, but that’s just me. I think that he could be a wonderful asset to the show if he could get an interesting storyline.

    in reply to: Nickname for character #58850
    Aeryn Crichton

    I guess I have called John something like “hot, sexy, tantilizing love machine” before. And, I’ve probably called Chiana something like “stupid bitch”. But, your friend’s nickname for D’argo is unique [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img].

    in reply to: John dead!? What the hell is going on!? #58816
    Aeryn Crichton


    Originally posted by _Alpha2012Omega_:
    But it seems you haven’t caught these past few weeks of episodes.

    To be more correct, THAT John is dead.

    b)You missed the last few,

    encore, au revoir

    Yes, I missed a few (maybe several episodes). My cable company just started carrying the Sci-Fi channel, and for so long, my brother was having to tape it for me. Needless to say, I hadn’t seen my bro in a while, so I hadn’t caught up on the episodes. Thanks for easing my worries [img]images/smiles/icon_smile.gif[/img]!

    in reply to: OT: World in shock #42622
    Aeryn Crichton

    Yeah, I think that I’m still in shock over everything. It kinda hits home for me because the FBI has named a student at a college about 20 minutes from mine as one of the terrorists. I don’t think that they’ve found him yet. He had dropped out of school the Friday before everything happened. Well, I’m proudly displaying a flag in my apartment window, ribbons on my car, and I’ve donated some money (I would have given blood if the drive hadn’t been cancelled here). Oh, and yeah, I’m back again (if you couldn’t tell). I’ve finally paid my internet bill.

    in reply to: Favorite sci/fi Quotes! #42815
    Aeryn Crichton

    Okay, I can’t remember exactly how this one goes, but here’s one from Farscape –
    “Hey, I was lips, you were tongue” – John to Aeryn
    Here’s my favorite from Aliens
    “Game over man, game over” – Bill Paxton
    And, I know that I’m screwing this one up too, but here goes one from Return of the Jedi –
    “Together again.” “How are we doing?” “Same as always.” “That bad, huh.” – Luke and Han

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    in reply to: I´ve had it! #42271
    Aeryn Crichton


    Originally posted by crusader:
    [b]Noone ever ansers my post´s or topics anymore!
    Maybe I´ll check back by x-mas and se if you have! [img][/img]


    Crusader, please stop speaking in absolutes. I know for a fact that I’ve responded to several of your topics. I just responded to your quotes one the other day.

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    in reply to: episode 2 title #42313
    Aeryn Crichton

    God, that is a terrible title! I will be keeping my fingers crossed that it’s changed. Attack of the Clones is just too much like Attack of the Killer Tomatoes or Attack of the 50 ft. woman.

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    in reply to: I’m back again! And, I’m out of work! #42268
    Aeryn Crichton


    Originally posted by Monkey:
    [b]You call your self Aeryn Crichton and want to know Buffy rumors!?! I was thinking you might have something to say about Johns death! Why did you choose AC then?


    Oh, I want to know Farscape rumors too. I was just mentioning one thing in general that I’m anxious about. If you’ll notice, I have posted a new message on the Farscape board. Believe me, I’m such a huge John/Aeryn fan!

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    in reply to: Favorite sci/fi Quotes! #42810
    Aeryn Crichton

    Hmm, there are so many good Star Wars and Bruce Campbell quotes. Where should I start? Okay, here we go –
    1.”You’ll find I’m full of surprises” – Luke in Empire
    2.”Stop that.” “Stop what?” “Stop that. My hands are dirty.” “My hands are dirty too. What are you afraid of?” “Afraid?” “You’re trembling.” (I can’t remember what’s next)… “I happen to like nice men.” “I’m a nice man.” “No, you’re not, you’re…” (interrupted by Harrison Ford’s lovely lips) – do I even need to say that this is Leia and Han in Empire
    3.”First you wanna kill me. Now you wanna kiss me. Blow.” – Ash in Army of Darkness
    4.”Hail to the king baby.” – Ash in AOD
    5.”We’re gonna get you, we’re gonna get you. Not another peep. Time to go to sleep.” – deadite Linda in The Evil Dead

    in reply to: Buffy rumours #42400
    Aeryn Crichton


    Originally posted by Aleck:

    (she’s now with some guy from [i]Angel[/i]).


    Yeah, she’s dating Wesley Wyndham Pryce (or Alexis Denisof). But, anyway, I could really see Willow turning bad. She really got to unleash her anger this past season. It would definitely be an interesting turn for her because I loved her as vamp Willow.

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    in reply to: Cult sci-fi movies #43112
    Aeryn Crichton


    Originally posted by Catalina:
    Dark Crystal– I _love_ that movie.

    Another great one:
    Labryinth– Possibly my favorite cult movie. David Bowie as the Goblin King, a ridiculously melodramatic heroine, cool Muppet-creature-things and music you’re afraid to admit you like but catch yourself humming for days afterwards.

    Yes, I love The Dark Crystal. And, okay, I’ll admit it. I do own the Labyrinth soundtrack. I just love the songs in it – especially “As the World Falls Down”. Another great cult film is definitely Flash Gordon. Oh, and it might not be popular enough to be a cult movie, but I love the Rocky Horror sequel “Shock Treatment”. It has great songs throughout!

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    in reply to: Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals #42137
    Aeryn Crichton

    So, do you mean that Final Fantasy X for Playstation 2 will be the last Final Fantasy game? That’s quite upsetting. I got Final Fantasy Chronicles last week, and playing part II (or IV as it is on there) has really made me see what I love about the games again. I hope that the legacy isn’t over, though, because I’ve been a fan for 10 years!

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    in reply to: Where is everybody? #42185
    Aeryn Crichton

    Sorry that I haven’t been here in a few weeks, but I’ve almost become a full time worker at Subway. Between working and doing housework, I just don’t have much time to get onto the internet. I guess I’ll have to start making time [img][/img].

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    in reply to: Guilty Pleasures/Bad Movies #42264
    Aeryn Crichton

    I have to agree about Flash Gordon being a definite guilty pleasure. The music is great too! I do have another flick to add to the bad movie list – Dracula 2000. I kinda enjoyed it up until the entirely far-fetched ending. Has anyone else seen it? What do you think of the ludicrous plot twist?

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    in reply to: Guilty Pleasures/Bad Movies #42246
    Aeryn Crichton


    Originally posted by tolandria:
    [b] Hey!! I love Bruce Campbell movies!!

    Yeah, I’ll watch just about anything (like Congo or even the remake of the Love Bug) just because Bruce Campbell’s in it! He just brings a certain something to every movie that he’s in. Oh, and Aleck, that’s good to hear about Last House’s DVD release. I’ll have to get it.

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    in reply to: Proposed: New UK Buffy Spinoff #42043
    Aeryn Crichton

    I think that it could be a great show. I read that Anthony Stewart Head will be on recurring status next year on Buffy, so maybe he could use his spare time to do this show. Giles is a great character.
    Spoiler for those who haven’t seen the Buffy season finale
    I couldn’t believe it when he killed Ben! I have such respect for Giles now!

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    in reply to: Favorite Star Trek!!! #42334
    Aeryn Crichton


    Originally posted by crusader:
    [b]1. Favorite THE ORIGINAL SERIES episodes! (Name if you can and a explanasion of the episode)
    2.Favorite THE NEXT GENERASION episode! (Same thing here)
    3.Favorite DEEP SPACE NINE episode! (You know the drill)
    4.Favorite VOYAGER episode! (Same old thing)
    5.Favorite Movie! (Here to)
    6.Favorite series! (Way this one?)
    7.Favorite caracter!(Way this one?)
    8.Favorite Star Trek… some thing I forgot!!!
    9.Say what you think about Star Trek!!!

    1.The Trouble with Tribbles – just because I think the little guys are so damn cute
    2.The Naked Time – I always thought that it was fuuny that Data and that Lieutenant who got killed had sex
    3.If Wishes Were Horses – very entertaining episode
    4.The Pilot – I always loved this one
    5.Either The Wrath of Khan or The Undiscovered Country
    6.Next Generation – I really liked the characters on it the best
    7.Picard or Dr. Bashir (because he’s so sexy!)
    8.I’ve always been a fan of the Klingons
    9.It’s amazing how they’re able to come up with new, fresh ideas for every series. I’ll always enjoy it. It’s just timeless.

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    in reply to: Names #42299
    Aeryn Crichton

    My name seems pretty obvious. It’s based on a wish that Aeryn and John will eventually get to be together (if she’d stop being so stupid). They deserve some happiness!

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    in reply to: X-FILES! Thats not right!!! #42095
    Aeryn Crichton

    Hello everyone! I just got internet at my house for the summer, and I’m working at Subway for the summer, so I’m just now getting to post again. So, what did you all think about X-Files’ finale? Did you all see the whole Scully’s baby being Jesus and Lone Gunmen as the Three Wisemen thing too? My brother still won’t believe me that Mulder’s the father of Scully’s baby (I think that the kiss proves it). He says that if that’s true, then Mulder must be God since Scully’s baby is Jesus. I have no problem with that [img][/img].

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    in reply to: Most Powerful Space Ship? #41842
    Aeryn Crichton


    Originally posted by tolandria:
    [b]Out of sheer love of loyalty I would have to say the Millenium Falcon simply because it’s the fastest ship in the galaxy and it’s pilot is Han Solo. I have faith in it. . .blind faith.


    I couldn’t agree with you more tolandria. It is “the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy”. Anything from Star Wars has to be the best ship! Oh, but I’m also inclined to say a Klingon Bird of Prey since they had that cloking device thing.

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    in reply to: The Mummy Returns – will it be cheesy? #41898
    Aeryn Crichton


    Originally posted by BlackCloud:
    [b]Cheesy? Honey, I think it would be extremely gouda as long as this beautiful man is back guarding the tomb! Man was so fine I forgot what the movie was about! [img][/img] I just received the ultimate DVD in the mail so I have a free ticket to the Mummy Returns! So, now I have to hope the beautiful Oded Fehr doesn’t get eaten by scarabs or mummies or sand critters (oh, yeh, and Brendan, too).

    [This message has been edited by BlackCloud (edited May 01, 2001).][/b]

    Oh, I thought that the guy who played the mummy and Oded were just beautiful too! If only I could have hair as silky and pretty as Oded’s [img][/img]. I like that John Hannah will be back too. I’ve always loved his movies. I think that it’s funny that he’s in another big budget movie since he said that he’d never do them.

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    in reply to: science fiction music? #41796
    Aeryn Crichton


    Originally posted by Catalina:
    hmm, theme songs…
    I love the Angel theme music and if that Recod of Lodoss War song Aeryn mentioned is what I think it is(Kiseki no Umi?), it’s good too.

    I just love the Lodoss music in general like Fantasia of the Wind, Adesso e Fortuna, and the song that’s played when Parn jumps down to save Deedlit at the end. Kiseki no Umi might be one of them, but I only know two of the song titles.

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    in reply to: Hi…I’m new, and I’d just like to say… #41748
    Aeryn Crichton

    Hello littlestar! Welcome to the board! Don’t worry, I’m still becoming more Lexxperienced too. I’m more of a Farscape expert!

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    in reply to: science fiction music? #41790
    Aeryn Crichton

    I always like groovin’ to the Doctor Who theme music from the early Tom Baker episodes. I also love Angel and Buffy’s themes as well as Twin Peaks’. As far as movies go, my favorite piece of music is Han Solo and the Princess. I also like the music from Princess Monoke and Record of Lodoss War. And, I love Final Fantasy’s theme music like the Celtic versions of the music along with the songs from Pray.

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    in reply to: Favorite shows #41729
    Aeryn Crichton

    Oh, have any of you all seen the 70s cartoon called Battle of the Planets? My brother recently got a tape of episodes of it on Ebay, and it’s pretty neat. I was originally a Japanese cartoon, but most of the violence from it was taken out for the American version. One of the characters was voiced by Casey Kasem.

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    in reply to: big Big BIG B I G changes #41715
    Aeryn Crichton

    I just wanted to say that I really love the way that the site looks! It’s totally revamped, and I love the new graphics.

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    in reply to: Chat room #41861
    Aeryn Crichton

    I just actually haven’t been in it before. I’ll make sure to drop by sometime, and I’ll talk to you!

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    in reply to: Hi i was told never to do this #41762
    Aeryn Crichton

    Oh, welcome Jabba! Don’t worry, I don’t pick on newbies because I remember being one myself. I’m so happy that there are so many new people posting here [img][/img]! It makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside!

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    in reply to: im definetly a sad geezer and proud of it!!! #41738
    Aeryn Crichton


    Originally posted by CBrate:
    [b]My parents are largely unaware of the scifi. Its just like explaining roleplaying to them. By the end they though I was running around somebody’s backyard, pointing finger-guns and playing cops and robbers.

    Hee hee! My parent’s are so sci-fi illiterate too! The only thing that they remotely know is Star Wars (my mom always surprises me when we play Star Wars trivial pursuit). But, they were great parents because I always had any Star Wars thing that came out in the 80s!

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    in reply to: X-Files – What will become of Mulder? #41922
    Aeryn Crichton

    I liked the little Mulder and Lone Gunmen reunion on this past week’s episode. I was sweet! I knew that Doggett’s friend was going to be an alien. Oh, and I knew that the cult guy was going to be killed. Has anyone else noticed that he’s the actor who played Lieutenant James on V and was in Star Trek 2? I liked the fact that the prison was in West Virginia – hee hee since that’s where I live! Some of their best episodes have involved West Virginians like the woman in Small Potatoes.

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    in reply to: Browder as Scorpius? #58785
    Aeryn Crichton

    Yeah, I think that Ben did play Scorpy in some of the scenes where John was being taken over by Scorpy. It sure looked a lot like him.

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    in reply to: Any thoughts about Roswell?? #42047
    Aeryn Crichton

    I watched Roswell last season, and I watched part of this season, but I really haven’t seen it in a while. I missed a few episodes, and I just got totally lost as to what was going on. Maybe, I can catch back up with the reruns.

    “I love you” “I know” – Princess Leia and Han Solo
    “First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me, blow” – Ash from Army of Darkness
    “Darling, you idiot!” – Lum from Urusei Yatsura
    “Who is this Anya!? Is she prettier than me!?” Xander’s sock puppet friend from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

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